But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become sons of
God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor
of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God John 1:12-13
how great Your wisdom,
how deep Your knowledge,
Your words a soothing ointment,
healing the minds and souls of those
seeking Your mercy and grace,
Your justice and truth a mighty mountain
which never bends or breaks;
fill me with Your spirit,
lead me through the dark and hidden places,
lift me up above the mire and filth,
guide me down paths of righteousness
for Your name’s sake,
show me Your perfect will,
let me be Your servant forever;
in You will I place my trust,
in You will I find my hope,
through You shall I seek shelter,
through You shall I overcome;
You are my King,
You are my Master,
You are my Lord,
You are my God,
You are my Everything;
without You there is no today,
without You there is no tomorrow,
without You there is no beginning,
without You there is no end;
You have brought me to this
still and quiet place,
restoring all that was lost,
providing long awaited refuge,
bringing joy where there was none,
forgiving my trespasses and iniquities;
You and You alone have made it
to become a son of the living God.
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