Tuesday, October 10, 2017

To Honor You

know matter how far I fall,
know matter how fast I run.
in You have I a hope filled refuge
which can never be undone;
though my body fails,
though all things fade and pass away,
in You I have comfort and peace,
in You I have the light of a brand new day;
You fill me with Your marvelous hope,
You surround me with Your blessed love,
You open my blinded eyes,
You show me angelic mysteries from above;
to You do I give
everything that is mine to give,
as You gave everything for me,
dying alone and forsaken that I might live;
when I arise from nighttime sleep,
let me arise to honor You,
when I speak, let me speak to honor You,
if I live, let me live to honor You,
if I die, let me die to honor You;
everything I am,
everything I have,
is because of You;
You are the truth,
You are the life,
You are the way,
there is no other but You,
You and You alone
have overcome the chains of this world,
You and You alone can set men free.


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