Sunday, May 4, 2014


“my eyes have seen what others
have not, my heart has known that
which no heart should”

Wept (Alpha)

As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes.”   Luke 19:41-42
I do not weep for the truth,
I weep because of the truth;
I weep for the futility,
I weep for the loss,
I weep for the waste,
I weep for the hopelessness;
I weep for the children,
I weep for the tragedy,
I weep for the sorrow,
I weep for the suffering;
I weep for the inevitability.


the world is dying,
I am dying,
death has become my only friend,
the final sanctuary,
in a life no longer
worth living;
each day begins anew,
each day ends,
the breeze continues to blow,
the rivers continue to flow,
the morning sun arrives
right on time;
for every season there is a purpose,
for every question there is an answer;
I see the ugliness lying
just below the surface,
the self-serving hypocrisy,
the incomplete falsehoods,
the insincere agendas,
they do not fool me;
not even for a moment;
this time begins at last,
the hour at hand,
the children of men are no more,
their monuments of glory
crumble before the wind,
the bitter taste of their demise
lies frozen upon a sea
of silent tongues;
this then is the beginning,
this then is the end;
still they do not listen,
even now their eyes remain blind,
giving in marriage and celebrating
right up to the very end;
surely there is no hope
for ones such as these.

Sand Creek
Sand Creek;
the truth dances like a ghost,
a mighty wind whispering
through the silence of the night;
who will hear the voices?
who will right the wrong?
it is hard to love,
when so much injustice abounds,
hard to forgive, when innocent blood
runs across stolen ground,
dirty little secrets hidden in time,
deep dark memories of which
no one speaks;
you can never escape the past;
it follows you like a shadow,
softly surrounding you like a glove,
slowly blending into who you are,
silently determining what you become;
all the treachery and cowardice revealed,
the self-made bravado and
false heroics silently exposed,
sons of murderers,
daughters of liars and thieves,
descendants of swine,
a little lower than dogs,
somewhat less than human;
without honor,
without dignity,
without hope;
their homes built upon
hypocrisy and greed,
their tongues filled with
misconceptions and lies,
their legacy stands like a wavering
deck of cards,
waiting to crash down
upon their guilt-ridden heads;
Sand Creek remembers.

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