Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Am So Close

The words come,
the words go,
flowing and spinning
from there to here
and back again,
where too is never known,
where from even less,
like some mad river
gone wildly berserk.

I don’t want emotions,
I don’t want feelings,
I only want Your truth,
I only desire Your reality;

I only live for Your love.

I am so close,
I am so ready,
come to me

Without You the words are nothing,
without You there is no tomorrow,
without You the sun does not shine,
without You there is no hope.

One life,
can it really make such a difference?
does anyone really care?
when so many come and go,
when so much begins and ends;

does anyone really care?

So many greater than I,
so much more righteous than I,
love You with a love so pure,
how could You possibly love me?

yet You do.

Look into my heart,
see the hope growing within,
remove the thorns of darkness
choking life before it begins.

Take my hand,
pull me from these waters
swirling about my head,
reach out and heal the damage done,
take away the emptiness
as only You can.

In You will I trust,
despite what my eyes do see,
Yours is the voice to which I will listen,
no matter what my ears may hear,
Yours is the face I will seek
for all the days of my life.

To You do I belong,
now and forever more,
in You will I find refuge
from the raging storm.

How precious is Your word O Lord,
it is nourishment for my soul,
it is light before my eyes,
it is comfort for the weary,
it is truth in a world
where there is none.

I am so close,
I am so ready,
come to me

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