Friday, November 8, 2013

Laying Down The Law

today I think I realized something
for the very first time,
yeah, I think I finally got it,
and what was that you ask?
well okay, it’s just that
shit doesn't happen by itself,
I mean take this
writing stuff for example,
I fool myself by sitting back,
waiting for words to
magically appear and
royalty checks to
start pouring in,
and oh sure,
eventually some cute
little anecdotes manage to crawl
their way out of whatever
little crack or crevice
they were hiding in,
but all-in-all,
it isn't enough to fill
a good crap house periodical;
no, not nearly enough and today
it dawned on me,
you got to go searching
for those little fuckers,
hunt them down like the little
scum sucking dogs that they are,
and if they give you any shit
you just gotta say ‘Fuck You’,
get your ass out of whatever whiskey bottle
or Freudian childhood disappointment
you've chosen to crawl up and hide in,
and get down on the page,
the jigs up you little mother fuckers,
no more free ride for you;
this time I mean it.


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