Sunday, October 19, 2014

What We Are

into nighttime dreams,
you come,
soft and warm,
young and sweet,
a gentle reminder,
that once there was life,
once, there was more
than met the eye,
proud and unwavering,
a warrior ready for battle,
full of strength and tomorrow;
now I can only remember,
now I can only dream;
these years slowly pass,
what pompous,
self-righteous creatures are we,
climbing slippery slopes,
passing judgment,
determining sentence,
drawing lines in the sand,
never seeing beyond all
that we know,
never knowing more,
than what we are;
forever trapped,
behind these bars
of flesh and blood;
words come slow,
out here in this forgotten land,
I sleep a sleep,
that is no sleep,
I live a life,
that is no life,
I die a death,
that is no death;
darkness fills the void,
the world goes on,
despite the absence,
bubbling to the surface,
in spite of the loss;
is it really just pretend?
is it really something more?


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