Monday, June 16, 2014

Settling For Less

sometimes it almost isn't fair,
it’s like stealing candy
from a baby,
but then there are the other times,
when the candy just doesn't matter,
the small demeaning petty little times,
when even tea doesn't help;
in the end it all evens out;
so you tell yourself it is enough,
but how can it ever be enough,
when it has never been enough,
how do you hold on,
to places and people who are long gone,
heading for brighter nights, on their way
out the forbidden door;
deep in the battle,
perhaps I reveal too much,
as she finally is able to see,
just how little there really is,
even as I continue to search
for so much more;
the clock on the wall continues
outside the snowflakes fall,
without ever sticking,
lost lovers choose,
while never really picking,
children are dragged away,
screaming and kicking;
and still it goes on;
why not honor?
why not greatness?
yet it is mediocrity instead,
seeking comfort,
finding bare necessities,
existing to exist;
settling for less.


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