Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt the middle east and 9/11

Today Mubarek resigned and Egyptians are celebrating their new found 'freedom and democracy'. In case you haven't figured it out, this is much bigger than Egypt. If you have been paying attention this started in Tunisia and is spreading to most of the Arab countries controlled by governments who are either supported financially by America or at least quietly condoned by America. In return for this support or tolerance these governments have quietly supported America in return. Now the people of Egypt have overthrown a dictator in the name of democracy, a dictator long supported by America, what can America say now? 'We really don't want democracies and self-rule in the middle east? That we only want what will be in the best interest of the American people, which means low gasoline prices?'  Of course we can't say that because then we would appear to be the hypocrites that we really are.

So first the islamic extremists got us to use our military to remove one tyrant (Saddam Hussein) and now they are using the very principles this country was founded on to remove the rest, and there's not a darn thing we can do or say about it. Pretty sweet huh? So what does 'democracy' in the middle east really mean? It means the arab/islamic people will choose who they want to govern them and not necessarily those who will be friendly towards America and the rest of the western world. Who do you think those leaders will be? If you really want an answer you only have to look as far as Iran. Remember them? Remember the Shah? Remember how they were once the 'good guys' (before the people decided that they would rather be ruled by religious ayatollohs instead of a US puppet called the Shah). What do you think the Saudi Arabian royal family is thinking right now? How long do you think it will be before the new found 'democracy' in Egypt turns its attention towards them? And again, without appearing to be complete hypocrites and losing what little credibility we have left in the middle east, there's not a damn thing America can do about it. I repeat, pretty sweet huh?

So where is this all going, besides higher gasoline prices, which we will pay simply because we have no choice as long as we remain slaves to an oil based economy? Well let me tell you what I believe the answer to be, it is the same answer upon which the entire history of human existence has always revolved around: Israel, thats right, Israel. When Saudi Arabia falls where do you think the attention will be directed at? Perhaps the place that most Arab factions have vowed to wipe off the face of the earth? And which most Arab groups refuse to even acknowledge as a sovereign state. I'm not going to debate this with any of you nor go through the hundreds, if not thousands of prophecies and proofs it would take (which those of you who don't understand wouldn't believe anyway). I will just leave it at that. When you see the armies of the world surrounding Jerusalem perhaps you will understand, but I'm afraid it might be too late by then. Those of you who do understand hopefully will know what I am talking about.

I want to close with one thought: How did this all begin, the toppling of Saddam, etc., what was the catalyst that eventually drove us to use our military and resources to remove a dictator and justify it with a bunch of political rhetoric about democracy and freedom (besides our fear of Weapons of Mass Destruction) (remember that)? Remember 9/11? Kind of like poking a tiger or a bear to get them to react the way you want them to react huh? It seems to me we've been played.

This was written shortly after we invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein from power. I'm adding it to show that this is not some band wagon I recently jumped on. I hope I am wrong, I truly do. 


Ask yourself;

what was that dark, fateful day really about?
what was the real agenda?

Prior to 9/11 who was the biggest obstacle to fundamentalist Muslims
in their goal for world domination?
who prevented them from controlling the second largest oil fields in the world?
who persecuted them within his borders on a daily basis?
who could be made to look guilty the easiest, stirring up passion and hatred
in the son of a world leader that had failed to remove him from power 10 years earlier?
who had the military strength to remove this tyrant almost overnight,
enflaming Muslims in the process and rallying them to solidarity world-wide?
answer these questions then tell me;

what was the real purpose of 9/11?

In a calculated risk those responsible took a gamble
that the most powerful nation in the world
would take the bait and walk into a well-laid trap,
leaping first and asking questions later,
being fooled by carefully planted clues
because of hidden personal agendas
which had nothing to do with terrorism,
blinded from truth by the need to execute revenge,
removing a despised despot in days that would have taken them years,
so tell me;

what was the real purpose?

Now instead of being on their side,
the world stands united in condemning their policies,
now voices within are speaking out and beginning to be heard,
pointing fingers and speaking words of hatred against a president and his administration
who was just as duped as they claim he is duping them,
now instead of wasting thousands of lives in a hopeless war
those responsible can simply wait, obtaining what they want politically over time,
using the invading American infidels as the catalyst;

so what was the real purpose of 9/11?


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