Thursday, March 31, 2016

Today Will Have To Wait

I started to get dressed,
instead, all I could do
was lay back down;
today will have to wait;
that is how it is,
when the clock runs down,
yet it continues to move,
so there is still hope;
on television,
angry crowds protest,
screaming words of hate
at little children,
staring out of a bus window,
wondering what they have
done wrong,
to be the objects of
such maniacal wrath,
when the truth is,
they have done nothing,
except be born,
in a world where might
makes right,
and wealth demands privilege;
the mob stands firm,
in their position of moral
and political correction,
their comments,
their words,
their agendas,
their motives,
their ulterior objectives,
their over the top protests,
silently gives them away;
in it all,
there is fear,
in it all is self-preservation,
in it all is greed;
I no longer participate
in this self-illusion,
this mockery,
this secret subterfuge,
this moral dilemma,
it is what it is,
nothing can change it,
nothing can undo it,
darkness knows not mercy,
evil has it’s day;
good people,
blinded by hate,
drowning in the cesspool
of their own self-righteousness;
today will have to wait.


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