Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Perfect World

in a perfect world,
frightened, young, US Marines,
do not throw grenades
into unknown Iraqi homes,
killing 2 year old Iraqi babies,
along with their terrified Iraqi mothers,
as they try to shield them
in their arms;
in a perfect world,
true justice does no harm,
to the helpless and innocent,
in a perfect world;
heroes are perfect;
when does enough become enough?
when does truth overcome lies?
when do facts matter more than fiction?
when does spin and myths,
give way to reality and dead
Iraqi babies?
and yes,
there are always two sides
to every story,
there is always more than meets the eye,
there are always underlying and
mitigating factors,
which cannot be adequately understood,
unless you were actually there;
but still;
there are dead Iraqi babies,
along with dead Iraqi mothers,
and young, frightened US Marines,
left holding on to memories and consciences,
reciting official company lines,
and other man-made truths,
while wondering inside,
how everything became so
twisted and wrong;
in this almost
perfect world.

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