Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Note: This is not a glorification or endorsement for Osama Bin Laden. If you read this carefully and honestly you will realize that. However I know most people don't read carefully or honestly so I know some of you will find this offensive and disgusting. So be it. Take it anyway you wish - W. F. Rhoads.

Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him. Proverbs 24:17-18

What can be said
for one such as this?
he was not a coward,
he was not a hypocrite,
he was not a madman
hungry for power;
in many ways he was everything
most of us dream of being;
fearless, committed,
standing firm for what he believed,
openly declaring war on an enemy
much more powerful than he,
turning his back on wealth and greed,
paying the consequences for his actions;
“for all who draw the sword will die
by the sword.” Matthew 26:52.

Late night comics gleefully mock,
anything for ratings and cheap laughs,
children, drunk and spoiled,
dance in the street,
chanting words and catch phrases
about issues they neither understand
nor could care less about,
just another excuse to party,
celebrating like some super bowl
or national championship victory;
you reaped what you sowed,
but your victims deserved better
than this.
I do not mourn your death,
rather I find it sad that one such as you
could be deceived,
unable to find the truth,
swallowed up by the darkness,
blinded by the hatred;
it makes me wonder what hope there is
for the rest of us.

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