Tuesday, May 2, 2017

than you

I have written many things in my life,
thought many thoughts,
fantasized many fantasies,
dreamed many dreams,
but none of them
are more important
than you;
I have written of imaginary lovers
and foolish ideas,
all of which
seemed so important,
but were nothing,
nothing at all,
when compared to the love
that we share,
you are the reality
which has kept me holding on
to this life,
for more years
than I can remember,
yours is the touch
I long to feel,
the voice
I long to hear,
at the end of the day,
when nothing seems real,
when nothing is true,
as all the thoughts and ideas
go drifting away
like smoke,
from a burning campfire,
you are the part of me
I can never let go,
no matter how hard
this need to destroy
everything that I touch
has tried;
there is no one
I would rather be with
than you.


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