Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Back n Gone Again

eventually, everything comes home,
even this;
when words provide no comfort,
and the bottom line is reached,
it is then that the final twists are installed,
just as you knew they would (be);
welcome my old friend,
it has been awhile,
thought maybe you had left,
but then that was never the question,
(was it),
nor the answer,
it was always just a matter of when,
more than why;
escape was never an option;
still, your darkness does sting,
more than before,
but less than the sum,
of all that has yet to be,
crying alone, in the depths
of hidden, secret corners,
where kingdoms silently wait,
with the only answers understood;
tell me,
who would do such a thing (to you),
and who would tell or know,
even if they knew;
sometimes starvation is better,
than the alternatives,
sometimes it is better to forget,
than to remember,
sometimes silence,
speaks louder than words;
eventually, everything comes home,
as the sun is setting,
for the very last time.


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