Saturday, January 26, 2013


Sports, sex and food,
those are about
the only things in life
that have ever really
interested me,
and I've only been good
at two of those,
well okay,
I used to be good at two,
I only do one well;
bores the shit out of me,
and on top of that
I don’t really understand it,
yet somehow
here I am,
a highly trained technician,
in a highly technical field,
pushing buttons,
watching red and green lights
go on and off,
thinking about the leftover steak
in the refrigerator,
and the secretary with the nice ass,
or how my daughter
can improve her basketball game,
sometimes I imagine life
living in a stone cottage,
overlooking the ocean
on the western coast of Ireland,
writing whatever comes to mind
all day long,
then walking into the village at night
to drink a few pints,
tell a few lies,
then stumbling home
to crawl in bed
with a good woman,
big and soft,
who moves with passion,
moaning out of control,
and keeps the house clean;
excuse me,
I gotta push a button.

soon enough

soon enough,
soon enough;
shadows fall upon
hidden fields,
covering invisible wounds,
followed by morning
somewhere lies
middle ground,
fresh and innocent,
untested and true,
struggling among
the forgotten debris,
running from unknown
lost within all
the other dirty details;
soon enough,
soon enough;
you think you know,
but you do not,
you never can,
you never will,
there is so much more,
so much beyond
all that you can see,
so much more
than you can ever know,
quiet moments,
late night visits,
fallen kingdoms,
far away dreams;
soon enough,
soon enough.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


The laughter rings in my ears,
the silence covers the night,
like a worn out lover
inviting everything into its domain,
like flies
in the spider’s web,
echoes of the past
bang into the walls of my mind;
who am I?
how did I get here?
I remember a road
on a dark starless night,
I remember your laughter,
I remember your scream,
I recall everything;
which means nothing.

Ah Kathleen,
your hair was like silk,
you smelled of springtime flowers,
we were young,
we were lovers,
we were soul mates
traveling the road to Dublin,
then you were gone,
I searched for you in the meadow,
but you were not there,
I screamed out your name,
but received no reply;
oh my Kathleen,
where have you gone?

Time has no hold on our love,
our love was greater than time,
it was greater than life,
our love was endless,
even death cannot keep me
from you,
remember the moon,
we watched it rise,
you saw the fairies
and called them out by name,
we danced till the new day sun
came out;
oh my Kathleen,
where have you gone?

O Eire

O Eire,
who could taste your sweetness
and not cry out for more,
who could stand upon your
mighty cliffs,
or walk the banks of
the river Shannon
and not feel your
mystical magic?

Your hills
breathe with life,
so young and fresh,
yet with a wisdom
so ancient and old.

O Eire,
even the mightiest invader
is overwhelmed
by the power of your charm,
succumbing not to your sword
but to your spirit,
you take not their lives,
rather you take their souls,
making them prisoners
to that which they had come
to imprison;
O Eire.

W. B. Yeats

Welcome old friend,
come in from the cold
and rest awhile,
I recognize your voice,
it is one I have heard
many times before,
the accent was
a little different then,
but still it is the same.

We have talked often
you and I,
during that soft
and painful transition,
as I tried to hold on
to the dark and dying night,
and you patiently waited
for the pale morning dawn,
you must tell me old friend,
have you found that precious
light of a new day,
for which you waited
and searched
for so long?
ah well;
nor could I
hang onto the darkness,
but what difference
does it make?
it is in the trying
that matters most,
you and I
were never born
to live in the black
or the white;
it is the cracks in between
where we belong.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
Luke 12:2-3
All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed by man, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil,  full of deadly poison.
James 3:7-8 

Pride blinds the eyes of those it fills,
creating illusions and deceptions,
turning brother against brother,
sister against sister,
breaking friendships and bonds,
destroying everything in its path;
words spoken in the darkness
find their way into the light.

You choose your relationships
and friendships like commodities,
something to hold on too
when they are useful
and serve a purpose,
something to toss out
like the morning trash
when the usefulness and purpose
are gone.

We are all filthy rags,
we have all fallen short,
eventually we all fail,
no matter how many
positive thoughts we fill our minds with,
no matter what fantasies
we choose to live in,
no matter how much knowledge
we think we know,
no matter what bold words
our tongues spew forth;
in the end
truth is all that survives.

up here

up here,
all your wealth and prestige
don’t mean a thing,
all your well-tanned, good looks,
all your Armani suits and Rolex watches,
all your Rolls Royce’s and BMW’s,
all your witty, funny stories,
all your holier than thou piety,
all your false humility
and self-serving righteousness;
mean nothing at all.

up here,
there is no right or wrong,
no innocence or guilt,
no judgment or blame,
up here it is do or die,
fight or flight,
kill or be killed,
up here dead men
tell tall tales,
up here bullshit walks
and survival talks.

I have been to this edge,
I have seen the emptiness below,
I have gazed into the darkness beyond,
through it all You were there,
through it all You were by my side;
up here,
there is nothing
without You.

Friday, January 11, 2013

More Than I Deserve

She’s more than I deserve,
better than I could ever hope for,
a companion through times both
good and bad,
a friend until the end,
standing by my side
when no one else will,
a sounding board
for the madness,
a shelter from the wind,
a sexual fantasy,
a warm summer’s dream,
riding out the storm
in Calera, Alabama,
surviving the threats
of a dark future,
always there,
overcoming fears and barriers
to be by my side;
more than I deserve.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Not Even a Sparrow

Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.                                       Luke 12:6-7

In the morning
Your voice softly speaks,
telling me not to fear,
bringing peace
to my troubled mind,
removing the chaos and confusion,
lighting up the darkness,
proving that You are real,
reminding me that You see
everything I do,
that not even a sparrow falls
without Your knowledge,
and that I am worth more
than many sparrows;
thank you Lord.

Help me overcome
the spiritual darkness,
help me remember
that the arrogance and hypocrisy
of others will pass,
help me turn the other cheek
when I am attacked,
silence my lips before they utter
foolish words of vanity and evil,
teach me to control this flesh
seeking only self-fulfillment
and self-preservation,
remove anything
that is not of You,
let others see You through me;
let me be a son
of the living God.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

without You there is nothing

here within the silence
of nighttime shadows
lie unexplored depths,
mountains ready to climb,
dreams worth dreaming,
unspoken words
waiting for discovery;
without You
there is nothing;

for everything there is a price,
unseen costs and unknown tolls,
untold suffering and unspeakable sacrifice,
invisible lines and barriers without relief,
fantasies beyond the realm of possibility,
more than we can comprehend,
symptoms of the fear,
part of the process,
payment for services rendered;
without You
there is nothing;

trapped within the truth,
hiding among the enemy,
running from the end,
searching for secret sanctuaries,
they can take it all,
they can strip the clothes
from your back,
but they can never take this,
they can never take You,
so much lost,
so much forgotten,
so much unknown,
so much farther to go;
without You
there is nothing.


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