Thursday, January 16, 2014


I knew a girl once,
her name was Holly,
we were lovers,
I met her in Florida,
she lived in Pennsylvania,
she used to come to New York
and Connecticut to visit me
when I was in the navy,
she was insatiable,
we once made love six
times in a row,
it was a personal best,
she married a trucker
she met on the road
while driving from Connecticut
back to Pennsylvania,
I don’t know what became
of her after that;
she made me happy;
Tolstoy was human too,
despite great efforts to
prove otherwise;
he lived,
he loved,
he laughed,
he disappointed,
he failed,
he tried to grasp concepts
and ideas beyond
human reason
and understanding,
but he was human
after all,
we all are;
on our own.
we can be nothing more;
there are things greater
than ourselves,
but only a few ever find them,
things greater than living
or dying,
eating and drinking,
war or peace;
making love to
beautiful young girls;
the Tolstoyans had it
all wrong,
just like the Bolsheviks,
the Luddites,
the Communists,
the Catholics,
the Republicans,
the Democrats,
and a thousand other
man-made institutions,
organizations and religions;
it is much deeper,
far more profound,
than anything our simple
human minds
can comprehend;
Tolstoy understood this
better than anyone;
if you’re listening,
thanks for the memories.

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