Wednesday, January 10, 2018

the edge

I want to explore
the edge,
where no man goes
and from which
no man returns,
I no longer wish
to be held back
by places and things
that are safe
and warm,
I want to soar
to heights unknown
and caverns hidden from sight,
where creatures of the night
prowl and hunt
as majestic gods
look down in pity
upon frightened herds
from their own slaughter,
I seek a truth more truthful
than that
which is offered
by the distorted
twisted words
of those who seek only the obvious;
oh yes
give it all
to this simple
single wanderer,
throw it all away,
give it all back,
come run with me
through fields of crimson fire,
caress the eternal beast
and drink
with the thirst
of a thousand dying men;
even if for a moment.


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