Friday, June 13, 2014

Soul Solitude

solitude always was a hard
sought commodity,
in this empty wasteland called home,
returning to places where so much
was won,
and so much lost,
can be difficult at best,
while fatal at worst,
as realizations become complete,
within empty lives and hidden words,
where at least the implications
have long since been lost;
even the past has a price,
which demands fair and
equal payment;
there is so much said,
in these words not spoken,
if only you have the time,
to listen to the silence,
where life is a never ending lesson,
on all the possibilities which
might have been,
but seldom ever are,
they think that they see,
but it is only an illusion,
created from bits and pieces
of shadow and light,
rolled together to create an image,
which is neither truth nor lie;
and I drink from their souls,
draining the life inside;
that tomorrow may exist.


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