Saturday, January 31, 2015


As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes.”   Luke 19:41-42
I do not weep for the truth,
I weep because of the truth;
I weep for the futility,
I weep for the loss,
I weep for the waste,
I weep for the hopelessness;
I weep for the children,
I weep for the tragedy,
I weep for the sorrow,
I weep for the suffering;
I weep for the inevitability.


Through it All

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”   John 14:6-7
I have been on both sides of the fence,
I have been everywhere in-between;
I have worked for hundreds
of thousands of dollars,
I have worked for minimum wage,
I have tasted a life of privilege,
I have known the hopelessness
of poverty;
I have witnessed first hand,
the devastation of losing
I have worked at a desk,
using only my mind and fingers,
I have worked back-breaking jobs
that no one should have to do;
I have seen people at their best,
I have seen people at their worst;
I have entered dark places from
which very few survive,
I have stood on the edge
as the god of this world
quietly whispered in my ear
to take just one more step;
I have seen demons,
dark and evil,
drive past in a car,
as I rode a bike
down the road;
I have talked with an angel,
her name was Vena,
she held my hand,
as I lay in a hospital bed
having a heart attack;
I have seen people destroyed
by the very things from which
I was saved;
through it all,
You have been there
for as long as I can
quietly watching,
softly calling,
patiently waiting,
through it all You have
lifted me up when I could not
stand on my own,
saving me when no one
else could,
protecting me when no one
else would,
through it all You have
given me an education
that no college could provide,
no amount of money
could buy,
teaching me humility
and compassion,
helping me to stand,
allowing me to fall,
showing me the illusion
surrounding this world,
the lies that trap so many
who do not even know
they are trapped;
no one makes it out of this life
without You,
no one comes to the Father
but though You.



He left us on a warm, autumn day, just walked away from life like a man on a long journey home. What is my life? What is any man’s life? Flesh and blood, disappearing vapor; here today, gone tomorrow.
there is a toxicity in the air,
a shallow kind of pall,
a quiet mushrooming hush,
as the clouds wait in witness;
I’ve started losing track of the days,
words no longer have meaning,
people and places become a blur,
my life fades like the night;
through it all You remain;
the myths are stripped away,
the moments silently await,
little boys stare at fastballs
floating lazily down the middle
of the plate,
the promise looms on the
distant horizon,
like some giant football scoreboard,
70 yards of open field
lies just ahead;
You were there in the beginning,
You are there in the end;
through it all You remain;
the edge does not hold the fear
it once did,
the darkness but a whisper,
the distance lessens,
as You become one step
just one beat;
just one breath;


Up Here

up here,
all your wealth and prestige
don’t mean a thing,
all your well-tanned, good looks,
all your Armani suits and
Rolex watches,
Rolls Royce’s and BMW’s,
all your witty, funny stories,
all your holier than thou piety,
all your false humility
and self-serving righteousness;
mean nothing at all;
up here there is no right,
no wrong,
no innocence,
no guilt,
no judgment,
no blame,
up here it is do or die,
fight or flight,
kill or be killed,
up here dead men
tell tall tales,
up here bullshit walks,
and survival talks;
I have been to this edge,
I have seen the emptiness below,
I have gazed into the darkness beyond,
through it all You were there,
through it all You were by my side;
up here,
there is nothing
without You.


Part of the Cost

southern boys like their trucks,
clean and sweet,
moaning and groaning,
like fresh young virgins
on warm Saturday nights,
dreamers dream,
lovers love,
sleepers sleep,
inside we all silently weep;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
kingdoms crumble,
melting like sand castles
beneath mighty ocean waves,
crashing violently upon
white sugary beaches,
stranding aqua blue jelly fish
for all eternity;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
haughty, petulant children,
searching in vain
for honor and truth,
hidden among ruins and
ancient halls of perfect darkness,
never finding,
never knowing,
never understanding;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
so many memories,
so much lost
along the way,
hanging on,
holding on,
with everything we have,
but in the end
they fade away,
like the early morning mist
before the
noon day sun,
and all that is left,
are echoes,
silently bouncing
off empty,
forgotten, walls,
there is no hiding
in this solitary world
called life,
no sanctuary,
no turning back;
part of the cost,
part of the loss;
through it all,
You continue to look down,
through it all,
You stand by my side,
You are the beginning,
You are the end,
You are all there is,
do not leave me here Lord,
do not forsake me,
hear my plea,
forgive my transgressions,
deliver me from evil ways;
bring me home to You.



I had a muse once;
she was my inspiration,
she was my balance,
she was my addiction;
not many can understand
a relationship such as this,
it is far more complicated
than it appears,
much deeper than meets
the eye;
everyday I would delve
into bold, new worlds,
forbidden territories,
outlawed loves,
lost and forgotten lives,
each more fantastic than
the other,
each more twisted
than the next,
strangers meeting on
foreign shores,
whispered rumors,
destinations very few
can fathom,
laying them at her feet,
an offering of darkness
upon an altar of suffering
and sacrifice,
living for her approval,
bathing in her radiance,
hanging on her every breath;
she owned every fiber
of my existence;
she was kind,
she could have drained me
of every drop,
leaving nothing behind,
she could have destroyed me;
she released me instead;
sometimes I miss my muse,
the words came much easier
with her than without,
but I became stronger
as a result;
so I think perhaps
that it is better this way.


It Is What It Is

it’s all fantasy and bullshit,
it’s all hypocrisy and lies,
it’s all vanity and puffed up pride,
it’s all just cheap, innocent illusion,
it is what it is;
strip away the greed,
remove the lust,
wipe off the impermeable filth,
reach out just once before
it is too late,
it is what it is;
past the point of no return,
no more free passes,
no more worn out excuses,
no more finger pointing,
no more hiding under the table,
it is what it is;
you gave it your best shot,
you gave it all you had,
but it was never close,
it was never quite enough,
it never had a chance;
it is what it is;
words dance and spin,
heaving and pulsating,
gyrating and undulating,
titillating like some
coked up stripper,
full of fanciful, fanatical
flesh driven dreams,
waiting to explode onto
forgotten, feverish faces
for the cost of one thin
dollar bill,
filling and stuffing,
until there is room for no more,
gagging and sagging,
choking and smoking,
one-way, back-street alleys,
death without dying,
honor without honor;
it is what it is;
this body fades into the mist,
alone and insecure,
never to rise,
never to return;
in the morning darkness,
I reach for Your precious hand,
from heights of places unknown,
You take hold,
pulling me from the pits below,
restoring me once again,
forgiving me,
loving me,
healing me;
You are all there is.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Martin Luther King day?

Martin Luther King day?
he brought sanity
to an insane world,
created calmness
out of chaos,
to a battlefield,
where none was deserved,
to a land grown black
by internal darkness;
Martin Luther King day?
I would certainly think so.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Oh Poet

innocent blood,
running softly across the ground,
pouring out the sad sweetness
which makes you all
that you are;
the cell grows smaller,
the chains pull tighter,
it is all you deserve,
in the end,
everything that was asked for,
became reality,
only distant memories left;
the ultimate denial,
the absolute illusion,
the final humiliation;
let it flow,
feel its simplistic texture,
round and rough,
bubbling up like some
forgotten brew,
bitter with vile,
forsaken by death,
floating in timeless gel;
I don’t know,
if I can ever return,
to this place
called home,
in this land of love,
it all comes out wrong,
it all seems so ridiculous,
like it never really was;
oh poet,
deny thy craft,
speak not,
lest someone hears
your voice.



I try to sleep,
but cannot,
I think of you,
I think of your strength,
I think of your big city
and I only love you
I think of a moment,
when I held you in my arms,
your arms around my waist,
telling you what a strong little
shit you are,
your laughter,
looking down into your eyes,
how I should have kissed you
right then and there,
told you I loved you,
carried you into bed,
made you mine,
but did not;
it is the biggest regret
of my life;
feeling stronger,
I come to the painful
that holding on to
memories, and things
I will never control,
is doing neither you,
nor I,
any good;
life goes on,
it always has,
it always will;
I have to let go;
once again,
I hold on to the one
who has carried me
through, time after time,
more than she will ever know,
more than she ever should know,
she deserves better,
but this is the best I can do,
she has known enough pain
for one lifetime,
unable to grow,
forever trapped in time,
by the monster who stole
so much,
holding on to her naivety;
I will protect her with my last
breath, even if I must protect her from
perhaps some things really are
better left unsaid,
but sometimes we say them
and for this,
there are no regrets.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Trail

I come to you at last,
my secret refuge,
my final stand;
it is a journey I have
been making,
all my life;
you taste like chicken salad
sandwiches, and bottles
of Pepsi-Cola,
on the last day of school,
before summer break,
like hot, July mornings,
when your dad is taking vacation,
as your mother packs the cooler,
for trips to ‘Deer Forest’ or
‘Tower Hill’,
sampling her potato salad,
wanting more;
never enough,
never enough;
time is running out,
it is there in every step,
every whisper,
every breath,
but it is okay,
eventually, we all arrive at
this destination;
my spirit cries out,
just once more,
but the body says no,
never again,
so you travel in your mind,
in your thoughts,
you remember the view,
the touch,
the feel,
you remember the cool breeze
blowing on your face,
the crows cawing out,
the valley floor,
lying so far below,
the sun shining on your face;
you remember the quiet,
the solitude,
the peace;
you remember
the days gone by,
you see the road ahead,
with a sigh,
you start down the trail
leading home.


Saturday Morning Biscuits

the day begins with biscuits,
sausage and egg,
bacon egg and cheese,
Saturday morning ritual,
part of the routine;
looking up,
the mountains call,
standing like ancient sentinels,
whispering like lovers,
in the fading, forgotten mist,
beckoning you to travel
their hidden trails,
a secret society,
a forbidden mystery,
but the growing pain
within your gut
says not today;
perhaps never again;
below, the James
gurgles and flows,
steady and rhythmic,
frogs creak,
daffodils bloom,
another spring awaits;
you think about
people and places
you have known,
you wonder within;
does a lifetime of
lessen moments of greatness?
does not light shine
through the darkness, no matter
where or when it shines?
do careless words
speak forever?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bukowski poems about Jane

For Jane ©
225 days under grass
and you know more than I.
they have long taken your blood,
you are a dry stick in a basket.
is this how it works?
in this room
the hours of love
still make shadows.

when you left
you took almost
I kneel in the nights
before tigers
that will not let me be.

what you were
will not happen again.
the tigers have found me
and I do not care.

Barfly ©
Jane, who has been dead for 31 years,
never could have
imagined that I would write a screenplay of our drinking
days together
that it would be made into a movie
that a beautiful movie star would play her
I can hear Jane now: “A beautiful movie star? Oh
for Christ’s sake!”
Jane, that’s show biz, so go back to sleep, dear, because
no matter how hard they tried they
just couldn't find anybody exactly like
and neither can

©Charles Bukowski


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Last Song

lately, my writing has become a lot
like my lovemaking,
the desire is still there,
but the potency has long since gone,
I suppose the two go hand-in-hand,
there were many times when
words were just an extension
of certain body parts,
so perhaps there is some validity
to this observation,
now the question is;
can it be more?
and for this
I have no answer;
the fire is going out,
many areas of my life are dying,
some days I cannot even
remember the point,
and that is a very dangerous
place to be,
I am slowly being reduced
to one side of the fence
or the other,
no more in-between,
no more middle-of-the-road,
no more shades of gray,
no more lukewarm,
hot or cold,
black or white,
life or death;
life changing decisions,
require life changing choices;
there is much I could say to you,
but nothing can undo the hurt,
nothing can bring back the life,
nothing can make right
the wrong,
everything has come down
to this moment;
the last poem,
the last word,
the last song.

Bad Asses

“I was glad I wasn't in love, that I wasn’t happy with the world. I like being at odds with everything. People in love often become edgy, dangerous. They lose their sense of perspective. They lose their sense of humor. They become nervous, psychotic bores. They even become killers.”  (Henry Chinaski) ‘Women’ –Charles Bukowski
“I’ve reached the point
where I want to throw out
all the shit, all the things
which aren't important,
I think for the first time
I want to try and
be happy” I told her;
she held my hand;
“It’s much easier
to be miserable in life
than to be happy,
to be happy requires
an effort, it requires
hard work” she said,
“it requires that you
take a risk.”
and I knew she was right,
all the things she had
been through as a child,
had taught her this
better than I,
or any teacher
ever could;
there are enough
bad asses in the world,
enough cruelty and darkness;
I am tired of
trying to be one.


Monday, January 12, 2015

nothing new

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.   Ecclesiastes 1:9
you can run,
you can hide,
you can laugh,
you can cry,
you can scream,
you can shout,
you can create,
you can destroy,
you can change,
you can rearrange;
it does not matter;
you can improve,
you can impress,
you can rebel,
you can regress,
you can be proud,
you can be ashamed,
you can be everything,
you can be nothing;
it does not matter;
men fight wars,
men live,
men die,
men come,
men go,
only the ocean waves
remain the same,
the sun rises,
the sun sets;
there is nothing new
under the sun;
I have dreams,
I have hopes,
I have ideas,
I have thoughts,
hidden among the ripples,
flowing like tomorrow;
truth does not give up her secrets,
they lie hidden within the maize,
like dangerous old friends,
waiting to pounce from above,
death does not catch us unaware;
there is nothing new
under the sun.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

never was

out here, in this wasted space,
no one hears the silence,
no one knows the loss,
no one understands the loneliness,
alone and holding on,
waiting for imaginary rescues
amongst lost and broken places,
hiding behind enemy lines,
crawling on hands and knees
between burned out bunkers,
full of dry, empty words;
never quite reaching the mark;
old debts return,
tears rain down like
sweet summer sweat,
holding on until
there is nothing left;
without hope,
without chance;
beautiful dreams flow like a river,
on their way to imaginary seas,
dancing like butterflies
on the morning wind,
echoing sounds of magic
within the caverns of mindless souls;
one more time,
traveling down long and
lonesome roads,
searching for a home
inside lost and empty ruins,
running from fantasies
that never were,
living within upside down dreams
which come and go;
over before it began;
my eyes have seen what others
have not,
my heart has known that
which no heart should;
who sees these shadows,
who knows this hunger,
every word,
every thought,
every feeling;
the day is gone,
the night moves on,
the bags all packed,
waiting for the final call,
once you go through
that door,
there’s no going back,
no return,
no tomorrow,
no more;
sometimes the greatest love
is that which never was.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Golden Years

it wasn't supposed to be
like this,
so empty and borderline,
so almost final,
full of unanswered questions and
unfulfilled promises;
long ago there was time,
endless and forever,
like stars in the eternal night,
now they fade,
as light from the new dawn
rises over the hills,
so remote and far away;
but somehow
we reached the golden years,
where everything is not too bad,
or not too good,
just somewhere in the middle,
just okay;
a very gentle and quiet place.


Not Mine

“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”   John 12:25-26
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”   John 15:18-19
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.   John 3:19-21
When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.   Luke 23:33-34
life is not fair;
the strong survive,
the weak perish,
the old dies out,
the new begins;
life goes on;
do not mistake humility
for weakness,
do not mistake silence
for ignorance,
I know far more
than you think I know,
I see things you cannot see,
I travel down roads
you never will;
this is your world,
not mine.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Confessions of a Mad Poet

he writes so eloquently,
with all the proper provenance,
all the MFA’s and PhD’s;
yet reading his work
is like running on a treadmill,
no matter how much effort
you put into it;
you always end up
right where you began;
I suppose at one time it was different,
prior to the formal training
and academic nonsense,
with all its self-proclaimed knowledge
and airs of superiority,
I’m sure the words flowed naturally and free,
taking the reader on a journey
into never before seen,
far-away lands;
but then the education
got in the way;
I have tried all the natural highs,
all the mind expanding techniques,
all self-promoting exercises,
all the little tricks of the trade;
alcohol works the best;
sometimes I almost forget,
but then a song comes
on the radio,
an old video clip is played,
something is said,
like tiny bubbles
in a bubble machine
the memories begin to rise,
it all comes back;
the loneliness,
the isolation,
the sadness,
the darkness,
all night diners,
coffee and eggs
at 3 in the morning,
oncoming headlights,
the empty road,
the feeling of being unlike
everything and everyone,
the searching,
the attraction to
dark and mysterious things,
endless shots of whiskey,
never satisfied,
never enough,
always wanting more,
more, more,
standing at the edge of nothing,
peering into it’s oblivious perfection,
breathing deep
the intoxicating scent,
understanding the futility,
seeing through the myth,
fighting back the inevitable;
sometimes the strangeness
became overwhelming,
all the differences,
the inner silence,
the unspoken words,
it’s a miracle
I never became a serial killer,
a deranged lunatic,
hiding out in public places,
waiting for a single nod,
a lone wink,
singular acknowledgement;
silent peace;
sometimes I almost forget,
almost, but not quite,
it has never been about fortune
or fame,
not about store bought
hypocrisy or
witty, tongue twisting words,
riding on the coattails
of expensive, inconsequential degrees,
complete with lifetime supplies
of picture-perfect, post-card images,
Vermont farms,
summers on the Cape;
it was always so much more;
all I ever wanted was to know
somebody was listening,
someone saw through
the technical difficulties,
past the political correctness,
beyond incorrect commas
or questionable capitalization,
seeing something more than
paper and ink,
seeing the life
beating within the pages
of endless, mind-numbing sentences,
someone who grasped the treasure
buried beneath the trash,
all I ever wanted is the same thing
every mad, raving, delusional, twisted
self-pitying poet wants;
to be heard;
I gave them passion,
but they only wanted bullshit,
I gave them agony,
but they only wanted bullshit,
I gave them love,
I gave them hate,
I gave them darkness,
I gave them light;
but they only wanted bullshit;
words to soothe
their bullshit minds,
pictures to fill
their bullshit lives,
paper with which to wipe
their bullshit asses;
self-made bullshit titles,
hiding behind unknown
bullshit presses
ending in ‘ville’
or ‘stanley’,
new paradigms,
publishing for the masses;
we are hanging on,
everyone of us,
waiting for just the
right moment,
ready to leap
whenever the chance
presents itself;
we are all hanging on;
death is cruel,
but it brings
unexpected blessings,
when life no longer nourishes,
when words are not enough,
even non-educated fools
can understand the basics,
it does not require
above average intelligence,
it is not a learned affair;
it is something so much


so you want to be a writer (Charles Bukowski)

if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.

unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.

if you have to sit for hours
staring at your computer screen
or hunched over your
searching for words,
don't do it.

if you're doing it for money or
don't do it.

if you're doing it because you want
women in your bed,
don't do it.

if you have to sit there and
rewrite it again and again,
don't do it.

if it's hard work just thinking about doing it,
don't do it.

if you're trying to write like somebody
forget about it.

if you have to wait for it to roar out of
then wait patiently.
if it never does roar out of you,
do something else.

if you first have to read it to your wife
or your girlfriend or your boyfriend
or your parents or to anybody at all,
you're not ready.

don't be like so many writers,
don't be like so many thousands of
people who call themselves writers,
don't be dull and boring and
pretentious, don't be consumed with self-
the libraries of the world have
yawned themselves to
over your kind.
don't add to that.
don't do it.

unless it comes out of
your soul like a rocket,
unless being still would
drive you to madness or
suicide or murder,
don't do it.

unless the sun inside you is
burning your gut,
don't do it.

when it is truly time,
and if you have been chosen,
it will do it by
itself and it will keep on doing it
until you die or it dies in you.

there is no other way.

and there never was.

- Charles Bukowski.

The Art of Making Love

early morning light,
making love to you,
ceased to exist,
and for a moment,
life was only
a transition,
changing with each touch
of your tender lips;
I am told,
by those much wiser
than I,
that words must be
that to live,
you must study
someone else’s life,
if this is true,
then I suppose
you cannot make love,
without watching
xxx movies;
I say, make your
own words,
live your own life,
make love in your
own way,
then it will be your words,
it will be your life,
it will be your love;
not some teachers.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond (by e. e. cummings)

somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond
any experience,your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose

or if your wish be to close me,i and
my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the colour of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens;only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody,not even the rain, has such small hands



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