Saturday, February 27, 2016

if you only knew

in the morning things are different,
things are light,
things are real,
honest and free,
natural and at peace,
full of hope,
covered in truth,
surrounded by insight,
wallowing in knowledge,
flowing like liquid night;
then they are gone;
a raging flash flood,
dried up and spent,
here and gone,
heading for distant seas;
waiting for a tomorrow
that never comes;
fear is a powerful potion,
it can drive you forward,
it can drag you down,
it can turn you upside down,
it can leave you spent and wasted;
like rotting vegetation;
there has always been more,
just beyond the sinking horizon,
more than could be seen,
more than could be touched,
more than could be reached;
there is where I sought,
there is where I journeyed,
there is where I desired
there is where I belonged,
through nighttime dreams,
beyond mental barriers,
past worlds unknown;
if you could only see,
if you only knew.


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