Friday, June 13, 2014

Excerpts from Lifesongs 9

keeping an eye on you
I had my bar dream
the other night,
only this time
it was a little different;
it started out the same,
same old rundown,
dimly lit,
hole-in-the wall bar,
with the same lowdown,
shady characters,
sitting around drinking
god knows what:
I have this dream
quite often,
and it always seems
as if I am finally
at home,
sitting on the barstool
with all the other
but like I said,
last night
was a little different;
this guy walked by
who seemed familiar,
“Bukowski?”, I asked,
he stopped and nodded,
and we started talking,
I told him he was the greatest,
which he took in stride,
I’m sure he had heard it
all before;
he wasn’t anything
like I expected him to be;
very polite,
and well mannered;
when I commented on it,
he just smiled and said;
“don’t believe everything you read kid,
especially if I wrote it;
then he said;
“I’ll be keeping an eye on you”
when I had been awake
for several hours,
I thought;
keeping an eye on me?
what the hell did he mean
by that?

now I know

now I know,
why junkies stick needles
in their arms,
and lie dying
in back street alleys;
now I know,
why death comes
before the body
actually dies;
now I know
what Christ felt;
now I know
where people go,
when there is
nothing left;
now I know,
just how black
the darkness of the night
can be;
now I know,
just how deep
the bottom
really is;
now I know,
and the needle,
and the powder,
and the shots of whiskey,
and death;
only make it
now I know,
and have lived
to tell about it.

you’ll see
I can’t write about this,
or that,
or that,
or this or that,
or that;
in fact,
I can’t write about
at all;
I’m not him;
but I can write about
how much I need
my fantasies,
like smiling at women
in the supermarket,
or making eye contact
at the mall,
how I need my
self delusions,
to keep my mind
in check,
or how I need
to feed
my out of touch
before it begins
everyone in sight;
yes it is not as easy
as one might
being me;
and if you think
I’m joking,
just try it
for an hour;
you’ll see.

boardwalk and park place
we all have to go through it,
sooner or later,
it’s just that
I would prefer it
to be later;
but if not;
it has been a good ride,
not great,
but good enough;
of course,
there are things
that could have been
done differently;
there always is;
but in the end,
there would only
have been more questions
without answers,
which really mean nothing,
even though we always think
they do,
buy they really
all roads lead
to the same place
I think if
I had it to do
all over again,
I’d just skip
the detour,
and go
directly to jail;
do not pass go.

“in the end,” I told her,
“I will be the biggest loser
of them all,
this is something
I have known
all my life;”
but it is okay,
it truly is;
I know who I am,
I have always known,
I just did not want
anybody else
to know;
there has always been
a barstool,
in a dimly lit
hole-in-the wall
with my name on it;
I was born
to be alone,
it is in my blood;
it is who I am;
“there are places
inside of me,”
I told her,
“that are so dark,
so alone,
that no one
can even imagine
what they are like;
places that scare
even me;
places where words
only scratch
the surface;”
I only have one purpose
in this life,
and that is
to be ready;
for the feel,
for the words,
for the voice,
for the muse;
whenever it passes
my way;
everything else,
is just
passing time,
everything else
is just a dream;
a life
for everyone
but me;
my only regret,
has been
sucking others
into the massacre
with me;
they never
stood a

on with the show
it always comes back to this,
no matter what;
it is the bottom line,
it is the end
of the road;
it is like being moses;
seeing the promised land,
all the time knowing
you will never be
finding the one,
who can make it all
without ever
being able to
but you know
she deserves better;
she gives everything
she has
to give;
can you do
any less?
so you do
whatever it is
you have to do,
to help make her dreams
come true;
you sell
whatever is left
to sell,
at bargain basement
so the show
can go on.

moments piled upon moments
we are not kids,
her and I,
we both know about
these things,
and while I may be
of many things,
there is one thing
I am sure of,
and that is:
there is no right
or wrong;
people are
what they are;
and you either learn
to accept that
or you don’t;
I do not love her
for the past,
I do not love her
for the future;
I love her
for the moment;
for who she is
when she is with me;
not when she isn’t;
these moments have built
upon one another,
until they have become
then days,
then months,
then years,
then hopefully;
they will become
a lifetime;
for that
is what love is;
piled upon moments;
it is a touch,
a look,
a smile,
a laugh,
a tear,
a kiss;
a word;
caught up
in a moment.

the word came down
from headquarters today,
we finally got our
marching orders,
we are shipping out
day after tomorrow;
it is a mixed blessing;
on one hand,
the waiting and anticipation
will finally
be over,
but on the other hand,
now the war
is about to begin;
it leaves a knot,
in the pit of your stomach,
it makes your mouth
turn dry,
but deep down inside,
you kind of like it,
because at least now
you feel alive,
even as you wonder;
for how much longer?
she tells you
not to let the door
hit you in the ass,
on the way out,
which makes you smile,
because at least now
you know;
there is some hope
for the future;
just maybe,
the gods really do
smile twice
in one lifetime;
but more than likely,

not hardly fair
the day started out good,
everything was blank,
it left me with the feeling
that perhaps,
was the day;
but it rarely
ever is;
you do begin to question
your manhood
when you flip through
the television channels,
and find yourself stopping
on a Judy Garland
if you stop
to think about it,
I’m losing everything in my life,
throwing it all away,
for the thoughts
that exist
within my mind;
I have not slept
with any women,
I have not committed
any crimes,
in fact,
the only thing
I have ever done,
was share my soul
with someone
I never met
in real life;
it just doesn’t feel fair.

you try to get
you stand up
and begin
but the best
is behind you
there are days,
when you are sure
you will never
make love
and more still,
when you just don’t
the music fills your brain,
until you begin to
choke on it,
as you reach for the comfort
which is no longer
3 in the morning
never felt so cold,
on dark lonesome Fridays,
when everything
that once made sense
falls away,
into lakes and valleys,
where hidden monsters
lie patiently in wait;
and it is here
that you belong,
it is this
that you have sought,
so now
shall it be;
the ultimate loser,
in the final loss
of a game
being played
on foreign fields;
where you never stood a
she has taken
the one thing
which might have
made a difference,
with impossible promises
and broken truths,
as it all begins to come
one more time;
and you think inside;
if she just walked
through that door,
you would love her
but happily ever after,
exists only
in fairy tales,
and myths.

not even once
somewhere it matters,
but not here,
not now,
not tomorrow;
not today;
you laugh,
you smile,
you put on your
plastic face,
and you wonder
if anybody really sees,
or if
they ever will;
maybe today
is the day?
(yeah hold that thought);
it’s easy now,
she’s got you
right where she wants you,
where you belong,
and that is how it will be
from here on out;
I saw a sign today,
it said,
sin now
and pay later;
and I thought;
don’t sin now,
and pay later
honesty just doesn’t work
for me;
I tried;
now I’m gonna do,
whatever it is
that has to be done;
to survive
for me;
isn’t that
what you have wanted
all along?
I have believed in you
all my life,
and it is only now
that I realize,
that you never
believed in me;
not even

being wrong
today is the day,
it is not what you expected,
but then,
changes seldom are,
what you thought was gonna be easy,
turns out to be
only just the beginning,
it is what comes next
that puts the ball in the pit
of your gut,
until it becomes so hard,
that it squeezes the life
right out of you;
I know I am wrong,
so very wrong,
I have been wrong
my entire life,
but I don’t know how to stop
being wrong;
I never have;
and you wonder,
what now?
what will be destroyed
it is hard,
when people stop believing
in you;
when you know
they should.

waiting for the crossing
I have been to this place before,
only to turn and run
back to the comfort
of that
which is known;
not this time;
somehow I have to survive,
somehow I have to find
a way,
or die,
here in the darkness
of a forgotten land;
will never be enough;
standing at the border,
waiting for the crossing
to begin,
is the hardest thing
in life,
you will ever have to do,
behind you is comfort,
and that
which you have always known;
is nothing,
but sadness and pain,
but still you go;
even though
you wish
it were not

waiting for the calvary
I have waited
for the calvary
all my life,
for the last second rescue,
for the happy ending,
for the miraculous miracle,
for the forever after;
but it never comes;
and unless I provide it,
it never will;
perhaps we both
reached for things,
that were never ours to touch,
but the timing wasn’t right;
so we never
should have reached;
now the hurt
has become greater
than the laughter.

when the real shit kicks in
there’s no point
in getting upset
there’s no one
to see the
no one to appreciate
the long faces
or winces of pain;
no one to care;
if you can’t sleep at night,
there’s no one
to be blamed
for all the inadequacies,
no one
to take the fall;
so why bother?
might as well
just sit here,
thinking about how good it was
when there was;
and just think,
this is only
stage one,
imagine what it will be like,
when the real shit
kicks in.

in the morning,
things seem a bit
as you become more aware
of the surroundings,
and you realize,
most people
are just trying
to get by,
the best that they can;
you see the school bus
pulling into the motel courtyard,
as families are trying
to make homes,
without a home,
and they love their children
as much as anyone else,
and they would not choose
to live like this
if they had a
I have learned
to be careful,
when it comes to giving
what it is I have to give,
because it is never
and there’s always
something more
always some strings

when you’re alone
when you’re alone,
everything is different,
everything is
on the edge;
when you’re alone,
you double check
every move,
you re-think
every thought;
and even then,
you’re never really
but you take a step
looking around
before taking
the next one.


I keep thinking
that we will have a good laugh,
and this will all
just go away,
but then I remember
that it won’t,
and I want to grab her
and run,
before it is too late;
it’s hard,
when you know
that you’re playing
a dangerous game,
but helpless
to stop;
every minute,
every second;
is a tiny little

one love
at last, the madness
has stopped;
now the rest of it
can finally begin,
sometimes there just isn’t room
for more than
one love;
it’s hard enough
making even one
and still finding time
to live,
in the little time
that is left,
crammed in between
the little time
we are given
to begin with;
it really is for the best,
it’s not good
to be too in love
with anyone
or anything,
it dulls the senses;
it clouds the possibilities.

a long time
today I woke up happy,
for the first time
in a long time,
I even said a little
thank you
to God,
for continuing to know
what is best for me
in spite of myself,
I only hope
there is enough time left
in the future,
to make up
for the time lost
in the past;
but if not,
it will be okay
just the way it is,
for the moment;
last night we slept together,
she was there
in the morning,
it felt very good,
so very natural,
for the first time
in a long, long time,
it felt like
we were
husband and wife.

I feel fresh,
alive again,
I find myself
wanting her
all the time;
like when I was
in the navy;
out to sea;
and I realized
how much I needed her,
how much a part
of me
she had become.

thank you Jesus
this morning,
it felt like
we might actually
this messed up game
called life;
that together,
we could escape
the endless cycle
of depression and sadness,
the poverty and abuse,
that comes with years
of hopeless futures
and dead end streets;
that together,
our love
could escape
even death;
and to think
we almost let this
slip away;
thank you
for not letting
it happen.

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