Thursday, July 17, 2014

You'll Never Know

you touch me like a candle,
burning with sweet, tender, mercy,
as unseen worlds and non-existent walls,
rise up, only to crumble back
into the dark, angry ground;
but you’ll never know,
you’ll never know;
like an unobtainable dream,
you flutter into the room,
fresh from the kill,
hot on the trail,
one more from the road,
your face the face of humanity,
your expression all that there is;
I feel your fingertips,
breathe your aroma,
taste your skin,
imagine the unimaginable,
you’ll never know,
never know;
you ride upon a high horse,
in distant places with no name,
frustrated fires burning within,
innocent guilt replaces
moments of madness,
lost inside the maelstrom
with no way home;
rest easy my darling,
soon it will be done,
soon enough it will be finished,
you’ll never know,
never know;
we scream into the wind,
searching for worlds
that do not exist,
running from the impending darkness,
unable to change,
unable to exist,
unable to love,
frustrated little gophers,
scrambling from one hole
to another,
waiting for evening meals,
complete with nighttime
love-making dreams,
tucked safely in lairs of
complacent apathy,
we are nothing
but dissolving shit,
bubbling and fizzing
our way into nooks and crannies
of indelible majesty,
where only echoes may be heard,
complete with one-way dreams
of suburbia bliss,
surrounded by walls of
utopian opulence;
innocent pawn,
rest your beautiful head
here in grieving arms,
sweet daughter of the night,
sister of the moon,
the morning sun does approach,
bringing forth its saving light,
and it is here that you belong,
where you shall shine,
like the jewel you truly are;
you will know my love,
you will know.

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