Wednesday, May 3, 2017


I rise from my bed at 0444,
thinking of the day ahead;
still there is her;
I dress and make my morning juice drink,
get in my car and drive to work,
going over all the things
I want to accomplish throughout the day;
still there is her;
I watch the day come and go,
traveling on the road lying in-between,
making connections and departures
in a world where nothing is as it seems;
still there is her;
and I wonder if she knows,
if she understands the reasons
behind decisions, which were not as easy
as they might have seemed,
but in the final analysis;
does it matter?
so I pretend as if it was all just part of the game,
the way it was meant to be,
laughing and smiling at everything and everyone,
doing the only things I know how to do,
being the only person
I know how to be,
a stranger,
inside a dark and foreign land,
and still;
there is her.


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