Thursday, June 27, 2013


I cannot go where you are in
this land of impossible perfection,
this home of beautiful dreams and
never ending fantasies where
tears do not fall;
a world for others;
not us.

In the morning I watch your face
for the last time,
we both know words
will never be enough;
everything ends,
everything is temporary,
everything just an illusion,
always just a touch
beyond possibility,
always a bit more
than can be imagined;
this great sorrow,
this magnificent sadness,
this other reality;
eventually truth catches up
with us all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


How can there be;
right or wrong,
good or bad,
yes and no;
every breath is unique,
every voice a beacon
by which the truth
might call;
judgment a foreign
occupying a land
not of its own.

The morning begins
just as it left,
the breaking day looms ahead,
the trail bending and
moving forward
with unsettled uncertainty;
there is very little choice;
illusion remains,
weaving its way into
the fabric of the myth,
mystery hovers like
a descending bird,
with death lying in wait;
mourning the only light
ever known.

I watch these children,
they have more than what
could be considered
humanly possible,
giants in a forest
of dwarfs,
victors in a
world of defeat;
champions midst
the obscurity.

Monday, June 24, 2013


I am slowly being consumed,
I die a little bit more
as I wonder
who is listening,
and who is only
I have nothing left to say,
everything has been said,
I cannot make people listen,
I have done all I can do,
on my own I can do nothing,
nothing at all;
the past moves on,
quietly becoming no more;
the misery,
the suffering,
the struggling;
everything changes,
everything fades;
even this;
they watch from afar,
waiting for the destruction,
carried on by the wind,
glowing with the anticipation;
there is no beginning,
there is no return;
farther along,
somewhere down the line,
deeper into the divide,
shattered by the consumption,
confusion spreads it’s mighty tongue,
buried deep within the confines
of this burned out refuge,
where even the echoes
become silent,
these lines to nowhere,
these forgotten denizens;
when do you fall?
I have come to a crossroad,
I can no longer find goodness
in people,
I see only hidden agendas,
we are all failed,
we are all ravenous dogs,
we are all hypocrites;
all our noble deeds,
all our false concerns,
simply a show
to make us feel
good about ourselves;
in You I cling to one last hope,
in You I still see the potential,
in You I have been redeemed.

Friday, June 21, 2013

without You

everything changes,
everything remains the same,
everyone is innocent,
everyone is to blame,
some things are just
too ridiculous,
some things are
just too much pain;
there is nothing
without You.

the morning dawn looms
dangerously ahead,
as the fading nighttime sky
silently gives up her unborn
dying and dead,
holding on to what little is left,
just one more mile to go,
all the lost and forgotten dreams,
all the ones who will never know;
everything changes,
everything remains the same,
everyone is innocent,
everyone is to blame,
some things are just
too ridiculous,
some things are
just too much pain;
there is nothing
without You.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Beautiful Dream

I wait outside her domain
like a dog in heat,
I listen to her voice
pounding within like
ocean waves on a dark
angry night,
she holds me in arms
of shifting winds;
without shape or form;
hiding quietly within,
like a carefully guarded secret,
she flows like an underground river,
dancing like a butterfly on the wind,
mesmerizing and energizing,
a gentle whisper,
a bright white light,
fresh and clear,
like a star
twinkling in the night;
my last pure thought,
my only reprieve,
when everything else has been
shattered or destroyed,
exposed and denied,
she is my silent refuge;
my beautiful dream.

Monday, June 10, 2013

boardwalk and parkplace

we all have to go through it
sooner or later,
it’s just that
I would prefer it
to be later;
but if not;
it has been a good ride,
not great,
but good enough,
of course
there are things
that could have been
done differently;
there always is;
but in the end
there would only
have been more questions
without answers,
which really mean nothing
even though we always think
they do,
but they really
all roads lead
to the same place
I think if
I had it to do
all over again,
I’d just skip
the detour
and go
directly to jail;

do not pass go.


all my life;
I have been waiting for magnificent words of truth,
searching for polished pearls of passionate wisdom
hidden within the great and wonderful secrets
of an unknown universe,
which when read would illuminate the mind
and liberate the soul
with the might and power
of which they speak,
I have read all the egotistical, self-serving
bullshit of others,
I have listened to all the self-made giants
speak of glorious triumphs
over the inner man,
I have heard all about their total and complete
conquests of the human spirit,
and in them all I see the vanity and futility
of their watery words,
they are all just passing vapor,
disappearing into the portals of time,
they are as nothing or anything,
gone within the exhalation of a breath,
snuffed like summer bugs
on highway windshields;
they scurry around like cockroaches
in the middle of a kitchen floor,
they fly like ravenous bats in the dimming
nighttime skies,
they shift and moan like a whore
on a sultry Saturday night,
they rape and pillage until there is no more,
they cry out while dying a thousand deaths,
impaled upon the scallions
of shame and conceit;
I have played these word games before,
I have won and lost,
I have created illusions of the mind
while hiding within the walls
of palatial palaces,
showing only enough to satisfy
payments due,
while arousing the passions
of unquenchable fires;
but this time the stakes
are beyond the limits,
this time there is no convenient
way out,
there is no providential safety net
spread out below,
this time it is for real,
this time it is life or death,
this time it is final;
in here there are no secrets,
in here everything is brought out
into the light;
I know that for You
all things are possible,
I know that You and You alone
are LORD of my life.

perfect world

in a perfect world,
frightened young US Marines,
do not throw grenades
into unknown Iraqi homes,
killing 2 year old Iraqi babies
along with their terrified Iraqi mothers,
as they try to shield them in their arms;
in a perfect world,
true justice does no harm
to the helpless and innocent,
in a perfect world;
heroes are perfect;
but when does enough become enough?
when does truth overcome lies?
when do facts matter more than fiction?
when does spin and myths
give way to reality and dead Iraqi babies?
and yes,
there are always two sides
to every story,
there is always more
than meets the eye
there are always underlying
and mitigating factors
which cannot be adequately understood,
unless you were actually there;
but still;
there are dead Iraqi babies,
along with dead Iraqi mothers,
and young, frightened US Marines,
left holding on to memories and consciences,
reciting official company lines
and other man-made truths,
while wondering inside
how everything became so twisted
and wrong;
in this almost
perfect world.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Memories of a King (or god)

I remember that day in August 1961
as if it were yesterday,
waiting outside Comiskey Park,
the Yankee’s team bus nearby,
holding on to my aunt’s hand
while the reporters and others
buzzed and milled about,
all of us waiting to catch a glimpse of a man
who I thought at the very least
must be a king or perhaps even a god,
although at the time
I didn’t really understand why;
I remember the commotion as this king (or god),
emerged from the stadium darkness,
reporters rushing forward, camera bulbs flashing,
my aunt pushing me to the front,
with pencil and paper in hand,
to my six year old mind,
he was everything a king (or god) should be,
tall, blonde and crewcut,
hard as a rock with a jaw
that looked like it was chiseled from stone,
eyes of steel that flashed with anger
as he pushed his way through the reporters,
ignoring their questions,
the pant leg of his thigh
brushing my hand as he went by,
bounding up the bus steps then
angrily throwing his duffel bag
against the window;
today I understand the pressure and stress
he must have been going through,
trying to break the record
of an even greater king (or god),
but when you’re six you don’t understand
that even kings (or gods)
have bad days at the plate,
when you’re six you only know
something’s upset the king (or god);

and you cry.

Dangerous Combinations

cold rainy Monday afternoons,
thick, rich, dark glasses of Guinness,
Stevie Ray Vaughn on the jukebox and
attractive, strong-willed, red-headed
Irish women named Susan,
make for
dangerous combinations
so far from home,
yet they leave a
sickly sweet sensation
deep within this darkness
called a soul,
like when I was a child,
stealing forbidden cookies
from the kitchen cupboard;
it would never end;
but soon,
it will all be part
of the never ending ocean
of old memories and
forgotten stories,
that could have been,
that should have been,
but were not
and never were;
I always was
a pushover
for attractive,
Irish women.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Life Song

have I told you
what it is
that guides me here,
calling out
to be seen,
to be touched,
to be felt;
the dark
and fantastic mystery,
it is all there is,
it is everything,
it is nothing,
the loudest roar,
the quietest whisper,
it is the past,
it is the future,
it is the present,
it is the innocent,
the guiltiest of the guilty,
the brightest light,
the darkest night,
it is all that is evil,
it is everything that is right,
it is crystal clear,
it is confusion,
it is here;
and it is gone.


Colorado Gold Mining

Oh Colorado,
what delight you took in misery then,
lying shattered and ruined
yet there remained time,
as the future appeared
so full of endless dreams and possibilities,
in the middle of ancient temples
ripe for the ransacking;
in the morning
you walked into the
dark and empty streets,
waiting for a Denver sunrise
which never came,
boarding a bus for the ride to Greeley
which never seemed longer;
the pawnbrokers had little sympathy
for lost love and broken memories,
offering only a pittance,
but you were glad to take it;
even dead men      
have to eat.


Somewhere he waits
and I listen,
as the silence
grows painfully louder;
I wish I could tell you that you’re mine,
but you’re not and never were,
still there is that bond
and I guess that is the way
it will always be;
I wish I could show you
the beauty of your
shining sisters’ smiles,
I imagine you must be
very much like they are,
except they are mine
and you are not,
and never will be;
I make no excuses
for the things that took place,
and I wouldn’t have any
even if I did,
to be honest
it didn’t have a thing
to do with you,
as hollow as that may sound,
it’s just the way
things worked out,
but still I do remember;
which is more
than I left to you.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013


so that’s what this is,
all this time
I thought it was just
quiet voices
whispering softly
inside my head,
fragmented thoughts
coming and going,
so much left unsaid,
must be a fine line,
perhaps the inflection
or tone
makes the difference;
and just think
it comes without years of study
or warm shots of whiskey;
who would have thought it possible?
certainly not my old English teacher.

where are you now?
don’t you have
any wise words now?
are you still enjoying
being an intellectual

did you have your
did you go through
your obligatory
tell me
do you still
look down
your pointed little nose
and pass judgment,
who deserves life
and who doesn't?
is everybody
still cast
into the roles
of dumb jocks
and cool non-jocks?

I gave you a glimpse
inside my soul,
you tossed it aside
with nothing more
than a glance,
I gave you all there was;
all you gave me
was a D.

From the Heights to the Depths

I die a thousand deaths with you,
falling 2000 ft past
roles and rules of
dubious impropriety,
beyond decency
and molds of
sacred sobriety,
into far-off rolling hills,
gently beckoning,
softly cajoling,
whispering for more,
as reflected changes fade,
and tomorrow blends into today;
together we have faced
the best,
escaped the worst,
survived with all
the rest,
becoming something new,
something else;
something unknown.

Distant guns blaze away,
smoking and smoldering,
pounding and hammering,
swirling inside forgotten
and forlorn tempests,
drifting without a home,
floating on the breeze;
out here there are no
no predetermined
out here there is only
this and that,
here and now,
closely followed by
felonious miscreants,
sacred imposters,
intent upon perpetrations
of questionable valor,
plundering and pillaging,
falling down before
the dawn,
replacing methods of madness,
silently drowning out
the moment;
this love is like layers,
peeling back one
only reveals another,
quietly hidden
within the depths
of this empty fortress.


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