Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Final Stand

At last the sun begins to set,
the night does approach,
and it is here by your side
where I shall face
all that it has to bring,
it is here where I shall make
my final stand;
no more running,
no more hiding,
no more interference,
no more pretending;
no more fear.

Traveling the miles and years
without understanding or direction,
without purpose or clarity,
once again the bullshit and
all that is unimportant
begins to fade,
the uncertainty passes,
withering roots come back to life,
brave new universes patiently wait,
seeking shelter within cool pockets
of summer shade,
the land of promise lies ahead,
we have waited for this moment
all our lives,
we have come home
to live;
we have come home
to die.

Take my hand,
together we will survive
the destruction,
together we shall face
the final storm;
together we shall
make this final stand.

An Uneasy Interruption

In the end
I will fade away
like the early morning dawn,
quietly changing from darkness
into light,
without a sound,
without a fight,
a passing whisper
in the middle of the
dark, crisp night;
we all do,
we all will,
we simply have
little choice.

Words will mean very little,
relationships even less,
memories but a brief moment,
an uneasy interruption,
a passing vapor
in a world of swirling mist.

I have been to the mountaintop,
I have peered into the oblivion below,
I have heard the small still voice,
I have known the touch
of His calm, cool hand;
words will never be enough.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Out On The Edge

Out on the edge,
people and places are seldom
what they seem,
lines become blurred,
light but a reflection,
faces come out of the night,
moving beyond darkness and death,
winter winds blow cold,
leaving trails of broken bones,
rising into the emptiness beyond;
out here,
all hope has died.

Sitting here
watching the rain fall,
nowhere left to go,
no more room to run,
the voices slowly fade,
the faces silently disappear,
everything passes with time,
nothing lasts forever,
is truth enough,
or does darkness win?
without love,
are you only
fooling yourself?

Nothing is hidden
that will not be revealed,
no debt goes unpaid,
a reckoning
for every word whispered
in the night;
an accounting
for promises made
but never kept.

Right and Wrong

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Romans 13:1-2
In America being poor is a death sentence,
in America your pocket book determines
the level of respect you receive,
in America you either love it or leave it.

Sometimes it is forgotten
that this nation was founded by people
who didn’t ‘love’ it;
but instead of leaving
they fought a violent and bloody war
to gain their independence,
or how a hundred years later
this nation was literally torn in two
as brother fought brother,
because one side didn’t ‘love’ it;
It makes me wonder just who
the real patriots are,
those who blindly accept whatever is thrown at them,
by a government that grows increasingly powerful and intrusive,
or those who question every policy and decision?
and to be perfectly honest,
I don’t care one way or the other.

This nation and this government
are only what they are allowed to be,
by a God who created all things,
it does not have any more power, wealth or wisdom
than Rome or Greece or any of the other great civilizations before it,
this nation exists only because God willed it to exist.

I’m sure in colonial days there were preachers
who stood up in their pulpits and declared
that those who didn’t ‘love’ being a British colony
should just leave,
I’m sure that many of the religious leaders of the day
branded Washington and other leaders of the revolution
as criminals and traitors,
but Washington and the revolutionaries won,
and winners write history not losers,
the truth is they won
because that was God’s will,
plain and simple,
so you should be careful who you call a criminal,
or who you tell to love it or leave it,
because you just might be on the wrong side of God’s will,
unless you presume to know more than God himself.

So don’t get caught up in who is right
and who is wrong,
try not to take sides
in the affairs of men at all,
seek the will of the Lord first
and trust in Him
without leaning to your own understanding,
and remember His command for us all:

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other.                                    John 15: 9-17

Corporate Policy

Do you think they know?
When they talk about
patriot acts and revenge,
illegal imprisonment and torture,
justice by any means necessary,
do you think they know
that they are the ones
who are slowly killing this place
called home,
the land of liberty
and justice for all?

Or perhaps they do,
perhaps this is the excuse
they have been waiting for
all along,
ever since the public became aware
that the government lies,
that cops plant evidence
and arrest innocent people,
since JFK and Vietnam,
since the Bay of Pigs
and Watergate,
but more than likely
they never really cared at all,
they take their orders
from the board rooms
and CEO desks’
of the world corporations;
the real rulers of America.

Who pays the cost of all those news channels
you watch every day?
or those newspapers and magazines you read?
(why do you think that is?)
it is corporate policies
that decide when the next bombs drop,
and where,
so you want to stop a war?
simply make it unprofitable,
unfortunately war is very profitable
(for awhile),
but then it becomes costly,
so eventually
it has to be stopped;
and health care?
sorry pal,
you’re just shit out of luck
nature has already provided
a plan of its own.

National Healthcare

my fellow Americans,
the government,
along with leaders
of the corporate
and business world,
are working in conjunction
on a long term plan
to solve the country’s
current health care crisis,
and the solution
we have come up with
is called;
Yes, that is correct,
it really isn’t such a bad plan
if you just take the time
to think about it,
you work while you’re young,
then when you get sick
or too old to work,
or require expensive
medications to get by;
you die.

It works for the good of all,
it helps keep America strong,
and that’s what we all want isn’t it?
and just think of all the good
it will do for the younger generation,
it will mean a constantly growing job market
and will save all those Medicare costs,
which will free up a large chunk of change
for national defense;
those cruise missiles aren’t cheap
you know;
and we all know that a good defense
is a strong offense,
and boy we sure do have
a lot of offensive plans
for the future,
now that we
have assumed the role
of world policemen (and women),
of course the growing military
will create many new jobs
for the young in and of itself,
so you see it’s all being handled,
nice neat and clean;
just like you
wanted it.

Now if those of you 55 or older,
or who are currently taking more
than 3 prescription drugs
could just report to your local health department,
we’ll put this bold
and innovative new plan
into effect;
government officials and
the independently wealthy
need not report,
wouldn’t be good for the economy,
bad for job creation and all that other bullshit;
you understand of course.

Monday, August 20, 2012

America's War

America is fighting a war it cannot win;
a war that began many years ago
when men believed
they could dominate other men,
controlling them through fear and intimidation,
a war that gained momentum with an idea
planted over 200 years ago;
that liberty is sometimes better than life,
that there are some things worth dying for,
that freedom at any cost is sometimes better
than life under the rule of others;
that all men are created equal.

A war given a face
by a nation of farmers and merchants
who defeated the most powerful empire in the world,
a war reinforced
by a terrible and bloody civil conflict
fought on the principle that economic gain
does not justify the enslavement of other men;
America is fighting a war it cannot win,
against the only enemy capable of defeating
her vast and mighty power;
America is fighting a war
against herself.


There is a silence here,
it grows like a whisper,
a quiet, controlled pause,
a small, knowing glance,
a foreign substance
speaking a language
all its own.

We have become a nation of whores,
selling our children to the highest bidder,
devouring their inheritance
for a pittance,
accepting the consequences
with no thought for tomorrow,
trapped within the madness
of the method,
replacing character with content;
ends justifying the means.

False prophets
in love with the sound
of their own voices,
forever searching
but never seeing,
forever finding
but never understanding,
sometimes knowing the answers
is not nearly as important
as imagining the possibilities.

The light of a new dawn
begins to break,
I am leaving this dark place,
going to a home unknown,
what tomorrow brings
does not matter;
for You will be there
to make it right,
You will be there to wipe away
every tear.

Never Was

Out here in this wasted space
of no-man’s land;
no one hears the silence,
no one knows the loss;
alone and holding on,
waiting for imaginary rescues
among lost and broken places,
hiding behind enemy lines,
crawling on hands and knees
in-between burned out bunkers,
full of dry, empty words;
never quite reaching the mark.
Old debts return,
tears rain down like
sweet summer sweat,
holding on until
there is nothing left;
without a hope,
without a chance.
Beautiful dreams like a river,
flow on their way to the sea,
dancing like butterflies
on the morning wind,
echoing sounds of magic
within the caverns of the soul;
sometimes the greatest love
is that which never was.
One more time,
traveling down this
long and lonesome road,
searching for a home
inside lost and empty ruins,
running from fantasies that never were,
living within upside down dreams
which come and go;
over before it began.
My eyes have seen what others
have not,
my heart has known that
which no heart should.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Man-made truth;
as if
there really is
such a thing,
there is life
and there is death;
with man
everything in-between
is negotiable;
although sometimes
we are closer
than we might know.

When everything you love,
everything that makes your life
worth living is destroyed
in the blink of an eye,
will you care
whether it was a
smart bomb,
dropped by the so-called
‘good guys’,
or an explosive laden
truck driven by the so-called
‘evil doers’?

I think not.


Sand Creek;
the truth dances like a ghost,
a mighty wind whispering
through the silence of the night;
who will hear the voices?
who will right the wrong?
it is hard to love when so much injustice abounds,
hard to forgive when innocent blood
runs across stolen ground,
dirty little secrets hidden in time,
deep dark memories of which no one speaks;
you can never escape the past,
it follows you like a shadow,
softly surrounding you like a glove,
slowly blending into who you are,
silently determining what you become;
all the treachery and cowardice revealed,
the self-made bravado and false heroics
silently exposed,
sons of murderers,
daughters of liars and thieves,
descendants of swine,
a little lower than dogs,
somewhat less than human;
without honor,
without dignity,
without hope;
their homes built upon hypocrisy and greed,
their tongues filled with misconceptions and lies,
their legacy stands like a wavering deck of cards,
waiting to crash down upon their guilt-ridden heads;
Sand Creek remembers.


The world is dying,
I am dying,
death has become my only friend,
the final sanctuary,
in a life no longer
worth living.

Each day begins anew,
each day ends,
the breeze continues to blow,
the rivers continue to flow,
the morning sun arrives
right on time;
for every season there is a purpose,
for every question there is an answer.

I see the ugliness lying
just below the surface,
the self-serving hypocrisy,
the incomplete falsehoods,
the insincere agendas,
they do not fool me;
not even for a moment.

This time begins at last,
the hour at hand,
the children of men are no more,
their monuments of glory
crumble before the wind,
the bitter taste of their demise
lies frozen upon a sea
of silent tongues;
this then is the beginning,
this then is the end.

Still they do not listen,
even now their eyes remain blind,
giving in marriage and celebrating
right up to the very end;
surely there is no hope
for ones such as these.

Monday, August 6, 2012

a chip off the old block

He was not my father,
but he should have been;
he was the one who showed me
that words don’t have to be flowery and sweet,
that sometimes they can be rough and real,
that rules can be broken,
that life sucks and it’s ok to talk about it,
that shit happens and sometimes
there’s not a damn thing you can do about it,
that dreams die
but you keep on living,
that friends come and go,
but a good shot of whiskey
will never let you down,
that dogs may be loyal
but women are really man’s best friend,
that you can sit on your ass all day
waiting for the end to come,
or you can run headlong to meet it,
sticking up your middle finger and
screaming profanities at the top of your lungs
the whole way;
that you can write poetry and
still be a man.

Yeah he wasn’t my father,
but he taught me all the things
that a father should teach a son
so sometimes I feel like maybe he was,
and deep down inside I know
that every word I write is done
seeking his approval;
I only hope that someday
I can become as big a bastard
as he was;
a chip off the old block;
thanks dad.

the girls we followed home - Charles Bukowski

the girls we once followed home are
now the bag ladies,
or one of them is that white-haired
old crone who
whacked you with her
the girls we once followed home
sit on bedpans in nursing
play shuffleboard at the public
they no longer dive into the
white-capped waves,
those girls we followed home,
no longer rub their bodies with oil
under the sun,
no longer primp before the
beautiful mirror,
those girls we followed home,
those girls we followed home
have gone somewhere,
some forever,
and we who followed them?
dead in wars,dead of heart
dead of yearning,
thick of shoe and slow of
our dreams are tv dreams,
the few of us,
so few of us remember
the girls we followed home.
when the sun always seemed to
be shining.
when life moved so new and
strange and wonderful
bright dresses.

I remember.

- Charles 'Hank' Bukowski

my dreams are suffering and sorrow

my dreams are suffering and sorrow,
struggle and pain,
heartache and helplessness,
empty cauldrons;
just on the edge of madness.

waking in the middle of the night,
wasted and worn,
a burned out shell,
remembering a life
that never began,
living a death for which
there is no end,
surrounded by faceless names
without hope;
my dreams are suffering and sorrow.

all typed out,
upside down,
inside out,
slapped silly,
smacked senseless,
washed up and
left for dead,
when you’re in love,
they are in every face,
every smile
every word;
some things are better
left unsaid.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Keep Your Love Alive (Thanks Anne Wilson)

“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” – Dante Alighieri - Inferno (Divine Comedy)
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.  I Corinthians 13:8-13

the end approaches,
shadows grow,
darkness builds,
prison bars disappear,
all the self-imposed chains
fall away,
no more limits,
no more boundaries;
no more fear.

words have no worth here,
possessions even less,
all that you think and feel;
beyond physicality,
beyond sadness,
beyond joy,
beyond knowing,
beyond wondering;
beyond caring.

only one thing remains,
one thing amidst all the
desires and lusts,
the endless worries,
the doubts and concerns,
the empty, useless emotions,
the greed and envy,
the only thing that ever
mattered all along;
hold on to it with every
ounce of strength that
you possess.

betting on the muse - Charles Bukowski

Hank, you were the greatest

betting on the muse

Jimmy Foxx died an alcoholic
in a skidrow hotel
Beau Jack ended up shining
just where he
there are dozens, hundreds
more, maybe
thousands more.
being an athlete grown old
is one of the cruelest of
to be replaced by others,
to no longer hear the
cheers and the
to no longer be
just to be an old man
like other old

to almost not believe it
to check the scrapbook
with the yellowing
there you are,
there you are,
there you are,

the crowd has other
the crowd never dies,
never grows old
but the crowd often

now the telephone
doesn’t ring,
the young girls are
the party is

this is why I chose
to be a
if you’re worth just
half-a –damn
you can keep your
hustle going
until the last minute
of the last
you can keep
getting better instead
of worse,
you can still keep
hitting them over the
through darkness, war,
good and bad
you keep it going,
hitting them out,
the flashing lightning
of the
beating life at life,
and death too late to
truly win

- Charles Bukowski (Hank)


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