Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Who is right and
who is wrong?
I am like a beached whale;
and who is right
and who is wrong?

The silence remains,
hiding behind
darkened windows,
shadows within the
silky smooth,
hot and bothered,
passionately pure,
blends of this,
shades of that,
pieces of the
unfinished puzzle,
none of it real,
none of it genuine,
none of it true;
who is right and
who is wrong?

Within these walls
are many tales,
much laughter,
rivers of sorrow,
oceans of tears,
pools of sadness,
victims drowning
within their own blood;
we are all right,
we are all wrong;
winners and losers,
fighters and failures,
lovers and haters,
innocent and guilty,
doomed and redeemed;
this is all there is,
this is all we have.

I cannot dream
what I do not know,
I cannot know
what I do not dream.

Friday, November 16, 2012

now it begins

When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
                                                                                                            Revelations 8:1
 night does approach,
dreams do fade,
silence awaits,
time no more;
now it begins.

love fades,
hypocrisy rises,
iniquity abounds,
self-proclaimed children of light,
fingers of judgment,
objects of wrath,
no mourning,
no shame,
no remorse,
sitting as a queen;
in one day her plagues
will overtake her.

Stolen Ground

I have tasted heights so high,
I have swam depths so deep,
touching things along the way
which were never mine to keep,
traveling beyond all there
was to know,
yet still there is more,
so much more to go;
confusion and sorrow color
these early morning skies,
answers lie hidden
among alternatives and
cascading lies,
places once called home
crumble into the far-off fading light,
faces once called friends
disappear into the approaching black
of this forever growing night;
take my hand,
lead me from this land,
hear my voice,
help me make a stand;
darkness grows above,
storms rise from below,
over-fed pretenders
prepare for the final show,
in this never ending battle
which can never be won,
raging just beyond
all that can be overcome;
into the nighttime void a
whisper does sound,
shadows of tomorrow looming large
across this stolen ground,
mistakes of yesterday forever lost,
innocent blood shed,
freedom at such a staggering cost;
take my hand,
lead me from this land,
hear my voice,
help me make a stand.


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.                                                                                     Ephesians 6:10-12

All around the battle rages,
the enemy silently waits,
unseen, unknown,
beyond sight,
beyond touch;
beyond understanding;
slaves to all that we see,
all that we hear,
all that we feel;
yet we see nothing,
we hear nothing,
we feel nothing;
mirrors and smoking guns,
illusions and disappearing truths,
cheap parlor tricks played out
on morning talk shows,
here today,
gone tomorrow,
the war never ends;
the enemy never sleeps.

The Only Way Out

“The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” John 12:25

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

I am tired,
really tired;
tired of fighting to
prove my worth,
tired of trying to be
something I will never be,
tired of caring what
the world thinks of me,
tired of being afraid,
tired of wondering what
tomorrow might bring,
tired of being a slave,
tired of the fantasies
and illusions most live under,
tired of listening to the
self-righteous, stick your head
in the sand, I’m ok,
you’re ok, look at me,
aren’t I special, individuals
who think that this world,
and the people in it
are basically good;
because they’re not;
human history
has proven that
over and over again;
this world was broke
a long time ago, and
there is only One Way
it will ever be fixed,
it will take a power
far beyond anything
this world will ever

real truth does not
it never has,
it never will,
it is absolute,
it is irrevocable
it is final,
it is beyond human
comprehension or thought,
it is a rock upon which
all who fall will be broken,
and all upon whom it falls
will be crushed,
only man-made truth
changes with the wind,
bouncing from one
theory to another,
one self-created god
to the next;
what sad, pathetic fools
we truly are,
created with so much
yet settling for so much
selling out for a few brief
moments of pleasure,
caving in to fears and desires,
trading truth for myth,
light for darkness;
life for death.

Amidst the fear and decay
there remains One hope,
a light set upon a hill,
an escape,
a reprieve,
a small, still voice in the
cold, dark night,
do not harden your heart;
do not turn away from the only
way out of this life.


I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isaiah 45:5-7 (KJV)
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. II Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV)
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)

Once again the storm begins to build,
the raging winds start to blow,
through the chaos and darkness
You stand like a shining
light upon a hill,
a mighty rock which can never
be moved,
a haven in which to take shelter;
a small, still voice within
the howling madness.

Trapped within their fear,
running from their mortality,
they see
but they are blind,
they hear
but they are deaf,
You are so much more than
psychology or philosophical babble,
so far beyond political agendas or
simple human persuasion;
denying the sovereignty,
demeaning the righteousness,
twisting the truth;
failing to grasp the power.


I don’t write a lot anymore,
it’s not that I can’t,
it’s just that there isn’t
much left to say,
I have been to the dark edge,
I have seen the other side,
I have known the lies,
I have known the truth,
I have felt the light,
I am ready for the end
I am ready for the night;
I am ready to begin.

I have been blessed in ways
which words can never describe,
there is nothing that I desire,
there is nothing that I want,
everyday is a gift,
every minute a miracle,
every breath a reprieve,
this body continues to struggle,
but it is only temporary,
a slight inconvenience,
a momentary delay,
it will fade like
the evening sun,
all that will be left is love;
all that will be left is You.

You have made this possible,
You have brought me to this place
I could never find by myself,
You continue to stand by my side
when death is all I deserve,
You continue loving me when I
can’t even love myself;
You are my King,
You are my Lord,
You are my Everything.

Saturday Morning Biscuits

The day begins with biscuits,
sausage and egg,
bacon egg and cheese,
it has become Saturday
morning ritual,
part of the routine.

Looking up,
the mountains call,
standing like ancient sentinels,
whispering like lovers
in the fading, forgotten mist,
beckoning you to travel
along their hidden trails,
a secret society,
a forbidden mystery,
but the growing pain
within your gut
says not today;
perhaps never again.

Below the James
gurgles and flows,
steady and rhythmic,
the frogs creak,
the daffodils bloom,
another spring awaits.

You think about
the people and places
you have known,
you wonder within;
does a lifetime of
mediocrity and underachievement,
lessen a moment of greatness?
does not light shine
through the darkness no matter
where or when it shines?
do careless words speak forever?

What Cost?

Your humanity,
your life,
your soul;
what cost this freedom?

Broken bodies,
broken promises,
broken lives,
broken dreams;
what price to be
a man?

Life is but moments,
moments of laughter,
moments of joy,
moments of sorrow,
moments of suffering,
every minute a struggle,
every second another
missed opportunity;
in the end they fade.

I wish I could
have been better;
a better father,
a better husband,
a better brother,
a better son,
a better friend;
that somehow
I could have been
more than what
I was.

For now we say goodbye,
yet still it does
not end,
this too is just
another moment;
fading like the evening sun.

The Hunger

The hunger gnaws;
this sickness,
this disease;
quickly trying
to catch the night,
before it flees
back from whence
it came.

Far off,
the lightning flashes,
the thunder rumbles,
shadows quietly slip away,
memories return like
messengers from the deep,
sending lesser men
then it is done,
as if it never
happened at all.

There are places
in this life
where no man goes,
hidden valleys
and lonesome ridges,
far beyond the imagination
and dreams,
it is here
that refuge is found,
a haven among the lost,
a resting place
within the storm;
out here
there are no promises,
no guarantees;
only silent desperation
and stolen expectations.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Better Left Unsaid

There are many things I could
say to you,
there was a moment,
in the fading sunlight
of a quiet summer day,
an inner softness revealed,
beauty not seen from the outside,
unguarded, unexpected,
just a passing touch;
but it was enough.

In a different time,
a different place,
another life,
things might have been
very different,
but the time is now,
the place is here,
the life is already lived,
but still,
there will always
be that moment;
some things are better
left unsaid
When you walk into my mind
the sparks begin anew,
there is a hunger
for everything that is you,
I want to feel you
from the inside out,
I want to pour out
everything that I am,
I want to explode within you,
I want to be possessed by you,
I want to tell you all that I feel,
some things are better
left unsaid.

not enough

what else can I say?
what else can I do?
what else is there?
you are inside;
like blood,
like bones,
like snot,
like cum;
you move with
the wind,
swaying on
the breeze,
rising and falling
like the tide;
not enough;
not enough;
not enough;
I breathe you like
I want you like
I hide you like
a secret,
I whisper your name
like an ancient society,
I consume you like
a pear;
not enough,
not enough;
I love you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thanks Hank

The squirrels become playful in September,
running to and fro,
chasing each other up and down trees
and telephone poles;
it makes me wonder what they know
that I don’t.

They drive Petey,
my Jack Russell terrier bonkers,
he whines and pulls at his leash,
dying to sink his sharp little teeth
into fresh killed squirrel hide;
life is easy in September.

I have been recovering from spinal surgery
for almost two months now,
I’ve learned if I sit very still
the pain running down my leg isn’t so bad,
I thought the pain would be gone by now
but I guess it is not to be,
sometimes I think it is for the best,
we need a little pain in life
to keep it all in perspective,
a gentle reminder,
a little thorn in the flesh
as the apostle Paul would say.

I picked up another Bukowski book the other day,
it was the first time in years,
I read one called ’35 seconds’ in the store
and it made me laugh out loud,
so I bought it;
“and that’s how
I hurt my
arm” – 35 Seconds, Charles Bukowski;
I guess you had to be there
to really get it,
he truly was a literary genius,
despite what the main stream
poetry world might think,
you have to read him very closely
to understand the depth of his pain,
and you have to read him even closer
to grasp the inner humor
that carried him through it,
most never get that close,
for most it is more
than they can bear,
they want their poetry
just like they want their life,
clean and sterile,
full of fantasy and fluff,
fresh from the minds
of those who never venture
outside their keyboards,
with freshly printed MFA degrees
hanging on the ‘studio’ wall,
minimizing and dismissing
anything that is uncomfortable
or real, calling it sloppy,
searching for technical and grammatical
correctness within words that are
empty and dead,
of course they don’t see it this way,
they would tell you just the opposite,
but their words give them away;
thank goodness he lived it for us
so we wouldn’t have to.
As I read him,
I wondered if he ever got the chance
to know the Lord,
not the one pushed by religion
or other man-made institutions,
but the real One,
the One who heals,
the One who saves,
the One who forgives,
the One who softly whispers
in the middle of the night:
“Don’t be afraid, just believe.”
the friend who sticks closer
than a brother,
my King,
my Everything.

I feel I know him well enough
(Bukowski that is),
that if he ever had the opportunity
like I did,
he would have seen the truth,
he would have understood the message,
his eyes would have been blind no more,
but I guess I’ll never know.

I think about how nice it would be
when I finally do enter the world
prepared for those who belong to the Lord
if I saw him there,
his dead pan, unassuming face,
quietly watching,
silently observing,
finally at peace;
completely healed;

how great it would be
if I could thank him
for exploring the parts
of the darkness I never could,
the parts that I probably never would
have survived,
the parts that would have destroyed me
then for writing it all down
so I  didn"t have to,
for helping me along this journey
when no one else could;

“Thanks Hank.”

The Great American Dream

The great American dream;
open roads,
rest stops,
all night diners,
cb radios,
tractor trailers,
Harley Davidson motorcycles;
when the reality is 15 year old RVs,
cruising the open road
two weeks out of every year,
maxed out credit cards,
dressing up like outlaw bikers
in Daytona and Myrtle Beach,
playing the slots in Las Vegas;
pretending the hypocrisy
and compromise
doesn’t exist.

The great American dream is a myth,
an urban legend,
a fantasy existing within the minds
of Madison Avenue ad executives,
a pipe dream bought and paid for by Nike,
a nightmare
designed to trap its victims
into a new kind of slavery,
the modern poor,
the new third world,
the great American dream belongs
to hedge fund managers
and the Bank of America,
the great American dream
died before it ever had a chance
to live;
the great American dream
is a lie.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An Uneasy Interruption

In the end
I will fade away
like the early morning dawn,
quietly changing from darkness
into light,
without a sound,
without a fight,
a passing whisper
in the middle of the
dark, crisp night;
we all do,
we all will,
we simply have
little choice;

words will mean very little,
relationships even less,
memories but a brief moment,
an uneasy interruption,
a passing vapor
in a world of swirling mist.

I have been to the mountaintop,
I have peered into the oblivion below,
I have heard the small still voice,
I have known the touch
of His calm, cool hand;
words will never be enough.

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Home

We hide inside our houses,
dreaming of the tomorrows,
imagining the possibilities,
running from the darkness,
mystified by the mystery,
trapped within the illusion,
waiting for the destination;
forever seeing,
but never knowing;
forever hearing,
but never understanding;
if it were up to me
I would stay in this place,
seeking shelter from the storm,
swallowed up by the myth,
drowning in the depths,
growing cold from the emptiness,
guarding Your truth
like a rare and precious jewel,
but Your grace knows better;
Your will demands more;
I am searching for my home,
but I don’t know how to get there,
so I quietly wait in the wilderness,
running from the ghosts,
hiding from the demons,
praying for a tomorrow;
my home is neither here nor there,
not ahead or behind,
not without or within,
my home is in a land far away,
a whisper on the howling wind,
a flicker in the candlelight glow;
close your eyes and it is forever gone;
my home is nothing,
my home is everything,
my home is all there is.

Out in the Wasteland

Is it possible to write
and still maintain integrity,
or am I only fooling myself?
do people really want to hear
mysterious confessions
hidden deep within
crazed, carnivorous caverns?
lost fantasies
beyond moral redemption;
who cares?
you want drama?
you want unspoken promises?
you want flesh-filled, flailing
among pieces of uncontrollable stench?
you want madness in the shape of art?
I hear they’re having a sale at Wal-Mart;
questions, questions, questions,
searching, searching, searching,
one surprise after another,
most never get past the door,
some barely hear the answers,
others quietly bury their head
in the burning, sinking sand,
then there are the rest;
locked-up alone
in silent solitude,
never making a sound,
never giving a clue;
dying without a chance;
that’s how it is
out here in the wasteland,
the price
of doing business;
the cost no one
can afford.

Confessions of a Mad Poet

He writes so eloquently,
with all the proper provenance,
all the MFA’s and PhD’s,
yet reading his work
is like running on a treadmill,
no matter how much effort you put into it;
you always end up
right where you began.
I suppose at one time it was different,
prior to the formal training and academic nonsense,
with all the self-proclaimed knowledge
and appearance of superiority,
I’m sure the words flowed natural and free then,
taking the reader on a journey
into never before seen, far-away lands;
but then the education got in the way.

I have tried all the natural highs,
all the mind expanding techniques
and self-promoting exercises,
all the little tricks of the trade;
alcohol works the best.

Sometimes I almost forget,
but then a song comes
on the radio,
an old video clip is played,
something is said,
and like tiny bubbles
in a bubble machine,
memories rise,
it all comes back;
the loneliness,
the isolation,
the sadness,
the darkness,
all night diners,
coffee and eggs
at 3 in the morning,
oncoming headlights,
the empty road,
the feeling of being unlike
everything and everyone,
the searching,
the attraction to
dark and mysterious things,
endless shots of whiskey,
never satisfied,
never enough,
always wanting more,
more, more,
standing at the edge of nothing,
peering into it’s oblivious perfection,
breathing deep
the intoxicating scent,
understanding the futility,
seeing through the myth,
fighting back the inevitable.

Sometimes the strangeness
became overwhelming,
all the differences,
the inner silence,
the unspoken words,
it’s a miracle
I never became a serial killer,
a deranged lunatic,
hiding out in public places,
waiting for a single nod,
a lone wink,
singular acknowledgement;
silent peace.

Yes, sometimes I almost forget,
but not quite,
it has been such a long time,
but it was never about fortune
or fame,
not about store bought
hypocrisy or witty,
tongue twisting words,
riding on the coattails
of expensive, inconsequential degrees,
complete with lifetime supplies
of picture-perfect, post-card images,
Vermont farms,
summers on the Cape;
it was so much more.
All I ever wanted
was to know that
somebody was listening,
someone saw through
the technical difficulties,
past the political correctness,
beyond incorrect commas
or questionable capitalization,
seeing something more than
paper and ink,
seeing the life
beating within the pages
of endless, mind-numbing sentences,
someone who could grasp the treasure
buried beneath the trash,
all I ever wanted is the same thing
every mad, raving, delusional, twisted
scum sucking, self-pitying poet wants;
to be heard.

I gave them passion,
but they only wanted bullshit,
I gave them agony and defeat,
but they only wanted bullshit,
I tried love,
I tried hate,
I tried darkness,
I tried light;
but they only wanted bullshit;
words to soothe
their bullshit minds,
pictures to fill
their bullshit lives,
paper with which to wipe
their bullshit asses;
self-made bullshit titles,
hiding behind unknown
bullshit presses
ending in ‘ville’
or ‘stanley’,
new paradigms,
publishing for the masses;

We are hanging on,
everyone of us,
waiting for just the
right moment,
ready to leap
whenever the chance
presents itself;
we are all hanging on.

They say death is cruel,
but usually it brings
hidden blessings,
when life no longer nourishes,
when words are not enough,
even non-educated fools
can understand the basics,
it does not require
above average intelligence,
it is not a learned affair;
it is something so much


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