Thursday, January 12, 2017


around 4 am it finally comes,
it seems to take longer now,
more mindful,
this is how it is
when you get older,
the way it was meant
to be;
recovery is never quite
the same;
I remember many things,
things no one knows,
things about which
no one cares,
hot summer nights,
stars shining in the sky
like newly discovered jewels,
fresh and clean,
your skin,
soft and warm,
your touch;
like a long lost friend;
the end draws closer,
not much longer now,
I am ready,
all the bags are packed,
I have been waiting
for such a very long time,
soon the indignity will stop,
the suffering fade;
soon enough,
soon enough;
a quiet, peaceful sanctuary
amidst the storm,
a final sleep
before the breaking dawn.


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