Saturday, May 6, 2017

Crossing the Line

changes are not easy,
they never are,
they require deep self-reflection,
honest evaluations;
things which I have never been good at;
once I used to write for popularity,
thinking it was a ticket out,
an escape,
now I write for me,
now I write for survival,
trying to manage life,
mixed in among the dead,
fantasy with the real;
there is a fine line
between fantasy and reality,
genius and insanity,
it is not always easy to tell
which side of the line
something or someone is on,
boundaries are defined,
limits are set, and these become the world
in which we live,
but then someone comes along,
refusing to be confined
by a world of limits and boundaries,
they go beyond the drawn lines,
if they succeed,
they are a genius,
if they fail,
they are a fool;
her and I cross the line all the time,
we both know it,
neither of us speaks about it,
because if we did,
then we might have to admit
there are changes that need to be made,
lines which need to be redrawn,
and that is not easy;
but then it never is.


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