Saturday, October 21, 2017

Tales From Cowboy Billy

Now is the Time
do not fool yourself,
there is no such thing,
the best that can be hoped for is
minimal interference and compromise,
the business of government
has become much too big
to be run by amateurs;
so pass out the tranquilizers and toys
in hopes that we will just move on,
or forget,
or better yet;
there is a time for repentance,
there is a time for love,
there is a time for redemption,
there is a time for sorrow,
this is not that time,
now is the time
for lustful comic book heroes;
Cowboy Billy,
where are you?
Tales From Cowboy Billy
let it begin today,
so many years spent waiting,
so many words left wasted
like road kill,
lying black and bloated
alongside forgotten highways;
the time is near,
can you not feel it
running across these open plains,
calling out,
screaming to be free,
no more locked doors,
no more empty rooms;
bright, light, urbane young pretenders,
searching for inside information
from which there is no shelter,
while the curtain goes up,
revealing the hidden disease
that has haunted this town
from the beginning of time;
the dream walker enters,
back from a journey
which has no beginning
and for which there is no end,
carrying secrets long since gone,
where the innocent hide
deep inside,
safe and warm,
free from mind boggling death
and other insidious pieces of shit;
Cowboy Billy
rides on.
Cowboy Billy’s Still Riding
I sought you out,
but you were nowhere to be found,
I cried out for your truth,
but the darkness became my only friend,
so it was that I realized
this door had closed
there was no return
after passing this way;
there is only tomorrow;
dreams do not die,
they remain as always,
with or without the underlying madness
of a new day,
it is here we meet once again
for better or worse
till death do us part
and all that jazz;
what road is this that we ride upon?
full of angelic mysteries
for which there is no answer,
no mission big enough,
twisted and turning,
going down one way streets
with the natives screaming to turn around
before it is too late,
stirring like hideous new creatures of the night,
lurking inside empty caves,
waiting for fresh new flesh fantasies;
Cowboy Billy
still rides on.
Cowboy Billy to the Rescue
in the morning,
before these poisons build up,
I can still hear it
talking away
as if I never stopped listening,
always leave me wondering
if I can’t be a good Christian;
could I at least be a good catholic;
always precedes the emptiness
as good ole boys stand around
talking about the good ole days
while never mentioning the past,
so here we are,
alone and wandering
without a clue,
faces that smile back
inside this capital offense;
oh yes,
use me
like a lightning rod,
help me absorb
this incredible energy
with no thought
of a better tomorrow,
no fear of a forgotten memory
or other sordid fairy tales;
just then,
Cowboy Billy
came crashing in
with six guns blazing.
Betwixt and Between (Fuck Cowboy Billy)
I have been to these edges,
I know the subtle differences
of the middle ground,
in this place somewhere
betwixt and between,
where eventually
everything is lost;
I watch
as others pass by,
on their way to
here or there,
never taking the time
to look around these
wide open spaces
where so many things
lie wasted and abused,
hiding from the truth,
running from the final destination;
…..and it is getting harder
to get back to here,
when I know
that I will never reach
fuck Cowboy Billy.
Sacred Imposters
these things are not for everyone,
most cannot handle the imperfections or
misconceptions of it all,
still we must be kind;
in the cool autumn sky
answers live,
this was never about truth,
this was never about right or wrong,
this was never about black or white,
this was never about anything at all;
it was only the sound
of a soft white light,
on its silent journey
from a distant tower
in the middle of the
cold black night;
down in faery land,
they are dancing still,
carrying on
drunken and out of control;
isn’t it grand?
see how they scatter
as the eighty foot pole
comes crashing to the ground,
aye boys,
that was a close one for sure;
sacred imposters,
do not strive to belong,
find that
for which there is no reply;
Cowboy Billy’s
not going to take this
lying down.
Cowboy Billy Has His Revenge
into the crimson night
goes the dawn,
never to return or
be seen again,
this then is the day,
this then is the time
for which we have sold our lives,
however miserable they may be,
was there ever any doubt
it would come down to this,
so full of pompous desires and
bliss ridden fuck dreams;
it has only just begun;
even now
the reality remains
hard to accept
among these flame ridden ships,
sinking slowly out of sight
into the darkness
of silent ocean depths,
gasping for just one more breath;
Cowboy Billy
at last
has his revenge.
Goodbye Cowboy Billy
so it would be
without a whimper or a whine,
asking no forgiveness,
facing the fury
with nary a thought of retreat,
going slowly and completely
into the unknown tempest,
guns blazing,
a fighter
till the very end,
taking a hundred no
a thousand of the bastards
with him;
Cowboy Billy,
you shall be missed.


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