Thursday, February 19, 2015


bureaucrats always think
they are on the side of right,
no matter how wrong or unjust
that side might be,
never seeing themselves
through the eyes of
their victims,
never understanding
the rights of individuals,
over the authority of the system;
despots and tyrants could not exist
without their bureaucrats,
someone to stamp the orders,
someone to file the paperwork,
ensuring the trains run on time to
places like Auschwitz and Treblinka,
someone to provide a well functioning
slave market to fuel the cotton industry
and strengthen the economy,
hiding the suffering and misery,
disguising the reality,
behind walls of official sounding
vital cogs in the machine,
the darkness behind
the evil,
good people
just doing their job,
yes, evil needs bureaucrats,
but it needs something else
as well,
someone to look the other way,
as neighbors are taken from their
homes in the middle of the night,
someone to remain silent in the face
of intimidation and overwhelming fear,
someone to excuse violence and injustice,
in the name of national security
and welfare of the state;
it needs its bureaucrats;
it needs you and I as well.


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