Thursday, November 24, 2011


This world is an illusion,
hiding the truth
with all it’s various variations
and subtle differences,
until it all seems natural,
as it should be,
when it is not even close to that
which it was intended to be.

Deception by the one
who would deceive us all,
lies dressed up to smell like truth,
happily living in this sugar coated world,
never wanting more,
never looking past the walls,
never finding the truth on our own.

This world, this body, this life,
were created to hold the spirit
existing within us all,
whose only purpose
is to communicate with
and do the will of the One
in whose image we were made,
He who holds all true power,
He who makes the sun shine
on both the good and the bad.

Can you imagine a world
where everyone treats others
as they would like to be treated,
where no one judges lest they be judged,
where if a person is in need of your coat
you give them your shirt as well,
where if someone strikes your cheek
you offer them the other,
a world where hatred and anger
no longer exist,
where unconditional love
is freely given;

can you imagine it?

when you can then perhaps you too
will see through this illusion,
this roller coaster ride of self-happiness
and instant gratification.

Oh Lord,
You who are the truth
in a world gone blind,
You who created all things
by Your word alone,
You who are light
in a world full of darkness,
You who are mercy and compassion
in a world of hatred and greed,
You who provide all that is needed;

forgive us;

for our weakness,
for our inability to escape
from the temptations of this illusion,
help us to see,
help us to remember,
no matter how many wondrous things
are hands do build,
no matter what great marvels
our technology does produce,
that they are nothing
without You.

You are the One
who makes all things new,
You are the One
who made all that ever was
or ever will be.

Thank you Lord
that You hide these truths
from all but those who see
and understand as children,
thank you Lord for Your mercy and grace,
which allows us to continue
in spite of continuous disobedience
to Your word and your will,
thank you oh Lord
for loving us so greatly
that You allowed Your only
begotten son to be humiliated and suffer
at the hands of those
who were not worthy to kiss His feet;

thank you Lord,
thank You;

in the name of Jesus Christ,
who died that all might live,
who suffered beyond imagination,
that the whole world might not;

thank You
oh blessed Lord.

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