Sunday, January 31, 2016

Winter Morning at the Shore

in the morning the ocean is calm,
trash trucks canvass the boardwalk,
preparing receptacles for a new day’s rush,
the air is cool but not cold,
life ticks on,
gulls fly by, waves dance,
everything as it should be,
on tv, the talk is about Syria and
new righteous wars,
but the dolphins and gulls
don’t know about these things,
and neither should we;
but still we do;
it is in our nature,
it is our heritage,
and so we will,
but it is of our own choosing,
we have options;
alone, I go for a walk on the boardwalk,
Chinese Christians gather on the beach,
praying to someone or something,
trying to make sense of it all,
I watch from afar,
thinking about my work,
and promises made but not kept,
about the predictability of it all,
and how sometimes, you wish you were wrong,
just once;
watching the ocean waves,
pounding slowly on the sandy shore,
realizing that they could care less,
that everyone but me could care less
and perhaps, I should care less too;
I think of my father,
and how I wish I could show him,
that it doesn’t always have to be his way,
that it is okay to feel good,
that it is okay to simply be;
but I know that I never will;
winter at the shore is the best time of all,
for some it is a given, others hold fast to it,
like a man drowning in the ocean,
later these thoughts will mean nothing,
but for the moment they are everything;
they are all there is;
perhaps the golden years won’t
be so bad after all,
maybe they will be just
what was needed;
or at least something new;
crawling back into bed,
reaching for her warm body,
happy to be where I am at;
happy for one more breath.


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