Friday, November 8, 2013

Just a Little While Longer

I have seen how quickly
forever can be,
in this life which never stops,
as her and I play silent games,
which are never discussed,
but we both know exist,
whispering softly to one another
during mad, passionate, lovemaking,
pretending not to notice
the shifting and rearranging,
of roles and rules
which have stood from
the beginning,
our souls touching those things
never before touched,
virgins in a jaded world,
innocents among the guilty,
seeking hidden truths
among dark and terrible days,
which come forth revealing
venomous and blasphemous things,
as they really are,
and she finally hears the song
which no one else has heard,
words which can never be said,
the final mask removed,
and now
she has it all,
given freely,
no longer afraid
of the power she holds
in her hands,
ready to destroy all
that there is,
as I beg for the final thrust,
to end this ultimate lie,
this final denial;
yes, it rises,
for just a little while


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