Friday, January 5, 2018

Borrowed Time

with a sigh you let it go
once and for all,
throwing open the massive locked gates,
allowing entry and exit without charge,
a free concert for all
with no hope for tomorrow
or the day after;
what else is there?
what more could be left?
squeezing out every little drop,
making more with less,
spreading around the harvest
like butter on a hot piece of toast,
filling every nook,
saturating every cranny,
choking on the excess,
swallowing the vile;
settling for leftovers;
all the warm moments,
all the fond memories,
nothing but dust,
here today,
gone tomorrow;
wasted space,
useless information,
yesterday’s news,
I need a new identity,
new goals,
different reasons,
loftier aspirations,
a new home;
winter approaches,
when you’re young
you see things through
different eyes,
you see the world
in terms of possibilities
not finalities and dead end streets,
you assume the best
without looking for the worst,
you still have hope;
now you sit around waiting for the
check to come in the mail,
the roller coaster ride almost finished,
the thrills almost gone,
just one more left;
it will come soon enough;
you wonder if you’ll ever stop
being afraid again,
but you know you will
there is One so much greater,
calming your fears,
soothing your pain;
America you have nothing,
all your big trucks and fancy cars,
all your 500k homes,
paid for with blood and
borrowed time;
in the end they will rust and
crumble into the ground,
they are nothing
without the LORD.


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