Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mark 5:36

new roads lay ahead,
old roads faded into the past,
nothing was as it seemed,
nothing was made to last;
I could use these words
to write a faded memory,
I could cry these tears
over what always had to be;
Christmas and pearl necklaces
were never enough,
no matter how many shots
went down,
in the end she was just
a touch too far,
just beyond the reach
of silent schoolboy fantasies
hidden within small,
sleepy little towns,
still she hesitated for a moment
before heading back
out the door;
is this then it?
the moment for which
you have waited
all your life;
I am living on
borrowed time,
I know that,
but then we are all
living on borrowed time;
some more than others;
I awoke last night,
it was a little past three,
that is the time when it
usually kicks in;
the fear;
when everything is quiet
and you can almost taste it,
that is when I hear
His voice best,
and He comforts me
as He always does;
“Don’t be afraid;
just believe”


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