Monday, December 30, 2013


the hardest part about writing
is getting started,
ideas come and go,
flashing by like out-of-control missiles,
and try as you might,
you just can’t shoot
them down;
some days it feels like
it has all been said before,
so you ask yourself the
age old question;
what is the point?
and the only problem
is that it’s hard to argue
with logic like that;
some of the best stuff
I ever thought of never made it
on a piece of paper,
they’re lying unwritten
on the cutting floor of this
tangled up mind,
never to be seen by the light of day,
they come in the middle of the night,
sometimes only a line or two,
other times the whole thing
complete with title,
but in cases like that,
no matter how great the effort,
by the next day they are gone,
never to be seen again;
in poems written
poems thought of
I’d say I’m batting about .200;
kinda pathetic huh?
with an average like that
I’d say I deserve
to be benched.

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