Friday, November 29, 2013


growing up,
I never wanted the
normal things,
money, good job, family, etc.,
my vision was always a stage,
playing rock and roll music
in front of huge cheering crowds,
with everyone who never believed (in me),
who never thought I’d be much of anything,
old girl friends, parents, teachers, etc.,
sitting in the front row;
realizing just how wrong
they had been;
it was this vision
that made me play so hard
in sports,
even though I could have
cared less about winning
or losing,
it was the roar of a crowd
during a touchdown run,
or game winning hit
that I lived for,
and even though I talked about
all the other things,
teamwork, hustle, hard work, etc.,
it was all bullshit,
it was never about anything
but adulation;
and payback;
my life was a lie then,
just as it is today,
as I go to my dead end job,
pretending to be a good husband,
father, co-worker, etc.,
talking about right and wrong,
morality, beliefs, etc.,
telling my daughter about teamwork,
hustle, hard work, etc.,
when inside I’m still standing
on that stage,
looking down on thousands
of screaming, adoring fans,
old girlfriends, parents, teachers, etc.,
screaming into the microphone;
“you were wrong
all the time!”

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