Monday, January 20, 2014


today I watched the testimony
of a woman whose brother
is being held in a Saudi Arabian prison,
at the request of the
United States government,
because a grand jury in America
found no reason to indict him,
so the FBI had the Saudi government
place him under arrest,
now he can be held indefinitely
because our court has no jurisdiction;
we have lost the war,
it was over before it
even began;
in the end it was the
hypocrisy and lies that
brought about the fall,
in the end we became exactly
what they said we were,
in the end old secrets and
dirty deeds,
quietly swept under the carpet,
crawled out from the darkness,
shining in the sun for all to see;
now it’s all over but
the shouting,
which will last for years,
as those who grew rich from
the fruit of the lies continue
to hang on for as long
as they can,
lingering on like some
last gasp, dying cancer,
beginning with such promise,
only to shrivel up and
blow away like leaves
on the morning wind.

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