Tuesday, September 24, 2013

final stand

When I look up and see the green mountain tops, I am home. When I cross the James River and look down on its mighty flowing waters, I am home. When I feel the cool breeze blowing across the valley floor, I am home. And when I realize that this is only a taste of the home to come, merely a shadow of that which You have prepared for those who love You, I am left humbled beyond words or comprehension. Thank you Lord. 

at last the sun begins to set,
the night does approach,
and it is here by your side
where I shall face
all that it has to bring,
it is here where I shall make
my final stand;
no more running,
no more hiding,
no more interference,
no more pretending;
no more fear;
traveling the miles and years
without understanding or direction,
without purpose or clarity,
once again the bullshit
begins to fade,
the uncertainty passes,
withering roots come back to life,
brave new universes patiently wait,
seeking shelter within cool pockets
of summer shade,
the land of promise lies ahead,
we have waited for this moment
all our lives,
we have come home
to live;
we have come home
to die;
take my hand,
together we will survive
the destruction,
together we shall face
the final storm;
together we shall
make this final stand.

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