Monday, June 30, 2014

If These Hills Could Talk

if these hills could talk,
what tales they might tell;
moonlit nights,
modified muscle cars,
racing down winding
mountain roads,
delivering weekly batches
of fresh ‘shine’ to the bars
and honky-tonks,
across the Roanoke Valley,
missing revenuers,
never to be seen again,
tucked safely in isolated
gullies and ravines,
their rotting bones
all that is left,
camouflaged fields of
the new ‘cash crop’,
growing undisturbed until
ready for market,
the armies of Grant and Lee,
flanking and counter-flanking,
trying to gain the higher ground,
each seeking an advantage,
the dead from forays
and undocumented skirmishes,
slowly dissolving into the
rocks and clay,
providing food for scavengers
and worms,
ancient rock altars,
built upon solitary ridges,
overlooking the valley far below,
shameful family secrets,
locked away for more generations
than anyone can remember,
silence the unspoken code;
if these hills could only talk.

Another Day in the Valley

the sky turns grey, with
fiery streaks of red,
wood stoves fire up,
smoke rises from chimneys,
a new day begins;
a train rumbles through the valley,
the James flows swiftly beside,
they come more frequently now,
coal cars packed to the brim,
on their way eastward,
to Richmond and Washington,
replenishing stockpiles in
preparation for winter,
just as they have
for a hundred years;
it makes you wonder
how much can be left;
in the distance, a hawk
soars above Gunter Ridge,
standing exposed, naked and bare,
glistening in the early morning sun,
leaves, three times the size of a mans hand,
cover the nearby ground,
forming a blanket through which squirrels
scamper to and fro,
deer hunters scour the surrounding forest,
searching for fresh meat and trophies,
hanging morning kills upside down,
as the blood drips to the ground below;
talking about the ten pointer
that got away;
everything remains the same,
everything changes,
just as it has for generations,
and you silently think;
why would anybody want it
any other way?

Not Much

it may not be much,
but it’s mine;
not some teacher’s,
not some mentor’s,
not someone else’s idea
of good or bad;
it is mine;
it tears them apart,
knowing they spent years,
learning all the rules,
all the techniques,
all the proper pronouns,
all the perfect suffixes,
paying all the dues,
establishing all the provenances,
only to find out,
it’s all bullshit;
it’s either there,
or it isn't;
I have seen their lies,
their hypocrisy,
their almost truths,
I have bought into
their system,
I have accepted their penalty,
I have paid their price;
I am free.

The Trail

I come to you at last,
my secret refuge,
my final stand;
it is a journey I have
been making,
all my life;
you taste like chicken salad
sandwiches, and bottles
of Pepsi-Cola,
on the last day of school,
before summer break,
like hot, July mornings,
when your dad is taking vacation,
as your mother packs the cooler,
for trips to ‘Deer Forest’ or
‘Tower Hill’,
sampling her potato salad,
wanting more;
never enough,
never enough;
time is running out,
it is there in every step,
every whisper,
every breath,
but it is okay,
we all arrive at this destination,
my spirit cries out,
just once more,
just once more,
but the body says no,
never again,
so you travel in your mind,
in your thoughts,
you remember the view,
the touch,
the feel,
you remember the cool breeze,
blowing on your face,
the crows cawing out,
the valley floor,
lying so far below,
the sun shining on your face;
you remember the quiet,
the solitude,
the peace;
you remember
the days gone by,
you see the road ahead,
with a sigh,
you start down the trail
leading home.


“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”         Mark 14:38
new beginnings,
the past swept clean,
nowhere left to run,
nothing left to give,
moments of temptation,
unkind words,
unrehearsed thoughts,
traveling into the darkness,
this world surrounding
every side,
releasing the filth
lurking within,
once again I fail,
once again I fall short,
once again the spirit is willing;
but the flesh remains weak;
You have taken me places
never before seen,
You have given me opportunities
and second chances
not deserved,
standing by my side,
through every raging storm,
raising me up,
after every fatal fall;
disciplining me
as a beloved son;
thank you Father,
for Your unlimited
mercy and grace,
thank you for loving me
more than I could
ever love myself;
I cannot survive
without You,
my life is nothing
without You.

I Am Going

the rain outside reflects the mood;
cold, wet and tired,
the world slows down,
unable to sustain the momentum;
we hardly take notice;
moments pass us by,
until there is nothing left,
betrayal becomes inevitable,
behind treacherous walls of
sardonic infidelity,
complacency swallows up her victims,
like leftover children, in lonely dumpsters,
filled with jewels of the night,
and other bedtime stories;
I am going,
but I’m not going
quick enough;
youth lies wasted,
energy a one-way street,
we can never go back,
we can never return to places
lost among the shadows;
somewhere within the ruins,
strangers lie empty and drained,
hidden by lost memories,
and walls of battered abuse;
forever searching,
forever wondering
forever knowing;
sometimes, we become so baffled
by the bullshit,
we forget about the clarity,
losing sight of the prize,
forever lost in the fog;
sometimes, it’s nothing more than words,
sometimes, words say it all,
sometimes, words are all there is;
sometimes words aren't enough.

The Final Frontier

By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked; Before me every knee will bow, by me every tongue will swear.   Isaiah 45:23
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.   Philippians 2:9-11
at last,
the final frontier,
prison bars removed,
iniquity and filth,
buried in the ground,
freedom forever;
fear and doubt
no more;
so close,
the taste burns
within your dry,
empty mouth,
truth uninterrupted,
light without limit,
glory beyond imagination,
flesh without sin;
life without death;
it is here,
You have brought me,
it is now,
for which I have waited,
perfect power,
pure and unblemished;
every knee shall bow,
every tongue shall confess.


Out On The Edge

out on the edge,
people and places are seldom
what they seem,
lines become blurred,
light but a reflection,
faces come out of the night,
moving beyond darkness and death,
winter winds blow cold,
leaving trails of broken bones,
rising into the emptiness beyond;
out here,
all hope has died;
sitting here,
watching the rain fall,
nowhere left to go,
no more room to run,
the voices slowly fade,
the faces silently disappear,
everything passes with time,
nothing lasts forever,
is truth enough,
or does darkness win?
without love,
are you only
fooling yourself?
nothing is hidden,
that will not be revealed,
no debt goes unpaid,
a reckoning
for every word whispered
in the night;
an accounting
for promises made
but never kept.

Everything in its Place

He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”   Luke 10:18-20
everything in its time,
everything in its place,
everything changes,
everything remains the same;
the wind blows where it will;
who knows the approaching shadows?
who understands the raging depths?
who can see this terrible darkness?
the growing tempest looms
on the far off horizon;
it has begun,
it is finished;
“Nothing will harm you”
everything is temporary,
everything fades,
this never ending dream,
rises like some ancient
early morning mist,
building from ashes
long since past,
as the day comes for those
who hold on to tomorrow;
while the night waits for the rest;
here we shall fall,
here we shall stand;
if I only could,
you know I certainly would;
for everything there is a cost,
for everything there is a loss;
you were mine,
and I was yours.


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Everything I Need

walking in the darkness,
the pain grows stronger,
becoming more than I think
my body can bear,
with every breath,
with every step,
You teach me the value of mercy,
You show me the price
of suffering;
You are the potter,
I am just the clay,
even though I have nothing,
with You I have everything I need;
this body fades,
time turns everything into rust,
being with You is all that matters,
walking with You all that I desire,
glorifying Your name my only purpose,
serving You my only mission;
You are the potter,
I am just the clay,
even though I have nothing,
with You I have everything I need;
Lord, I am so close,
look down on me now,
see the humility of my heart,
know the sorrow contained within,
remove the darkness,
save me from the sadness,
fill me with Your love,
lift me into Your arms;
every hour,
every minute,
every second,
everything I have,
belongs to You;
You are the potter,
I am just the clay,
even though I have nothing,
with You I have everything I need.


I search for answers and truth,
among the shadows and fringes,
I travel through this land
of dying dreams and false hopes,
and no matter where I turn,
it always comes back to You;
You are every answer,
You are every truth,
You are all I need;
when nothing seems right,
when the light no longer shines,
when the whole world comes
crashing in,
You are there like a cool
springtime breeze,
when no one hears,
when no one cares,
You stand by my side
closer than a brother;
the King who laid down His life
for a wretched piece of filth
like me;
in this life I have become a joke,
a fool without hope,
a lost ship tossing and turning
upon raging ocean waves,
look inside and see so much more;
see the sincerity,
see the passion,
see the desire,
see the love;
I am ready Lord,
ready to do Your will,
ready to belong to You
ready to come home to You;
make my life fruitful,
make me a well from which
living waters flow,
make me a son in whom a father
may take pride.

Knowledge of God

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counselor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.   Romans 11:33-36
wandering alone,
destroyed by the moment,
overcome by the magnitude,
afraid of the consequences;
eternally gone;
I have fallen short,
I have been less,
I have not been
all that You created
me to be;
I don’t comprehend the reason,
I can’t explain the why,
I only know through You,
it will all work out
in the end;
without suffering and pain,
there would be no relief,
without sadness and sorrow,
there would be no joy,
without darkness and evil,
there would be no light;
without You,
there would be no hope;
thank you Lord,
rebuke me when I am wrong,
discipline me as a beloved son,
praise Your holy name forever,
to You belongs the glory;
to You shall I belong

In The Morning

in the morning,
I remember a simpler time,
a sweeter life,
warm Florida mornings,
with air so pure,
you could taste the promise
with every breath;
but none of it compares
with You;
who can speak of Your
wondrous glory and light?
what words can describe
the magnitude of
Your mercy and grace?
what sounds may be uttered
that reflect the majesty
of Your perfect love?
rain Your spirit down on me,
open my mind and eyes,
illuminate my soul,
let me find the words
which glorify
Your holy name;
lead me,
when I am blind,
remind me,
when I forget,
show me,
that without You
I am lost;
without You,
I can do nothing at all;
restore the joy,
remove the darkness,
heal the damage,
open my eyes,
fill me with Your love,
let me shine
with Your light;
bring me home
to You.


Look Down On Me Lord

look down on me Lord,
see the weakness,
witness the weariness,
understand the pain,
hear the depression,
feel the frustration;
know the burning desire
to belong to You;
so many answers,
so little truth,
remove this sadness
living inside,
make perfect
the imperfection,
take away the lust
and temptation,
fill me with Your peace;
heal the damage done;
O my Lord,
everything fades but You,
all are false but You,
You and You alone
are life and truth,
You and You alone
are the holy King of the Universe,
let Your love and light
guide my crooked path,
let me walk in the shadow
of Your wondrous
mercy and grace,
lead me to living waters
that never cease,
deliver me from the evil
lurking just outside,
overwhelm me with Your
marvelous love,
teach me how to become
a son of the living God;
praise Your holy name forever!


No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.   Romans 8:37
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”   Matthew 19:26
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in  you is greater than the one who is in the world.   I John 4:4
I awake in the middle
of the dark and silent night,
helpless and afraid,
surrounded by the still and quiet depths,
overcome by the worries and cares,
reminded of an uncertain tomorrow,
fearful of all that lies beyond my control,
then You softly speak,
filling me with Your love,
overwhelming me with Your grace,
cleansing me of sin,
restoring my soul,
reminding me that I will never be alone;
that with You there is no condemnation,
no rejection;
I sometimes wonder
just where this road is leading,
and I know no matter what lies ahead,
You will see me through,
You will be by my side,
You will provide a way;
through every trial,
through every test,
You are there,
holding me up,
when I can no longer stand,
providing strength,
when there is nothing left;
through You I am more than a conqueror,
through You all things are possible,
through You I am greater than the world.


sometimes it becomes hard,
separating friends from foes,
good intentions from bad;
truth from lies;
in a world ruled by flesh,
humility is sometimes
replaced by pride,
issues clouded by agendas,
clarity overcome by confusion;
egotism and self-glorification,
hidden within the face of love;
You have witnessed it all,
every dark, angry thought,
every sinister, evil plot,
every treacherous betrayal,
every late night denial;
remaining silent at the accusations,
withstanding the pain and lies,
loving when there was no love in return,
giving when there was nothing left to give,
forgiving when you had every right to hate,
walking the path no one else could;
sacrificing Yourself,
for the sake of the whole world;
Lord, I have nothing worthy of You,
I am but filthy rags in Your presence,
fit only for death and destruction,
Your love goes beyond my comprehension,
Your mercy more than I could ever deserve,
help me to forgive those with selfish motives
and hidden agendas,
help me to love those who do not
deserve my love;
help me to be like You.


in the night,
I remember places
I have been,
I remember forgotten things,
small things,
things which only
You know,
and I feel Your
wondrous touch,
Your magnificent
mercy and grace;
all my life,
You have led me
to this moment,
and now I am ready,
now I can comprehend,
now I am Yours completely,
now I will belong to You
do not let me be a well
without water,
do not let me be a dark angry cloud
within the approaching tempest,
do not let me walk down paths
leading to death,
do not let me be pious
for piety sake,
let me be a living spring,
from which all may drink,
like a mighty raging river
let Your unconditional love
flow from within,
as a brightly blazing beacon,
set upon a hill for all to see,
let Your marvelous light shine forth,
fill me with the splendor
of Your precious Holy Spirit,
allow me to be a messenger
of Your glory and truth;
praise Your holy and beautiful name,
my King, my God, my Savior
my Everything.

Friday, June 27, 2014

A Time For Everything

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.  What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil – this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him    Ecclesiastes 3:1-14
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.   Romans 8:37-38
in the early morning silence,
You softly speak,
revealing mysteries and truths
I cannot fathom,
surpassing all my understanding;
Your ways are not my ways,
Your thoughts are not my thoughts,
You are the vine,
I am just the branch,
all my ideas,
all my words,
are nothing without You;
there is a time for everything,
a time to be born,
a time to die,
everything You do
endures forever,
nothing can be added to it,
nothing can be taken from it,
death does not end it;
nothing shall separate us
from Your love.


Going Back

it’s never easy going back,
turning around in mid-stream,
fighting the swiftly flowing current,
it can take every ounce of energy
you possess;
it can be a very
painful process;
you’re forced to relive
all the mistakes,
all the missed opportunities,
all the things that
could have been,
should have been;
it’s not something
I recommend anybody try;
bad things can happen
when you turn around,
unexpected things,
unforeseen things;
things that would have been better
left undone;
things that should be left in their
rotting, shallow graves.

Something Special

“If you can’t say it in one page,
then it isn't worth saying;” he says,
“anything more than one page
is a waste!”
I tend to agree,
but sometimes you need just
a little bit more,
sometimes there’s loose ends,
sometimes one page
just isn't enough;
the problem with most is an
ill-conceived notion that quantity
is what counts,
when just the opposite is true,
less is more,
passion is the key,
with just a dash of mystery thrown in,
one word with clarity and conviction,
is worth a dozen without;
start with a mound of meat,
then cut and chop until
only the bone is left,
leave them thinking about the meat
never tasted;
then you got something special.


When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?”              Genesis 3:6-11
“You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those to whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me.”   Revelation 3:17-20
once more you open my eyes,
showing me just how blind
I really am,
how wretched, pitiful and poor,
I have become,
revealing the evil lurking inside,
uncovering all the filth,
the inadequacies,
the incompleteness,
the nakedness;
Lord I am so far away!
I hear Your voice,
softly counseling,
gently rebuking,
quietly disciplining;
reminding me of the path
which leads to You;
Father, remove this darkness
once again,
heal the wounds as only
You can,
renew all that I am,
fill me with Your
precious Holy Spirit,
bathe me in Your
glorious light;
make me a son
of the living God.

There is no Fairness in Virginia

151 years ago Virginia fought a war, killing hundreds of thousands to protect their ‘right’ to self-determination as a state. They did so with no regard for the effects this ‘self-determination’ had on millions of people deemed less than human(by law), and therefore legally owned property. They did so to protect the interests of a relatively small group of wealthy plantation owners who stood to lose everything if the institution of slavery was abolished. They convinced the common folks of Virginia that this war was about ‘self-determination’, fairness and Yankee imperialism, but the bottom line is that it was really about greed and the desire to maintain a lifestyle which required a great deal of cheap, disposable labor. Their thinking was deceptive and backwards then, and little has changed in the ‘Commonwealth’ of Virginia as far as the ruling class is concerned. Today there are laws and regulations in Virginia which openly discriminate against certain categories of individuals. This is not an attack on the people of Virginia. The people of Virginia are some of the most gracious, kindest, ‘salt-of-the earth’ individuals you will find anywhere on earth. Fair minded, loyal individuals, who place their trust in God and government. In fact it is the basic fairness and sense of loyalty of the people of Virginia that legislators used then to fight a war, and use today in a battle that still continues.
there is no fairness in Virginia,
sitting in their Richmond offices
like a brood of vipers,
hiding behind their chivalry,
their heritage,
their mollified gentility;
basking in their
‘moral superiority’;
pompous bureaucrats,
playing politics,
making self-serving policies,
passing discriminatory laws,
destroying people and lives
in the process,
then throwing up their hands;
“it’s the law”,
(we have the right);
all the time
smiling in your face,
using long, drawn out,
gracious words,
dripping with hypocrisy,
stating well-rehearsed,
practiced lines,
providing legal and
self-righteous justification,
a soulless people,
trapped within their
own self-deception,
blinded by their ‘right’ to do so,
no matter what the cost,
trampling afoot,
those helpless to fight back;
a conquered nation,
seeking revenge.

None But You

Therefore Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”   John 10:7-10
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.   Acts 4:12
the night time sky approaches,
the last rays of sunlight break through
distant storm clouds,
small patches of blue linger,
creating pools of tranquility
within the departing maelstrom,
it is here I seek Your refuge,
it is here I hold on to Your hope;
for just a moment more;
another day comes,
another day goes,
the cost slowly taking its toll,
rising and falling with each
passing breath,
all the meaningless decisions go by,
all the thoughtless words fade,
still Your love remains,
still You pour out Your blessings,
where none are deserved;
light within the darkness,
life inside this death;
who can speak of wonders,
which words can never say?
who can understand mysteries,
which can never be known?
none but You Lord,
none but You.

Teach Me

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Matthew 16:25
You are perfection,
in a sea of turmoil and confusion,
You are mercy and love,
in a world that is blind,
all my righteousness and works
are but filthy rags,
before Your glorious throne,
break me into pieces,
that I might be reformed
in Your holy and wondrous image,
remove all that I am,
that I might stand
before Your magnificent presence,
destroy this creation called self,
seeking to raise itself above
the honor and glory that is Yours,
and Yours alone;
teach me how to die,
that I might live;
You shine like a mighty light,
amidst the darkness and gloom,
You are a drop of cool water
on the lips of a dying man,
You are the spring from which
living waters flow,
You are the bread of life
which comes down from heaven,
You are the vine,
I am the branch,
within You
I can do all things,
without You
I am nothing;
teach me how to die,
that I might live.

Look Close

look close,
this is all there is,
there are no hidden dreams,
no forgotten moments,
no writing on the wall;
this is all there is;
it is a slow, mind-numbing,
repetitious, middle of the road,
going nowhere,
empty container;
an insensitive beast,
full of blasphemous,
profane, iniquity;
I want to go beyond words,
beyond expression,
beyond limits,
beyond where anybody
has gone before;
put words in my mind,
describe the indescribable,
fill me with images of purity
and splendor,
beyond the imagination,
be bigger,
be greater,
be real;
make me more
than I am;
save me from the wretched
piece of filth
that is me.


I am waiting;
searching for truth,
reading the words of fools,
listening to the voices
of liars and thieves;
I see their agendas,
I expose their hypocrisy,
I understand their fears;
there is no love,
there is no pity,
there is only judgment,
there is only condemnation;
and still,
I wait;
one more day,
one more minute,
one more breath,
passing by unnoticed,
clarity has no meaning,
in this land gone mad,
insanity replaces greed;
truth does not
give up her secrets
without a fight;
we have consumed
all there is,
we have taken
until there is nothing
left to take,
we have stolen our
children’s legacy,
we have sold
our grandchildren
to the highest bidder;
it is easy
to become part of the problem,
when there is no solution,
easy to let go,
when there is nothing
on which to hang;
I live in a world,
begging for redemption,
I live in a world,
searching for truth,
I live in a world,
dying in its own filth,
destroyed by its own wisdom,
caught up
in its own righteousness,
floating on its own
I live in a world,
blinded by its own
afraid of its own fear.
look deep,
see that which no one sees,
reach out,
touch the night,
be one with the blackness;
I have survived so many setbacks,
I have moved past the letdowns
and disappointments;
what’s one more?
eventually nothing matters,
nothing is real,
it is all a fake,
it is all just another
days work,
nothing matters,
not me,
not you,
not today,
not tomorrow,
not the day,
not the night;
I am waiting;
now I write for me,
not for you,
not for others,
not for popularity,
not for approval,
just me,
life’s little dramas
play out,
going round and round,
falling down,
sinking out of sight,
forever gone;
words are never enough,
thoughts can only go so far,
when left to their
own devices;
does anyone listen?
does anyone care?
once again,
I go into the darkness,
where madness rules
and hope lies still,
facing the night,
waiting for the dawn,
surviving the fear,
searching for the light;
does anyone listen?
does anyone care?
You are all there is,
You are more than enough,
You alone hold the keys,
You are all I need,
help me now,
hear my empty cry,
save me from the enemy
waiting just outside;
when the words won’t come,
it gets hard
down here,
in this lonely land of the dead,
where everything
is not what it seems,
as faces come and go,
and truth lies hidden
among the lost and fallen;
for the first time,
it feels like the end;
I am waiting.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Part of the Cost

southern boys like their trucks
clean and sweet,
moaning and groaning,
like fresh young virgins
on warm Saturday nights,
dreamers dream,
lovers love,
sleepers sleep,
inside we all silently weep;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
kingdoms crumble,
melting like sand castles
beneath mighty ocean waves,
crashing violently upon
white sugary beaches,
stranding aqua-blue jelly fish
for all eternity;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
haughty, petulant children,
searching in vain,
for honor and truth,
hidden among ruins and ancient halls
of perfect darkness,
never finding,
never knowing,
never understanding;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
so many memories,
so much lost
along the way,
hanging on,
holding on,
with everything we have,
but in the end
they fade away,
like the early morning mist
before the
noon day sun,
and all that is left
are echoes,
silently bouncing
off empty,
forgotten walls,
there is no hiding,
no sanctuary,
no turning back;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
through it all,
You continue to look down,
through it all,
You stand by my side,
You are the beginning,
You are the end,
You are all there is,
do not leave me here Lord,
do not forsake me,
hear my plea,
forgive my transgressions,
deliver me from evil ways;
bring me home to You.

Through It All

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”   John 14:6-7
I have been on both sides of the fence,
I have been everywhere in-between;
I have worked for hundreds
of thousands of dollars,
I have worked for minimum wage,
I have tasted a life of privilege,
I have known the hopelessness
of poverty;
I have witnessed first hand,
the devastation of losing
I have worked at a desk,
using only my mind and fingers,
I have worked back-breaking jobs
that no one else would do;
I have seen people at their best,
I have seen people at their worst;
I have entered dark places from
which very few survive,
I have stood on the edge,
as the god of this world
quietly whispered in my ear;
“take one more step;”
I have seen demons,
dark and evil,
drive past in a car,
as I rode a bike
down the road;
I have talked with an angel,
her name was Vena,
she held my hand
as I lay in a hospital bed
having a heart attack;
I have seen people destroyed
by the very things from which
I was saved;
through it all,
You have been there
for as long as I can
quietly watching,
softly calling,
patiently waiting,
through it all, You have
lifted me up when I could not
stand on my own,
saving me when no one
else could,
protecting me when no one
else would,
through it all, You have
given me an education
that no college could provide,
no amount of money
could buy,
teaching me humility
and compassion,
helping me to stand,
allowing me to fall,
showing me the illusion
surrounding this world,
the lies that trap so many,
who do not even know
they are trapped;
no one makes it out of this life
without You,
no one comes to the Father
but though You.

Monday, June 23, 2014


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.   2 Corinthians 5:17
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.   1 Peter 2:9-10
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.   John 1:9-13
no longer the same,
no longer a slave
of this flesh driven body,
no longer a victim,
no longer trapped
by fear and death,
something different;
a new creation;
born of the spirit,
a foreigner,
walking in a foreign land,
a child of light,
called out from the darkness,
a chosen vessel;
a son of God;
let me walk in Your
holy righteousness,
teach me how to grow,
fill me with Your endless love;
guide my steps down the paths
which lead me home
to You.

Iraq, 9/11

America doesn't mind killing her young,
provided it is done neatly and quietly,
in strange, far away places,
hidden from the public spotlight;
where it is neither real
or personal;
only the price to be paid,
in this new war on terror,
which has neither beginning or end,
caught up in this mad glimmering illusion,
part of a master plan,
designed from the beginning,
to bring them to this exact moment,
having nothing to do with freedom,
or the dreams they brought along;
meanwhile, back in the homeland,
leaders look at a world made of matchsticks,
talking of victories and battles won,
while pointing out parallels between
European wars and Marshall plans,
which have as much in common
with Arabian nights as the mad hatter
and Alice in wonderland,
they do not see the truth,
because their eyes are blinded
by the grains of desert sand
blowing in their faces,
while those who led them to this place,
see the logs from which those matchsticks came,
knowing exactly where to thrust the stick,
to make the snarling beast react with rage,
using its power and strength,
to remove the tyrant they could never have
removed by themselves;
tell me, who is leading whom?
insurrections are handled swiftly
and decisively,
in the name of patriotism and
homeland security,
leaving no place for differences or opinions,
only revenge, as 87 billion is pumped into
an economy whose people aren't willing to fight
for their own freedom,
but will reap the rewards of a world,
dependent upon the power
lying beneath their soil,
while those paying for the reconstruction
fall farther and further behind;
watching their children lose hope in a dream
slowly sliding from their grasp.


ask yourself,
what was that dark, fateful day,
really about?
what was the real agenda?
prior to 9/11, what was the biggest obstacle
preventing fundamentalist Muslims
from achieving their goals?
who prevented them from controlling
the second largest oil fields in the world?
who persecuted them within his borders
on an almost daily basis?
who could be made to look guilty the easiest?
who could stir up old passions and hatred,
in the son of a man who had failed to complete
his mission 10 years earlier?
(paying a heavy political toll as a result)
who had the power to remove this tyrant almost overnight?
inflaming fundamentalist Muslim’s around the world,
rallying them to solidarity world-wide,
forming one of the most powerful alliances
in the history of the Muslim religion,
answer these questions then tell me;
what was the real purpose of 9-11?
in a calculated risk, those responsible took a gamble,
that the most powerful nation in the
history of mankind,
whose history has always been one
of leaping first and asking questions later,
would take the bait,
walking into a well-laid trap,
being fooled by carefully planted clues,
acting on hidden personal agendas,
which had nothing to do with terrorism,
blinded from the truth,
by the need to execute revenge,
tell me,
what was the real purpose?
now instead of being on their side,
the world stands almost united
in condemning their policies,
now voices within are speaking out
and beginning to be heard,
pointing fingers and speaking words of hatred,
against a president and his administration,
who was just as duped as they claim he is duping them,
now instead of wasting thousands of lives
in a hopeless war,
those responsible can simply wait,
obtaining what they want politically,
using the invading American infidels
as the catalyst;
what was the real purpose of 9-11?
Mullah Omar - 'God Willing,
It (America) Will Fall To The Ground'

LONDON - Following are verbatim extracts of the interview on BBC World Service radio with Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, conducted in Pashto and broadcast Thursday.

The BBC asked the questions through a Taliban intermediary over a satellite telephone. He passed them on to Omar through a hand-held radio, then attached the phone's receiver to the radio for the answers.

BBC: What do you think of the current situation in Afghanistan?

Omar: You (the BBC) and American puppet radios have created concern. But the current situation in Afghanistan is related to a bigger cause -- that is the destruction of America ...

BBC: What do you mean by the destruction of America? Do you have a concrete plan to implement this?

Omar: The plan is going ahead and, God willing, it is being implemented. But it is a huge task, which is beyond the will and comprehension of human beings. If God's help is with us, this will happen within a short period of time. Keep in mind this prediction.

BBC: Osama Bin Laden has reportedly threatened that he would use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against America. Is your threat related to his?

Omar: This is not a matter of weapons. We are hopeful for God's help. The real matter is the extinction of America. And, God willing, it (America) will fall to the ground.

BBC: During the past few days, you have lost control of several provinces. Are you hopeful to regain the lost territory?

Omar: We are hopeful that you will see the same kind of change that you saw (losing and regaining territory).

BBC: What was the reason for the fast retreat? Why have your troops fled the cities? Is it because you suffered heavily from the US bombings or have your soldiers betrayed you?

Omar: I told you that it is related to the larger task ...

BBC: Can you tell us which provinces are under your control at the moment?

Omar: We have four-five provinces. But it is not important how many provinces we have under our control. Once we did not have a single province, and then the time came when we had all the provinces, which we have lost in a week. So the numbers of the provinces are not important.

BBC: As your participation in the future government has already been ruled out -- if some of your forces decide to join the future government as representatives of the Taliban in general or to moderate Taliban, will you oppose it?

Omar: There is no such thing in the Taliban. All Taliban are moderate. There are two things: extremism ("ifraat", or doing something to excess) and conservatism ("tafreet", or doing something insufficiently). So in that sense, we are all moderates, taking the middle path. The struggle for a broad-based government has been going on for the last 20 years, but nothing came of it. We will not accept a government of wrong-doers. We prefer death than to be a part of an evil government.

I tell you, keep this in mind. This is my prediction. You believe it or not -- it's up to you. But we will have to wait and see.


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