Friday, March 18, 2016

all the way

the moments begin
and end,
with just a touch of
woeful disdain,
a small taste of
eternal separation;
without all the hysterics (please);
final goodbyes are always hard to say,
brighter tomorrows seem to simply fade away,
as once again words pass on by,
like fresh young virgins in
mid-summer dreams;
there is a place where memories run,
lost in fields of silk and gold,
surrounded by empty voices
and echoes of days never known,
buried deep within dark, dangerous clouds
of approaching winter storms;
did you think there would be
no consequences?
did you think it could go on
only the price to pay,
the cost of doing business.
in this land of lost farewells,
big talk
and $25 words,
don’t mean shit around
they never did,
and they never will;
rip it open,
let it bleed;
tonight we’re going
all the way.


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