Thursday, July 7, 2011

Great is the Lord Our God!

When I drift off into the darkness of sleep,
You are the last thought on my mind;
when I awake to the light of a brand new day,
You are the first to enter my rested heart;

great is the Lord our God!

Let all my words speak of Your glory,
let every sound issued from my lips
bring praise to Your wonderful name,
let every creature fall down before You,
let every tongue cry out and confess,
that You and You alone are King;

great is the Lord our God!

Powerful is His mighty name,
mercy and righteousness go before Him,
truth and justice light His glorious way,
holy and righteous is He alone;

great is the Lord our God!

By Him alone were all things created,
by His hand do birds of the air fly,
by His voice do mighty oceans roar,
by His touch does every heart beat;

great is the Lord our God!

His love is beyond compare,
His faithfulness will never fail,
His words are like precious jewels,
His greatness exceeds mere words;

great is the Lord our God!

He reaches out His powerful hand
to the lonely and lost,
He brings comfort and joy
to the down trodden and despaired,
He heals the broken hearted,
He lifts up the poor in spirit,
by His marvelous light are His people led
through the darkness
of this forsaken wilderness;

great is the Lord our God!!!

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