Monday, November 5, 2012

Out in the Wasteland

Is it possible to write
and still maintain integrity,
or am I only fooling myself?
do people really want to hear
mysterious confessions
hidden deep within
crazed, carnivorous caverns?
lost fantasies
beyond moral redemption;
who cares?
you want drama?
you want unspoken promises?
you want flesh-filled, flailing
among pieces of uncontrollable stench?
you want madness in the shape of art?
I hear they’re having a sale at Wal-Mart;
questions, questions, questions,
searching, searching, searching,
one surprise after another,
most never get past the door,
some barely hear the answers,
others quietly bury their head
in the burning, sinking sand,
then there are the rest;
locked-up alone
in silent solitude,
never making a sound,
never giving a clue;
dying without a chance;
that’s how it is
out here in the wasteland,
the price
of doing business;
the cost no one
can afford.

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