Monday, April 28, 2014

Now There is You

for most of my life,
I have tried to create art,
painting pictures with words,
offering different perspectives,
silently observing,
hopelessly searching,
forever wondering;
continually hiding;
words could never described
the voice inside;
there were times when
they came close,
but in the end
they faded into nothing,
lying broken and unheard,
forgotten and abandoned,
falling like flakes of
crystallized snow upon endless
plains of shifting sand,
melting on contact;
gone without hope;
for most of my life,
words have been my
only companion,
a refuge of safety and solitude,
a convenient hiding place,
a comfortable illusion,
my sword and shield,
a powerful weapon,
by which my enemies
might be destroyed;
without mercy,
without compassion,
without hope;
now the illusion disappears,
the darkness turns to day,
You are healing the wounds,
You are showing me the way,
now there is more than words,
now there is truth and light,
now there is hope,
now there is You.

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