Monday, January 20, 2014

Bare Essentials

we are reducing life down
to the bare essentials,
at least that is what we call it,
some would say it is
predetermined starvation;
others call it being homeless;
for some it comes naturally,
for others it is a constant struggle,
it’s not easy throwing everything away,
it requires constant attention,
it takes honest effort;
it demands due diligence;
just when you think you’re there,
some young, compassionate do-gooder,
from the state office of
social consciousness,
hands you some subsistence check,
or food stamps,
or welfare;
it’s not as easy as you might think;
homelessness is the last great
American adventure,
the final frontier,
the ultimate showdown,
I have listened to the self-made experts,
I have searched through the intellectual,
bourgeois bullshit, deep within the
galactic spheres of driveling drivel;
they are all the same;
spewing out giant mental epitaphs,
while sputtering palpitating piss
from swollen rectal tumors;
give them what they want I’m told,
shove it so far up their chute
they won’t know up from down,
but still I hang on to the good ole days,
always just out of reach
of right or wrong,
afraid of being on one side
of the fence or the other,
yet landing right in the middle
just the same;
please don’t ask me what
that all means,
because I don’t know.

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