Within the conquering depths
of this cold black cell,
You bring hope and life;
from the empty solitude
of this perpetual dungeon,
You fill me with your light;
trapped in the endless despair
of this eternal bondage,
You bring freedom and peace;
this prison,
holding me captive all my life,
no longer decides
who or what I shall be,
this depraved fortress of iniquity,
filled with unending suffering and pain,
where so much has been lost,
no longer shackles me
in the binding chains of anger and fear,
the master of eternal night,
whose darkness and lies
deceive the whole world,
no longer blinds my eyes;
freed from this prison
at a cost beyond compare,
paroled by Your sacrifice and love
through Your amazing mercy and grace;
Deliver Me
Within nighttime dreams,
I walk in cold, forsaken places,
dark, dead lost places;
far beyond the reach of hope.
I listen to the suffering,
I hear the sorrow,
I feel the pain,
I know the emptiness;
they are places through which
I have walked before.
When I awake
You are there,
standing by my side,
never letting go,
never walking away,
renewing and healing me,
blessing me when I deserve nothing,
forgiving me
when I cannot forgive myself,
reminding me that without You
I can never overcome.
Deliver me O Lord
from dark, dead places,
lost and forgotten places,
hidden within the shadows of dreams;
take away the emptiness
as only You can.
Hold me now,
bathe me in Your light,
fill me with Your love,
surround me with Your glory,
let me belong to You forever,
my Savior,
my King,
my God,
my Everything.
I am tired of mediocrity,
I am tired of compromise and second best,
I am tired of almost and maybe,
I am tired of what could have been
or what should have been,
I am tired of half truths and inventions of the mind;
I am tired of the religions of men.
I want truth,
I want reality,
I want depth,
I want freedom,
I want light,
I want the living Jesus,
I want the living God,
I want the Comforter
who speaks of all truth,
who fills with power and fire;
lead me by Your word O Lord,
let me glorify Your precious name,
show me Your will my God,
that I might live in it forever,
free me from this prison of darkness and lies,
renew that which was lost so long ago,
restore the light of Your glorious presence,
let me sit in Your shadow,
be my King forever,
remove anything not of You O Lord,
fill me O Lord,
show me O Lord,
guide me O Lord,
let me walk in Your will,
let me be a son in whom
You may take pride;
serving You is my purpose,
living for You is all I need.
Do Not Fear
Alone in the shadows,
lost with no way home,
frightened and confused,
heading for destinations unknown;
do not worry,
do not fear;
God is near.
In the darkness,
in the light,
within the sorrow,
within the joy,
through the suffering,
through the pain,
through times both good and bad;
do not worry,
do not fear;
God is near.
All things pass,
all things fade,
but His mercy endures forever,
His love knows no bounds,
so rest your tired head
my troubled and frightened child;
do not worry,
do not fear;
God is near.
Speak and I shall listen,
lead and I shall follow,
for You are my God
and I am Your servant,
for this purpose was I born,
for this reason do I live.
Above You there is no other,
You alone are worthy,
You alone deserve all worship and praise,
within You do all things lie,
within You are all things possible.
Washed with the blood sacrificed for so many,
You fill us with your spirit
that we might find true understanding,
that we might know
true knowledge and peace.
A gift so precious
it surpasses all understanding,
given freely to all who accept,
though none deserve.
Oh my Lord,
my spirit cries out for You,
speaking the love and adoration
that is Yours and Yours alone,
let the glory of Your mystery consume me
like a great and wonderful fire,
teach me,
guide me,
admonish me,
cleanse me,
purify me,
heal me,
sanctify me;
that through faith alone,
I might be found worthy
of one such as You.
Outside this worn and battered fortress
the enemy patiently waits,
laying siege to these crumbling walls,
setting hidden traps and snares,
offering enticing lures and baits,
silently probing and testing,
continuously searching for
weakness and flaws;
preparing for the final assault.
Within the darkness
I seek Your face,
through the long lost night
I wait for Your presence.
Rise up O mighty Lord,
defend me from unknown enemies,
free me from unseen prison bars,
fill me with Your holy fire,
bathe me in Your glorious light,
overwhelm me with Your holy spirit.
You are all that I desire,
You are all that I need;
You are the center of my hope,
You are the answer to every question;
You are all there is.
In You shall I find relief,
through You shall I overcome,
in You shall I have victory,
through You shall I be delivered.
Stay with me forever,
strengthen my weakening defenses,
prepare my heart for the coming battle,
let me be triumphant in the face of defeat;
bring me home to You.
When you are troubled,
turn to Him
and He will be there,
when you are despaired,
call out His name
and He will hear;
this world,
this life,
this time,
this moment,
all pass away;
but His love is forever.
For He will never forsake us,
never leave us,
this is His word,
this is His holy promise,
to all who believe,
to all who trust,
on His wonderful
and precious name.
The True Vine
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every
branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he
prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of
the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No
branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you
bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a
man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can
do nothing.” John 15:1-5
You are the true vine
I am the branch,
apart from You
I am nothing,
within You
I become fruitful;
within You
I am a son of the living God.
Your light is greater
than words can express,
Your love fills
even the deepest valley,
Your words speak truth
far beyond what my limited mind
can comprehend;
hold on to me
What words have I,
that pay honor to a King?
What gift can be given,
worthy of His name?
He who overcame,
He who defeated death forever,
He who reigns eternally,
He who is our master.
Mocked and mistreated,
spit upon and reviled,
beaten and scourged,
led like a lamb to the slaughter,
sacrificed upon a tree
for our iniquities and transgressions,
resurrected from the grave
that through faith in Him
none should perish,
but all might have life.
Through Him are all things possible,
through Him are all things made new,
to Him does all praise belong,
to Him is all glory given,
lift up His name
before all others;
the Holy One of God.
In the Morning
In the morning when I awake,
You are there,
flooding my soul with hope,
removing the internal darkness,
bringing comfort and relief,
renewing my strength,
providing the joy and peace
I so desperately need.
Being where You are
is all I ask,
standing at the foot of Your throne
is all I desire,
for You shall provide
everything I need,
You shall wipe away
every tear.
What words can describe
Your mighty glory?
What thoughts can compare
with Your magnificent truth?
You who made the heavens,
You who command the seas,
You who control the winds,
You who know the hearts
of every man.
I fall down in humility and awe
at the feet of Your wondrous presence;
let every breath
be breathed for You,
let every lip
praise Your holy name.
O mighty Lord,
let me worship You
Through You
I come before You O Lord,
broken and corrupt,
a lowly lump of clay
ready to be shaped
by Your blessed and holy hand.
Teach me Your ways
that I may walk in them forever,
show me Your truth
that it might be engraved in my soul,
immerse me in Your love and grace
that I might find life more abundant,
shine Your light before my eyes
that they may be blind no more.
Through You are all things made new,
through You are all things possible,
through You do we find strength,
through You do we have hope.
All I Ever Need
Change my heart O Lord,
remove the darkness lurking within,
take away the lonely emptiness,
save me as only You can.
I know the inadequacies,
I feel the uncertainty and doubt,
I try to hide the incompetence,
I hear the rage scream and shout.
Inside I am as dry bones,
my voice broken and unheard,
my skin burns with unquenchable fire,
my spirit longs for Your Holy word.
Open my eyes O Lord,
reach out Your mighty hand,
remove the temptations of this flesh,
help my carnal mind understand.
Allow me to overcome
all which keeps us apart,
deliver me from evil,
purify my wounded heart.
Heal my broken soul,
cleanse my every thought,
sanctify every motive,
by Your precious blood have I been bought.
Fill me with Your love,
walk with me for all my days,
teach me Your discipline
show me Your righteous ways.
You are where I want to be,
Yours is the voice I long to hear,
Your love is all I need,
with You I will not worry or fear.
Without You I am nothing,
with You I have all I will ever need,
You are my Savior and King,
through You I have been forever freed.
Lead Me O Lord
Lead me O Lord,
by ways I have not known,
guide me along unfamiliar paths,
turn the darkness into light,
make smooth the rough and rocky places.
I turn to You in sorrow and humility,
contrition and repentance cloud my troubled spirit,
forgive the iniquities and transgressions,
remove the darkness inside my soul,
fill me with the hope of Your presence,
restore the joy of knowing You.
All things are possible
for You mighty Lord,
no task too difficult,
no request too great,
no mountain too high.
You who created all that is known,
You who command the wind and sea,
You who were the first,
You who are the last,
in You shall I place my trust,
in You shall I find peace;
be my Savior!
be my King!
let me be Your servant
Romans 12:21
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against
the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but
against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark
world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians
6:11-12 (NIV)
In the depths of my carnal mind
the master of darkness softly speaks,
quietly searching for weakness and flaws,
silently planting his evil seeds;
seeds of lust and temptation,
seeds of doubt and fear,
seeds of hatred and anger,
seeds of revenge and retribution;
corrupting and twisting the truth,
clouding all that is real,
tearing down and destroying
until there is nothing left within,
building walls and divisions
between my brother and I,
putting words of venomous hate
on the tip of my imperfect tongue,
attempting to devastate and waste
all that is good,
all that is pure,
all that is holy and righteous;
all that is from God.
You patiently discipline and rebuke,
until at last I am able to understand;
providing the light for my blinded eyes
while gently holding my trembling hand;
guiding my feeble and wavering steps
as I slowly learn to stand.
Raise me up above the filth and mire,
hold me in Your mighty arms,
remove the darkness surrounding my soul;
teach me to not be overcome by evil
but to overcome evil with good.
Jeremiah 17:14
I have traveled so far,
still I return
to this place where I once began,
this land of degradation and pain
where darkness and silence live hand in hand;
I have traveled so far,
yet have I gone nowhere?
Deliver me O LORD,
do not give me more
than my broken spirit can bear,
do not leave me here
to face the enemy
I could never overcome alone.
In You will I place my trust,
in You will I seek my hope,
in You will I find my salvation,
in You will I enter my rest.
Touch me that I might be healed,
test me that I may be confirmed,
turn me from paths that do not lead to You,
teach me how to walk in Your light.
For if You heal me O LORD,
I will be healed;
if You save me,
I will be saved;
for you are the One I praise.
Down the Road Where You Lead
Amidst the lost and lonely emptiness
of this long cold night,
I search for Your wonderful presence;
throughout the constant bombardment and battering
of the enemies cruel and vicious attacks,
I cry out for You.
O Lord,
be real within my mind and heart,
do not be distant and far away;
reach out Your mighty hand,
bring forth Your glorious mercy and grace,
show Your servant blessed favor.
Silence the careless words of anger and hurt
rolling off my venomous tongue;
remove the thoughts of evil and lust
clouding my flesh-driven mind;
pull me from this iniquity and filth
I find myself drowning in.
I can’t make it any other way,
I have tried so many times before;
I have searched for so very long,
I have walked in darkness all my life.
You are the only answer,
You are the only truth,
You are the only light,
You are the only way.
Save me Lord,
heal my broken spirit,
shelter me from the gathering storm,
guide my every step,
fill me with Your perfect love,
teach me Your righteous and holy ways;
remove anything not of You.
Down the road where You lead
I will travel;
Yours is the face I will seek
for all of my days.
in the Lord always. I will say it again:
Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident
to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to
God. And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
Jesus. Philippians 4: 4-7
The cold black night quietly closes
the pain steadily intensifies,
blinding and overwhelming,
becoming more than I think
my spirit can possibly bear,
hope slowly fades,
rage fills my mind and heart,
bitterness and anger grow,
until it feels as though
I am about to burst;
the enemy silently waits,
ready for the final kill.
Then You reach out
across the long lonely miles,
using unsuspecting and unexpected messengers,
gently reminding me that You are near,
softly speaking words of encouragement,
renewing my faltering spirit,
providing new found courage,
making it possible to rise once again.
The pain begins to dissolve,
the darkness turns to light,
hope comes flooding in like a mighty river,
Your blessed peace surrounds me
like a well worn blanket,
the enemy retreats
back into the blackness
from which he came.
Once more You have delivered me
from unseen traps and snares,
once more You have brought hope
where there was none to be found,
once more You have saved me
through Your never ending mercy and grace,
I will rejoice in You,
I will declare Your wondrous love,
I will praise Your holy name,
In the Early Morning Silence
In the early morning silence
You quietly arrive,
washing over me like a warm ocean wave,
humbling my haughty spirit,
cleansing my filth ridden soul,
removing the darkness and dread,
renewing the faltering strength,
letting me know that I am Yours,
and You are mine,
Praise Your precious name,
never leave me alone,
stay with me throughout the cold, black night,
save me from the darkness waiting outside,
protect me from unseen traps and snares,
for I am just the branch
and You are the vine,
You are the one who provides life,
You are the perfect prize
waiting at the end
of this long and winding road,
without You I am so lost,
without You I can do nothing;
with You all things are possible,
with You I can do all things.
Fill me with Your Holy Fire,
descend upon my head
like a powerful rushing wind,
let me shine
like a great and wondrous light
burning for all the world to see,
guide my faltering feet,
lead me where You would have me go,
use me for Your righteous will,
remake me in Your beautiful and holy image;
bring me home to You.
Just Believe
Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler “Don’t be
afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36
In the middle of the night
I awake,
gripped with fear,
overcome by the immensity,
afraid of the unknown road ahead,
thinking of all the possible dangers,
unable to control even the smallest detail,
completely inadequate and out of control,
heading on a collision course with disaster,
then I remember the places from where I have come,
all the doors that have been opened,
all the chains which have been removed,
the love and grace that has brought me to this place,
and I hear His soft, cool voice,
gently whispering in the nighttime darkness:
“Don’t be afraid, just believe.”
the fear fades away,
the doubt dissolves into nothing,
the darkness turns to light,
there is only love,
there is only Him;
and that is all that matters.
In the deepest depths,
on the highest heights,
He is there
guiding my path,
showing the way,
the Friend who stands by my side
closer than a brother,
the King who laid down His life
that I might live;
the One who I will love
The Time Draws Near
Lost in the darkness,
I lie awake
tossing and turning,
frightened and confused,
unsure of the thoughts and emotions,
unable to understand or comprehend
as this dying body of flesh
slowly grows weary and fails,
betrayed by the instincts and hungers
it requires for survival,
destroyed by the intoxicating poisons
it so desperately craves.
The time draws near,
the day is at hand,
soon the morning sun will dawn,
all things shall be revealed.
The light of Your glorious presence
grows brighter,
the power of Your touch
strengthens and renews,
everything changes,
everything fades;
You are all I need,
You are all there is.
Lead me through this wilderness,
let Your righteousness be my guide,
let Your glory shine for all to see,
let Your holy will be done.
Allow me to serve You all my days,
for in You I shall find my deliverance,
in You I shall rise from the dark,
through You I shall overcome;
You who are my Lord,
You who are my King,
You who are my Everything.
He is There
The time draws near,
the journey almost at an end,
home is just beyond the distant horizon,
lying only a heartbeat away;
and I am ready.
He is there waiting,
ready to make all things new,
removing the darkness,
wiping away every tear.
The pain will pass,
the doubt will be removed,
the suffering will be no more,
the night will be turned to day;
the joy shall be forever.
And He is there waiting,
ready to make all things new,
removing the darkness,
wiping away every tear.
The words fade away,
time passes like a dream in the night,
these prison walls crumble into the dust,
all things will be as intended;
all things will be made right.
He is there waiting,
ready to make all things new,
removing the darkness,
wiping away every tear.
All the Days of my Life
Purify me O Lord,
like gold in the refining furnace;
remove the iniquities and impurities,
make me shine like a jewel
standing in the morning sun,
fill me with Your precious fire,
let me reflect the glorious light
that comes from You,
help me to overcome
this body of flesh
so desperately trying to drag me back
into the filth and perversion
of the dark and lonely prison
You have freed me from;
praise Your magnificent mercy and
Give me victory
over the enemy who would destroy
all that is perfect and pure,
save me from the illusions and lies
that blind and deceive,
prepare me for the coming battle;
bring me home to You.
Teach me O Lord,
Your holy and righteous ways,
lead me down mysterious paths,
mold the desires of my heart,
guide me into the center of Your will,
be my Master and my King,
let me serve You faithfully;
for all the days of my life.
Every Tear (Revelations 7:17)
Imagine if you can,
a world where everything
is as it should be,
as it was meant to be;
no darkness,
no evil,
no fear,
no doubt,
no suffering or pain,
no greed or lust,
no jealousy or envy,
no sadness or anger;
only love.
It’s easy to speak about,
much harder to truly see,
in a world ruled by flesh and lust,
where everything is about satisfying fleshly desires,
and self-indulgence and carnal pleasure dominate,
with fear controlling every thought and action,
trying to imagine such a world
is almost beyond normal human comprehension;
but try anyway.
This is the world which was in the beginning,
the world which shall be restored,
the kingdom that is to come,
where the One who lived the only perfect life
will sit on His throne and rule with justice,
protecting all who believe in, and belong to Him.
Where hunger and thirst will no longer exist,
where the sun shall not beat nor heat scorch,
where the Lamb shall be their shepherd,
leading them to springs of living water;
where every tear shall be wiped
My Everything
Help me to stand O Lord,
at the foot of Your glorious throne;
lead me down paths of righteousness,
teach me Your sacred and holy ways,
shelter me from the enemy silently waiting outside,
raise me up above the chaos and confusion.
Remove this anger and turmoil
living deep within my troubled soul,
defeat the lusts and perversions
quietly lurking inside my weakened flesh,
deliver me from the evil surrounding my every side;
let me take refuge in You O Lord.
Silence the iniquity and filth
spewing from my foolish tongue;
let every word from my lips
bring praise to Your precious name;
let Your mercy and grace flow like a mighty river;
fill me with Your unspeakable love.
Use this humble vessel,
to declare Your marvelous splendor;
let Your magnificent light shine
like a beacon upon a hill.
When the alluring nighttime darkness,
provocatively beckons my searching soul,
You are there softly calling out,
showing me the way home,
leading me back into Your waiting arms.
Without You all the words are dead,
without You there is no light,
without You there is no tomorrow,
without You there is no hope.
You are my Truth,
You are my Breath,
You are my Life,
You are my Everything.
Just the Same
I would like to imagine,
knowing all that I know now,
that when they came to take my Lord
in that dark and lonely garden
so many years ago,
I would have stood by His side,
demanding that the same fate which awaited Him,
should befall me also,
going with Him hand in hand
to be tortured and die on the cross,
knowing when it was all over
He would take me home,
that the apostles only fled
because they were frightened and confused,
but if they had truly known the miracle that was too come
they would have stood fast,
instead of fleeing like cowards
into the night.
I would like to imagine this,
but inside I know it would not have been so,
that in the end
I would have been just as afraid as they,
that I would have ran just as fast and far as they,
I know it every time I have a chance to profess my faith,
and remain silent,
or when I look the other way
when His precious name is used in vain,
not saying a word
for fear they will turn on me,
just like Peter did;
three times before the cock crowed.
Then I think about the fact
that He knew this would happen,
before it even happened,
that He knew he would be betrayed and left alone
to bear the iniquities of the whole world,
and still He loved us;
just the same.
Thank You
Thank you my precious Lord;
for the blowing wind,
for the swaying trees,
for the nighttime moon,
for the morning sun,
for this precious gift of life;
for every breath.
Thank you for Your word,
for Your mercy and grace,
for the gift of Your Holy Spirit,
for the sacrifice
of Your only begotten Son.
Thank you for Your truth and light
amidst the darkness and lies,
for Your precious love
when there is no love to be found.
Thank you for this peace
You have placed in my heart,
for restoring all that was lost,
for allowing me to be
a son of the Living God.
Let every voice sing praise unto You,
let every knee bow down
before Your glorious presence;
praise Your magnificent creation,
praise Your mighty name,
praise You forever and ever.
Any Less
It’s easy to love Jesus
when you drive a brand new F-350 diesel,
while vacationing for the winter in Gulf Shores , Alabama
in your 100 thousand dollar RV,
taking charter bus trips to Biloxi
for a night at the casinos.
Easy when you live in middle-class America ,
surrounded by all your healthy, happy children
and plump, giggling grandchildren,
with your body free from pain,
not twisted and grotesque
by diseases like aids and cancer,
not panting and short of breath
from clogged arteries to the heart,
because you have health insurance and can afford
the best medical treatment available,
with all the specialists and bypass surgeries money can buy,
yes, it is easy then.
Not so easy,
when you go through life worried and afraid,
worried about feeding your children,
worried about providing a shelter over their heads,
worried about the lump growing on your child’s arm,
unable to get it tested,
because you have no health insurance,
praying for the strength to get through one more day,
as you go to your low paying job
where America ’s
elite treat you like a hired servant,
because they have money and drive diesel powered F-350s,
with ‘I Love Jesus’ on the front license plate
and you don’t.
Some day we will all be the same,
standing before a holy and righteous God,
and I wonder how they will answer then,
when they see themselves
speaking with derision and disgust
to the person working for minimum wage,
because their cheese was sliced
a millimeter thicker than requested,
or because they had to wait
more than 5 minutes in the checkout line,
I wonder who will be blessed then,
I wonder if their diesel powered F-350s
with the ‘I Love Jesus’ front license plates
will mean anything then.
Then He speaks to me;
reminding me
that He walked this earth with nothing,
in spite of being the King
to whom everything belongs,
that He endured humiliation and torment
without ever once complaining or hating,
that even though He was the greatest,
He became the servant of many,
laying down his life for all,
paying a cost only He could pay,
doing the will of the Father
despite the suffering and pain,
giving us the example to be followed,
proving that He loves us all
unconditionally and without favor,
even those who drive brand new F-350s
with ‘I Love Jesus’ front license plates.
And He asks me;
“Is the servant greater than the master?”
as I quietly (and humbly) think to myself;
should I do any less?
Hold On to Tomorrow
All our lives we wait for better days,
sitting at kitchen tables in the middle of the night,
listening to the voices speaking inside our silent heads,
waiting for a morning sunrise just over the horizon.
I have seen your darkness,
I have felt your fear,
I have known your emptiness,
I have been where you are.
I look into the night,
I run from the past,
I search for the answers,
I hear the distant call.
Forever trapped
by man-made ideas and thoughts,
continually caught
within self-made visions and illusions.
Brave new paths lie ahead,
reach for the shining light,
hold on to tomorrow,
don’t give up the fight.
The prize awaits,
the fog does slowly fade,
nighttime darkness crawls away,
dreams no longer hide.
Somewhere just past midnight
detour signs appear,
as a different road beckons,
a new way revealed.
A road which never ends,
a road to call our own,
a road stretching into the future,
a road that takes us home,
where we can lay our
tired, battered heads;
hold on to tomorrow,
don’t give up the fight.
300 Miles Away (Please Wake Up America)
Up in Knoxville
the Vols are taking the field,
down in Tuscaloosa
the Tide begins to roll,
out in Gatlinburg they’re packin em in
for a big Dollywood weekend,
while 300 miles away people die.
All across the nation plans get
for backyard barbecues and family trips to the beach,
as supermarket shelves are stacked in anticipation
with more than anybody could possibly eat or drink,
while 300 miles away people die.
Stunned by what they are seeing,
people watch the news and shake their heads,
calling in 50 dollar pledges,
vowing to make a difference,
while 300 miles away people die.
In Washington ,
in Jackson and in Baton Rouge ,
fingers are being pointed as the blame game begins,
all across the nation the great debate rages,
filling the blogs and chat rooms with wisdom and advice
from every self-made expert the internet has to offer,
while 300 miles away people die.
Please wake up America ,
we are all to blame,
we are all guilty,
we all watched and waited from afar,
while 300 miles away people died.
More than homes and people have
more than dreams are shattered,
more than a way of life is gone,
part of a nation has died with them.
Now is the time to stop the finger
pointing and blame,
now is the time to stop worrying about the pursuit of
perpetual pleasure,
now is the time to reach out and love one another as never
now is the time to trust in the One who can heal all things,
now is the time for repentance;
please wake up America ,
before it is too late.
Closer Than a Brother
Search my mind and heart O Lord,
remove the darkness and doubt,
shelter me from the enemy
waiting outside these prison walls,
ready to exploit and abuse
even the slightest weakness.
Help me overcome the anger,
pull me from the turmoil,
defeat the fleshly lusts,
destroy the deadly perversions,
deliver me from the consuming evil,
let me find refuge in You.
Re-create all that I am,
make me in the mirror
of Your holy image,
bathe me in the wonder
of Your magnificent light;
fill me with Your wondrous love.
Nothing is beyond
Your powerful touch,
all things are possible
for You O Lord;
even this.
To You do I surrender,
in You do I trust,
before You do I fall,
into Your hands
do I commend my spirit.
You who are my holy King,
You who are my shining light,
You who guides my every step
through the eternal darkness
of this long black night;
You who stands by my side
closer than a brother.
O mighty Lord,
help me let go of all I have known,
give me discernment over all that I see,
purge anything that is not of You.
Let me lay down this sinful robe worn from birth,
let me walk in Your shining brilliance,
let me live by the sound of Your wondrous voice,
let Your holy commands be engraved in my heart,
let me be a son in which a father may be proud,
let me be like You O Lord.
Give me courage to withstand the onslaught
when my enemies shamefully use me,
let me bring glory to Your name,
let my lips speak only of Your praise,
let my life be a living testament to You O Lord,
for You alone are worthy.
I long for Your presence,
I delight in Your will,
I live for Your fellowship,
I find my comfort and hope in You.
You are my King,
You are my Truth,
You are my Light,
You are my Way;
You are my Everything.
Raise Me Up
The time has begun,
today shall be the day,
now is the answer,
here in lies the way.
In the morning when I rise,
You are there,
softly speaking to my soul,
humbling my swollen ego,
making me understand
the glory and magnificence
that is Yours alone.
Throughout the day,
as my tongue speaks foolish vanities
and my mind thinks
self-absorbed, hate filled thoughts,
You softly remind me;
gently rebuking,
patiently teaching.
Raise me up O Lord,
help me to stand,
fill me with Your Holy Spirit,
consume me with Your wondrous fire,
surround me with Your marvelous love.
Reach out with Your mighty hand,
cleanse my filthy garments,
heal my damaged soul,
remake me in Your holy image,
remove anything not of You.
O magnificent Lord,
Light of heaven,
King of the universe,
Savior of the world,
let every voice
sing praises unto You,
let every breath taken
glorify Your precious name.
All That I Have
You shine like a beacon in the night,
bringing light to a land grown dark,
restoring life to a dying world,
providing truth where there was none,
so many years
spent living in eternal darkness,
no one knowing,
no one seeing;
but You.
Locked away
like some dirty little secret,
the self-inflicted abuse
slowly taking it’s toll,
until there was nothing left;
nowhere left to turn,
nowhere left to run;
then You called out,
leading me to places
never before seen,
showing me possibilities
never before imagined,
by Your suffering and sacrifice
was I saved,
by Your wounds and stripes
was I healed.
You have restored
all that was lost,
You have brought
new hope and joy
where there was none;
to You do I owe all that I have,
to You will I belong forever.
Holy Words
Caught up in the moment,
lost in the confusion and chaos,
surrounded by a ruthless enemy,
I take shelter in Your protective arms,
within the silence and solitude
of the long black night,
I seek Your righteous counsel.
Guide my path O Lord,
direct my wavering hand,
let all who see my life
know the beauty and wonder
of Your marvelous mercy and grace;
do this for Your glory my Lord,
do this for Your mighty name.
Who am I,
that You should pour out Your blessings?
Who am I,
that You should see my life?
There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.
All my thoughts,
all my knowledge,
all my righteousness,
are but filthy rags
before Your mighty presence.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Thank You my precious Lord,
for Your marvelous, glorious light,
for Your holy words of wisdom and truth
which shine like rare and wondrous pearls.
Just as He Promised
Someday the last line will be written,
there will be no more waiting,
no more searching for the final word,
no more pursuit of the perfect phrase,
nothing more to be saved.
I wonder if there will be closure,
I wonder if I will feel peace,
I wonder if I will have said it all,
I wonder if anyone will take notice,
I wonder if anyone will care.
I suspect in the end,
my words will die and decay away,
just as this fleshly body
will crumble into the dust
from whence it came.
It does not concern me,
for I will be with my Lord then,
He will provide my sustenance,
He shall wipe away my tears,
He will fill me with joy,
He shall be my hope and redeemer,
He will make all things new,
He will provide all that I ever need,
just as He said in His holy word;
just as He promised.
Let All the Earth Sing Praises Unto Him
Great is the Lord our God,
His righteousness and justice stand like a mighty mountain,
His mercy flows like a great and powerful river,
His majesty shines like a rare and beautiful jewel;
let all the earth sing praises unto
For there is no other like Him,
no other who saves His people from their sins,
no other who defends the lonely and lost,
no other who shelters the fatherless and weak;
let all the earth sing praises unto
In the nighttime darkness,
He is there by my side;
in the morning when I awake,
He is there holding my hand;
guiding me,
teaching me,
disciplining me,
loving me,
showing me the paths
down which I should travel,
providing the strength
to hold on just a little while longer;
let all the earth sing praises unto
For He is God almighty,
the holy King of the universe,
the Master of mercy and grace,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
the Beginning and the End;
the Truth,
the Light,
the Way;
let all the earth sing praises unto
All Things Are Possible
Out on the front line,
anticipating the approaching dawn,
the hour grows short,
even as the waiting turns long;
everything changes with time,
even this.
White on black,
black on white,
all is not as it seems,
there is more than meets the eye;
some mysteries
were never intended for discovery,
some truth
is more than most can handle,
some lies
are better left untold.
Don’t let me sink
into this sea of darkness and pain,
help me rise above the surface,
let me feel the light once more,
allow me to breathe again,
turn defeat into victory,
guide my escape
from these demonic monsters,
desperately pulling me down,
give me the strength to resist
their unceasing perversion and depravity.
Show the world that with You,
I can do all things,
that He who is within
is greater than he who is without;
that for You
all things are possible.
Great is the Lord Our God!
When I drift off into the darkness of sleep,
You are the last thought on my mind;
when I awake to the light of a brand new day,
You are the first one to enter my rested heart.
Let all my words speak of Your glory,
let every sound issued from my lips
bring praise to Your wonderful name,
let every creature fall down before You,
let every tongue cry out and confess
that You alone are King.
Great is the Lord our God!
Holy is His mighty name,
mercy and righteousness go before Him,
truth and justice light His glorious way.
Great is the Lord our God!
By Him alone were all things created,
by His hand do birds of the air fly,
by His voice do mighty oceans roar,
by His touch does every heart beat.
Great is the Lord our God!
His love is beyond compare,
His faithfulness will never fail,
His words are like precious jewels,
His greatness exceeds mere words.
Great is the Lord our God!
He reaches out His powerful hand
to the lonely and lost,
He brings comfort and joy
to the down trodden and despaired,
He heals the broken hearted,
He lifts up the poor in spirit,
by His marvelous light are His people led
through the darkness of this forsaken wilderness.
Great is the Lord our God!!!
A Son of God
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become sons of
God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor
of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God John 1:12-13
How great is Your wisdom O Lord,
how deep Your knowledge;
Your words are a soothing ointment,
healing the minds and souls of those
seeking Your mercy and grace,
Your justice and truth a mighty mountain
which never bends or breaks.
Fill me with Your spirit,
lead me through the dark and hidden places,
lift me up above the mire and filth,
guide me down paths of righteousness,
show me Your perfect will,
let me be Your servant forever.
In You will I place my trust,
in You will I find my hope,
through You will I seek shelter,
through You shall I overcome.
You are my King,
You are my Master,
You are my Lord,
You are my God,
You are my Everything.
Without You there is no today,
without You there is no tomorrow,
without You there is no beginning,
without You there is no end.
You alone have brought me to this place,
restoring all that was lost,
providing long awaited refuge,
bringing joy where there was none;
You alone have made it possible,
to become a son
of the living God.
Somewhere There is Love/Somewhere There is You
Somewhere there is decency and goodness,
amidst the evil and iniquity;
somewhere there is mercy and hope,
within the suffering and doubt;
somewhere there is love,
somewhere there is You.
Where darkness is no more,
and light shines pure and bright;
where every tear is wiped away,
and fear fades like the disappearing night;
somewhere there is love,
somewhere there is You.
The One who bought my freedom with His life,
the One who is my majestic Savior and King,
the One through whom all things flow,
the One whose praises I will forever sing.
To You do I swear my allegiance,
in You will my life forever belong,
with You does my loyalty lie,
through You will I know no wrong;
Knowing You,
is worth more than all the riches of this world,
to be where You are,
is the greatest gift one could ever receive.
Teach us Your ways,
guide us as beloved children,
pour out Your Holy Spirit on our heads,
bathe us in Your brilliant light,
fill us with Your precious love.
Show the entire world Your magnificent glory,
let all creation praise Your wonderful name,
let every knee bow,
let every tongue confess,
that You and You alone are Lord and King;
somewhere there is love,
somewhere there is You.
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been
demon-possessed begged to go with him.
Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them
how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the
Decapolis how much Jesus had done for
him. And all the people were amazed. Mark
All my life I have been a slave,
all my life I have been lost,
all my life I have served unseen masters,
all my life I have been a prisoner;
sexual perversions and lust,
spiritual darkness and depravity,
financial debt and personal greed,
unjustified hatred and anger,
self-destructive gluttony,
fantasies and delusions of grandeur,
vanity and self-induced egotism,
malicious slander and vicious lies.
Sacrificially raped,
silently abused and self-tortured,
steadily stripped of all dignity and self-worth,
repeatedly robbed of confidence and truth,
slowly losing any faith or trust,
then You reached out Your mighty hand,
pulling me up from these raging seas,
unlocking the door of this forsaken cell,
delivering me from eternal bondage,
opening my blinded eyes;
no longer a victim,
no longer a slave.
Now I wait for the day
when I will be where You are,
sitting at the foot of Your throne,
basking in Your glory and light,
telling the world of Your mercy and grace,
telling the world what the Lord
has done for me.
Every Hope
There are many kinds of right,
many kinds of wrong,
many elaborate illusions and myths,
all of which seem correct to a man,
all of which fade with time,
like early morning fog,
rapidly disappearing
before the approaching noonday sun.
There is only one right,
there is only one truth,
there is only one way leading to life,
all others lead to destruction and death.
There are no other choices,
no alternate paths,
no other name by which a man might be saved;
in the end there is outer darkness,
or there is You.
That is the truth,
those are the choices,
despite how hard so many
wish to believe otherwise.
You have delivered me from dark prisons
where only sadness and sorrow live,
You have pulled me up
from pits of decadence and decay
where hope does not exist,
You have restored all that was lost
in the blackness of the night so long ago;
there is nothing more that I
nothing more that I need.
You have provided all that I require,
You have fulfilled every dream,
You are my every hope,
You are my everything;
thank you Lord.
Jesus looked directly at them and
asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become
the capstone’? Everyone who falls on that
stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed”
from where does it come?
to where does it go?
It rattles around inside,
bouncing back and forth
like some misguided nuclear missile,
and just when you think you have the answer
you come to the stark, brutal realization;
you’ve only scratched the surface.
so seemingly simple
yet so profoundly complex,
separating darkness from light,
bringing dawn to the fading night,
cutting hard and deep
with surgeon-like precision and skill,
providing comfort and mercy
while dispensing perfect judgment and justice.
Truth is absolute,
truth is forever,
truth never changes,
truth never compromises,
truth is condemnation,
truth is salvation
all rolled into one,
Truth is the stone
upon which everyone who falls
will be broken to pieces,
but he on whom it falls
will be crushed;
truth is Jesus Christ.
Now There is You
For most of my life I have tried to create art,
painting pictures with words,
offering different perspectives,
silently observing,
hopelessly searching,
forever wondering,
continually hiding.
But words have never quite described
the voice inside;
there were times when they came very close,
but in the end they faded into nothing,
lying broken and unheard,
forgotten and abandoned,
falling like flakes of crystallized snow
upon endless plains of shifting sand,
melting on contact,
gone without hope.
For most of my life
words have been my only companion,
a refuge of safety and solitude,
a convenient hiding place,
a comfortable illusion,
my sword and shield,
a powerful weapon,
by which my enemies might be destroyed;
without mercy,
without compassion,
without hope.
Now the illusion disappears,
the darkness turns to day,
You are healing the wounds,
You are showing me the way,
now there is more than words,
now there is truth and light,
now there is hope,
now there is You.
The Way of Truth (Matthew 7:13-14)
Lost in this sea of darkness,
sentenced to die
from the day we are born,
guilty as charged,
eternally separated,
forever gone.
The dreams of men
are like birds on the wind,
shifting and rearranging,
living and dying,
here today,
gone tomorrow.
There are many roads in life,
leading to far away, unknown destinations,
creating their own specific brand of justification,
finding their own particular version of truth,
but no matter how many truths we create,
no matter how many different ways
we want to believe;
there is only one truth,
there is only one way,
there is only one road.
It does not bend
to fit our ideas or desires,
it does not go in the direction
we demand it to go,
it is final,
it is absolute;
that is how truth works.
Enter through the narrow gate,
for wide is the gate and broad is the road
that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it,
but small is the gate and narrow the road
that leads to life;
and only a few who find it.
For most of my life
I have endured anonymity,
accepting the mental and emotional abuse,
withstanding the humiliating onslaught,
listening to the voices of the proud and vain,
as they crush and demean the weary and worn,
trampling underfoot the helpless and weak;
without mercy,
without reservation,
without compassion.
For most of my life
I have endured anonymity,
with all its darkness and corruption,
hiding in the shadows,
weeping unknown tears,
asking questions with unanswerable answers,
living a lifeless life,
waiting for a definitive end.
Yes I have endure anonymity,
with all its cruel subtleties
and ironic mysteries,
silently watching and observing,
forever imagining and wondering,
continually seeking and searching;
then there was freedom,
then there was hope,
then there was light;
then there was You.
Great is the Lord,
vast are the lessons of His wisdom,
holy are the paths on which He walks,
righteous are all His ways.
My spirit cries out for Your presence,
my mouth thirsts for Your knowledge,
my eyes long for Your beauty and grace,
my soul searches for Your glory and light.
Once Again (Luke 5:8)
Back in the gutter,
covered with filth and stench,
full of dark angry thoughts,
pointing fingers,
passing unfounded judgment;
once again.
Wrapped up in the cares of this world,
thinking of short term solutions,
lost in the self absorbing pity,
searching for flesh driven answers,
drowning in vanity and pride;
once again.
Go away from me Lord,
I am a sinful man!
Instead You reach out Your mighty hand,
pulling me from the murky quagmire,
softly whispering in my ear:
“Don’t be afraid,”
once again.
O Lord,
I don’t know why You suffered and died
for someone like me,
but I know that You did;
I don’t know how someone like You
could love someone like me,
but I know that You do;
and I don’t know
how someone as perfect as You,
could save someone like me,
from the fate which I so undeniably deserve,
but I know that You will;
thank You my Holy Lord,
praise Your mighty name,
all glory to You,
forever and ever.
Once More
The end draws near,
it speaks from within
just as surely as the wind
blowing through the swaying trees.
The last breath waits,
silently and patiently lingering,
as final as ocean waves
crashing down upon deserted winter shores.
I do not fear it,
I do not seek it,
it is what it is,
it will be what it will be,
part of the final story,
a small piece of who and what I was,
the completion of a journey.
I know it will not be easy
dealing with the anxiety and pain,
I know there will be times
when my patience and tolerance will grow short,
when the anger and fear of the flesh will come out,
but I know it will be harder on those around me,
my wife, my family, what few friends I have,
than it will be on me.
Because I know my Lord and Savior,
the One who was sacrificed for me,
the King who laid down His life that I might live,
will be there the whole time;
I know that He will give me the strength
to endure every trial;
I know that He will be by my side
through every moment of suffering and pain;
I know He will never leave me,
never forsake me,
never stop loving me.
It is in His hands that I place my life,
to Him do I submit all that I have,
in Him do I place my trust,
through Him shall I live once more.
I Know
I know that in the end
You will make everything come out right,
I know that this darkness surrounding me now
will fade with the morning dawn.
I know that You will wipe away every tear,
I know that You will make all things new,
I know that You will heal the damage,
I know that You discipline and teach
only those whom You love,
I know that You will stand by my side
through every trial and test,
I know that You will never give me more
than I can withstand;
I know.
Inside I have always known,
just as I have always known
that You are the truth,
that You are the light,
that You are the way.
I knew it when I lay on that gym floor
so many years ago,
Your soft still voice bringing reassurance
that You would be there
when I stepped onto the football field,
I knew it when I stood at the edge,
staring into the eternal darkness waiting before me,
as You pulled me back into Your precious arms,
before I was forever gone;
I knew it then,
I know it now.
And no matter where this road leads,
I know that I will always love You,
that I will always be Yours,
that You will always be my King,
my Lord,
my Savior;
my Everything.
The Wonder of You
There are secret things,
things so dark and forsaken,
things that only You can see,
things that only You can forgive.
You bring me to the foot of Your throne,
You raise me up by the hand,
You strip away the denial and pretenses,
You remove the impenetrable walls,
You bathe me in Your unspeakable light,
You cleanse the dirt and filth within,
You take away the darkness and pain,
You calm the turmoil and agony,
You heal the sickness and suffering,
You fill me with Your unimaginable glory,
You soothe the raging storm.
Renew my faith,
rekindle my fire,
restore my waning strength;
refresh my tired and worn out soul,
fill me anew with Your Holy Spirit.
You are my King,
You are my Lord,
You are my Master,
You are my God,
You my Truth,
You are my Light,
You are my Way.
Never let me forget,
never let me doubt,
never let me take for granted;
the wonder of You.
Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let
the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the
Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” declares
the Lord, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than
your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah
Once more,
You open my eyes,
once again,
You hold up the mirror
before my wretched and pitiful face,
revealing inner things
I could not see on my own,
showing the conceit
of all my preconceived ideas,
humbling the lofty and haughty spirit
by which I have walked,
crushing the self-righteous throne
upon which I have sat,
deflating the egotistical vanity
living inside.
Proving that You alone
know the hearts of men,
making me understand
that You, and You alone,
have the right to judge,
that there are ways
which seem right to a man,
but in the end lead to death.
Lord forgive my selfish pride,
have mercy upon my wicked ways,
guide my blinded eyes,
lead me down Your holy paths,
use me for Your righteous will,
teach me Your perfect ways,
rebuke my errors and mistakes;
discipline me as a beloved son.
The Best We Can
Everywhere there
is anger,
everywhere there is meanness,
everywhere there is ridicule,
everywhere there is despair.
Men no longer search for truth,
men no longer thirst for
it has become much too dangerous,
political correctness has become
the brave new frontier;
compromise the
name of the game.
The world as we know it is
falling down,
with no relief in sight;
answers no longer have meaning,
questions are no longer asked.
I close my eyes
and imagine days gone by,
I close my eyes
and see days too come,
I hold on to the hope
while letting go of the reality,
I search for winding, empty roads
where few have ever traveled,
settling in the end
for safety and comfort,
following paths well taken.
Broken promises and lost
tumble down,
like building block houses
on a child’s playroom floor.
Failure hurts,
fantasies and foolish feelings
forever slipping from your grasp,
always just one reach too far,
always a little more than you can
Time and flesh fade
until finally
words are all that is left,
when in truth
they are all there ever was.
Overcoming the night
is never an easy task,
yet still we try,
the best we can.
Letting go of the dreams
was never part of the plan,
yet still we do,
the best we can.
Somewhere little boys are free
to play the games of men,
while dreaming of days ahead,
without running from the demons
of their past.
I am still here,
quietly waiting,
I will wait as long
as You require;
I will wait forever.
I belong to You,
I always have,
I always will;
You are my Lord,
You are my Master,
You are my God;
You are my Everything.
Every Breath
When we are young
we dream of all that could be,
as we grow old
we come to the bitter realization
of all that we are not,
and what will never be.
It is then dreams die,
It is then that hope fades,
It is then truth is lost.
For everything there is a season,
for everything there is a purpose,
for every push there is a shove,
for every action there is a reaction.
Overwhelm me with Your truth,
fill me with Your light,
let today be the day,
let now be the time.
In You we become something greater,
in You we are made complete,
in You dreams live once more,
in You hope is restored,
in You we shall live forever.
Let every breath taken
be taken for Your glory,
let every word spoken
be spoken of Your majesty,
let every creature under the sun
praise Your name.
Be my King,
be my Lord,
be my Master,
raise this vessel from the dust,
make me a noble instrument
useful for Your holy will,
let me be Your humble servant
for all eternity.
Psalm 103
When I turn to You
light comes pouring in,
darkness slips away,
hope rises within;
I am set free.
You are a sweet summer breeze,
a clear mountain stream,
a warm, gentle touch,
innocence and purity;
truth complete.
As far as the east is from the west
have You removed my transgressions from me,
as a father has compassion on his child
have You had compassion on me.
Through Your unfathomable sacrifice
have I been redeemed from the dead,
by Your mercy and grace
has my soul been restored.
Forever shall I belong to You,
forever shall I sing of Your greatness,
forever shall I praise Your name,
forever shall I love You above all others.
Let Your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven,
remove all that is not of You,
cleanse the filth and iniquity
abiding within this imperfect temple,
make me into a new creation;
fill me with Your love.
You are my strength,
You are my rock,
You are my comfort and joy,
You are my God,
You are my Everything.
Where is Thy Sting? (I Corinthians 15:55)
We live in a world ruled by fear,
it dominates our thoughts,
it determines our decisions,
it decides how we live our lives;
fear of illness and disease,
fear of starvation,
fear of destruction and chaos,
fear of losing loved ones,
fear of losing money or possessions,
fear of being different,
fear of growing old,
fear of being sad and alone,
fear of not being loved,
fear of rejection,
fear of suffering and pain,
fear of the unknown,
fear of living life,
fear of the truth;
spiritual fears so dark and deep
we don’t even like to admit they exist.
We live in a world that thrives on fear,
where many prey on the fears of others,
surviving on their reactions,
commercializing their existence,
capitalizing on the opportunities,
exploiting the weakness.
There is One who has conquered death,
there is One who has overcome fear,
through Him we are free to live again,
through Him we are free to ask:
O death where is thy sting?
O grave where is thy victory?
In the early morning silence
I search for Your unending truth,
amidst the internal chaos and confusion
I seek Your wonderful presence.
make a joyful noise
unto the Lord,
for His goodness and mercy
shall last forever.
Through the darkness
of the cold black night,
I feel Your soft cool touch,
from across the void
of unknown chasms
I hear Your small still voice;
I know no fear,
I know no doubt;
thank you Lord.
make a joyful noise
unto the Lord,
for His goodness and mercy
shall last forever.
In Him shall I place my trust,
through Him shall I overcome the night,
by Him shall I be made whole,
within Him does all my hope lie.
make a joyful noise
unto the Lord,
for His goodness and mercy
shall last forever.
The Comforter
Sometimes I am so close,
some days I am so sure,
as the words flash across my mind
like lightning in the sky,
here and gone in the blink of an eye,
with no idea what comes next.
Awed by the magnitude and depth,
humbled and amazed
by how far it truly goes,
taken aback by the wisdom
with which it speaks,
the Comforter promised by His word;
He who testifies of the truth,
He who teaches discipline and knowledge,
He who brings all things to remembrance.
The precious gift
from the Lord of love and perfection,
the Master of truth and light,
the Holy King of the universe
to whom I owe all that I have,
to whom I will praise,
to whom I will belong
Redeemed by the power
of His marvelous love and grace,
freed from the bondage of this world
through His suffering and sacrifice,
saved from eternal darkness
by the shedding of His precious blood.
O my Lord,
my sweet, sweet Lord,
to You do I give
everything that I have to give.
How I love Your beauty and light,
how I long to see Your glorious face,
guide me down the path
which leads me home to You.
For All My Days
Father, see my weakness,
forgive my iniquities,
have mercy on my trespasses;
do not leave me here
to face the fate I so richly deserve;
take pity on me Lord,
I am a sinful man.
Amidst all the chaos and confusion
have I had but one desire,
through all the aimless drifting and wandering
have I loved You;
in You will I trust
for all my days.
You have rolled back the darkness,
You have restored the joy,
You have removed the sorrow and shame,
You have returned the hope.
Let Your light shine through the night,
let Your glory be seen by all,
let Your kingdom rule for eternity,
let Your will be done on earth
as it is in heaven;
let me be Your servant
for all my days.
Time continues to move on,
this earthly body crumbles and fades
back into the dust from whence it came,
the things of this world come and go,
yet Your love endures forever.
Soon the pain and suffering will pass,
soon the fear and doubt will be gone;
soon I shall be with You
for all my days.
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day
whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the
other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell:
but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
Choose you this day
whom ye shall serve;
the time is drawing near,
lines are being drawn
with no room in between,
be ye on one side or the other;
choose you this day
whom ye shall serve;
you have witnessed the truth,
you have walked in the shadow
of His mighty presence,
you have reaped the harvest
of His blessed mercy;
so choose you this day
whom ye shall serve;
but as for me and my house,
we shall choose to serve the LORD.
Dark Night No More
Dark night no more,
suffering and pain forever gone,
Your precious light shines upon my face,
the road ahead becomes clear,
a new day begins to dawn.
Hold me in Your arms,
pour out Your mercy and grace,
soothe the raging storms,
silence the savage screams,
save me from the fate I so richly deserve;
there is only truth,
there is only peace,
there is only love,
there is only You;
there is nothing more I need.
You have defeated the darkness,
You have conquered the fear,
You have restored the life,
You have returned the hope,
You have raised me from the deep.
Forgive my foolish ways,
remove my haughty pride,
humble my stubborn heart,
show me how to live;
make me like You O Lord.
Be real within my heart,
mold my desires around Your Holy will,
teach me as a father teaches a son,
speak inside my soul,
change my ways.
Shield me with Your love,
walk with me through the shadows,
protect me from the night,
be with me wherever I go.
For all my days
I will trust in You.
I Will
I have rested,
I have slept through the long cruel night,
I have withstood the sting
of twilights last goodbye,
I have seen the land of shadows end,
where nothing ventures
and nothing returns.
Inside we are all the same,
crawling, running, searching, seeking,
so close, yet so incredibly far,
hiding from truth and mysterious creatures
standing just beyond the void,
where words shake out
and sorrows seldom go,
whispering final goodbyes
along the way.
You miss so much
trapped within these prison walls,
where recognition is lost
within subtle rows
of uninterrupted, self-induced bliss.
Sometimes answers to prayers
do not provide expected results,
sometimes the truth
is a hard road to travel;
but even unwelcome answers,
are better than no answers at all.
I do not understand the why,
I do not see the how,
I do not have the desire or the vision,
but if this is from You;
then I will.
I Have Lived a Life/You Were There
I have lived a life,
it has not always been correct,
it has not always been sweet,
it has not always been perfect,
but it has always been mine.
I have lived a life,
what more can be said?
I have made many mistakes,
I have had many regrets,
through it all I have tried,
through it all I did my best.
I have lived a life,
I have gambled and lost,
I have smiled and won,
I have laughed with angels,
I have cried with demons.
I have lived a life,
for better or worse,
for richer or poorer,
through good times and bad,
I have lived a life.
Within every victory,
inside every defeat,
there has been one constant, one truth,
one answer to which I have returned,
time after time.
Whether lying in dark, silent gyms,
waiting to run onto electrified, football fields,
or driving blindly down dark, winding roads,
barely able to hold on to the wheel,
with eyes blinded from alcohol and drugs,
You were there.
When walking alone
through deserted, snow covered streets,
where everything seemed dead and lost,
You were there,
patiently waiting,
silently offering hope,
steadily dispensing love,
constantly providing truth,
gently guiding my path
back to You.
Now I must dig deep,
now I must face the final test,
now I must overcome the last obstacle,
now I must turn to You
for the strength to see it through,
now I must put my trust in You,
within whom all things are possible.
Give me the words,
give me the strength,
give me the power,
give me the answers.
I have lived a life,
I have won,
I have lost,
now through You,
I am ready to live
a better one.
One Flesh
What began so small
has become so great,
what once was two
has been joined as one;
one love,
one life,
one truth,
one flesh.
You are the one
my heart desires,
you are the one
who makes me whole.
when you laugh I laugh,
when you cry I cry,
without you I would be lost,
without you I would be alone,
without you I would be incomplete.
No one but you and I
understand this great and magnificent miracle,
this deep and hidden mystery
that our life has truly been,
a beautiful, wondrous, blessing of God
for which I give continual thanks.
What God has joined together
let no one put asunder,
as it was in the beginning
so shall it be in the end.
Do Not Deny Me You
I have been running,
I have been hiding,
I have been denying,
I have been ignoring,
I have become lukewarm,
I have become complacent,
I have sought paths that are easy;
I have become a friend of the
Everything I have belongs to You,
everything I am is because of You;
You hold my life in Your hands,
it is Yours to do as You will,
it is Yours for better or worse;
You are the potter, I am the clay.
Father forgive my weakness and disobedience,
have mercy on my soul,
see into my broken and humble heart,
remove my sinful desires and ways;
as far as the east is from the
Pour out my life like a drink offering,
trample this flesh underfoot,
take all that there is to take,
but do not deny me You,
do not remove Your presence from my face,
do not extinguish Your precious light,
do not allow me to slip back into the darkness;
do not deny me You Lord,
do not deny me You.
True Love
Love is a hard word,
easy to say,
difficult to prove,
impossible to overcome.
It is a word I have used many times
without true understanding,
without complete comprehension
of just what it was saying,
a word filled with endless meaning and possibility,
yet so much bigger than my ability to fulfill,
full of such magnificent intent,
but used for all the wrong reasons.
True love overcomes all obstacles,
true love never gives up or quits,
true love goes beyond physical barriers,
true love comes but rarely in the lives of men,
true love comes from God.
“Greater love has no
one than this,
that he lay down his
life for his friends.”
More than words
by the One who lived them,
more than empty promises
by the One who provided the way.
The One who gave us the perfect example,
the One who made all things possible,
the One who holds the answer,
the One who is truth,
the One who is light;
the One who is love.
The great I AM,
the Lord of all creation,
the holy King of the universe;
the Master of us all.
Where You Are
Depravity is never far away,
like a cancer it grows;
eating everything in its path,
destroying all that is good and true,
mocking righteousness,
laughing at suffering and misery,
hurling damning accusations,
enslaving its victims in decadence,
forever caught in the bondage of sin.
Silence becomes a special friend,
isolation the weapon of choice;
dirty little secrets
impossible to defend,
perversions and lusts
hiding behind flesh covered walls,
truth slowly disappearing,
light gently fading,
years rolling quietly by,
night steadily consuming the day.
The anger rises up,
the fleshly imperfection takes hold,
then I remember You;
I remember Your suffering and sacrifice,
the shame sets in,
the humility overwhelms;
I am so unworthy.
Some days I am so close,
others I am so far;
look down on me now,
hear the murmur of my crying heart,
lift me from this dry, lonesome grave,
have mercy on Your servant,
take me where You are.
Remove the darkness,
unlock the chains,
let the light come pouring in,
fill me with Your love.
I Am So Close
The words come,
the words go,
flowing and spinning
from there to here, and back again,
where too is never known,
where from even less,
like some mad river
gone wildly berserk.
I don’t want emotions,
I don’t want feelings,
I only want Your truth,
I only desire Your reality,
I only live for Your love.
I am so close,
I am so ready,
come to me
Without You the words are nothing,
without You there is no tomorrow,
without You the sun does not shine,
without You there is no hope.
One life,
can it really make such a difference?
Does anyone really care?
When so many come and go,
when so much begins and ends,
does anyone really care?
So many greater than I,
so much more righteous than I,
love You with a love so pure,
how could You possibly love me?
yet You do.
Look into my heart,
see the hope growing within,
remove the thorns of darkness
choking life before it begins.
Take my hand,
pull me from these waters
swirling about my head,
reach out and heal the damage done,
take away the emptiness
as only You can.
In You will I trust,
despite what my eyes do see,
Yours is the voice to which I will listen
no matter what my ears may hear,
Yours is the face I will seek
for all the days of my life.
To You do I belong,
now and forever more,
in You will I find refuge
from the raging storm outside.
How precious is Your word O Lord;
it is nourishment for my soul,
it is light before my eyes,
it is comfort for the weary,
it is truth in a world
where there is none.
I am so close,
I am so ready,
come to me
Lead Me Down the Road
Lord have mercy on me,
forgive my wayward ways,
restore my broken spirit,
remove anything not of You.
Rebuke me Lord,
discipline me,
teach me,
love me;
heal me.
You alone are worthy,
You alone are righteous,
You alone are holy,
You alone do I worship;
You alone do I love.
All things are possible for You,
nothing is beyond Your saving grace,
fill me with Your Holy Spirit,
touch me with Your healing hand;
lead me down the road
that brings me home to You.
Vanities and Vexation
I hear the words being said,
I listen to the songs being played,
I watch the drama unfold,
and in them all
are the words of men,
in them all
are vanities and vexation,
I who deserve nothing,
I who have disappointed and fallen short
time after time,
I who have lied and cheated
without reservation or fear,
come before Your throne
with nothing to offer,
seeking forgiveness
through Your mercy and grace.
All my words,
all my thoughts,
all my ideas,
are but vanities and vexation,
imaginations of the heart,
whose time has come and gone,
like the moment in which they live,
fit for nothing but the dust
from whence they came.
O mighty Lord,
lead me by Your light,
guide me by Your voice,
fill me with Your words,
let me live by Your grace alone.
Though I have the praises of all
though I have the honor of all the world,
without the joy of pleasing You O Lord,
it would be as nothing.
Your will is all I want,
Your approval is all I need,
it is the desire of my heart,
it is the center of my dream,
it is the glory of my vision.
Eventually we are all reduced to settlement,
satisfied with just a little space
where pain and suffering no longer exist,
accepting the consequences
for a moment of solitude,
selling out for pennies on the dollar,
seeking an amicable resolution,
compromising in the name of peace.
No one sees but You,
no one knows but You,
no one hears but You,
no one cares but You.
Lord have mercy on Your servant,
forgive my foul and perverse heart,
renew my downtrodden spirit,
raise me up from this pit,
surround me with Your grace,
glorify Your holy name.
No matter what the circumstances,
I will place my trust in You,
You have restored my broken body,
You have renewed my damaged spirit,
You have shined Your blessed light
upon the dark corners of my soul,
You have freed me from this forsaken prison;
once more.
Thank you Lord,
praise the name of Jesus forever!!!!!
In You
Even if there were no hope of reward,
at the end of this long lonesome road called life,
still would I sing praises unto You,
still would I love Your name;
for Your truth,
for Your light,
for Your sacrifice.
In You there is no darkness,
in You there is no confusion,
in You there is only light,
in You there is only peace,
in You lies all my trust,
in You resides all my hope,
in You I place all my faith,
in You shall I overcome
the darkness of this night,
in You shall I have
life more abundant,
for above You
there is no other,
You alone are worthy.
You know what I need
better than I could ever know myself,
You see that which my limited vision
cannot even imagine,
You lead me to that perfect place
before I even know I have arrived.
You have restored all
that was lost,
You have brought new hope and joy,
to You do I owe all that I have;
to You will I belong forever.
he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before
him. He also shall be my salvation: for
an hypocrite shall not come before him.
Job 13:15-16
Inside we are all afraid,
inside we are all searching,
inside we are all alone,
inside we are all defeated;
inside we don’t stand a chance.
I don’t know the whys,
I don’t understand the how,
I cannot comprehend the reasons,
I cannot withstand the crushing blows,
I cannot overcome the darkness;
I cannot see past the night.
I only know that You have,
I only know that You can,
I only know that You will,
I only know that for You
all things are possible,
I only know if I am forced to choose,
then I choose You;
I only know that You
are the one I love.
Lord take me where You are,
remove me from this dark and lonely place,
rebuke and discipline my rebellious ways,
refine me like gold in the refiners fire,
help me fight the battle;
teach me to be like You.
Through every trial and test,
through sorrow and joy,
though You destroy this fleshly vessel,
though You slay me at Your feet,
I will put my trust in You,
for You are my hope and salvation;
Praise Your holy name forever.
The Day is Near
What can be said
that has not been said before?
Facts change,
words rearrange,
details differ,
but at the end of the day
there is nothing new under the sun,
we are still a heartbeat away from forever,
we are still only a mixture
of vanity and vexation.
This life fades like morning dew,
evaporating into the sky,
forever lost,
eternally gone.
All the dreams and fantasies,
all the longing and sadness,
all the hopes and fears,
remain the same,
in spite of toys and technologies,
despite self-imposed dignity,
as we continue to anesthetize and tranquilize
feelings and thoughts,
with pompous litanies of monumental self-worth
and maniacal delusions of grandeur.
Seek that which cannot be lost,
search for truth and light,
find the way
in world without hope,
accept the free gift,
paid for by the only One
who could pay the cost,
He to whom all glory is given,
He who is the King of us all.
I am waiting,
I am ready,
the time is coming,
the day is near.
My Eyes Do Not See
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in
hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong. II Corinthians 12:10
My eyes do not see,
but I have eyes
with which to see,
my ears do not hear,
but I have ears
with which to hear,
my mind does not understand,
but I have a mind
with which to understand;
I have You
and that is all I need.
This fleshly body
slowly crumbles into the dust,
yet I continue to rise,
man-made ideas and thoughts
come and go,
but in the end
they mean nothing at all;
I have You
and that is all I need.
Through weakness
Your strength is made perfect,
therefore I shall glory
in all my weakness,
for when I am weak
I am made strong
by Your grace alone;
I have You
and that is all I need.
My computer crashed today,
everything I had written
for the last 4 months was lost,
no cd or floppy,
no backup,
it was simply gone
It’s not like I can recreate it,
this stuff doesn’t work like that,
it comes and it goes,
and when it’s gone
it is gone,
never to return again.
I felt like I had lost a child,
something precious and dear,
but even when you lose a child
eventually you have to move on,
life is like that,
here today,
gone tomorrow;
like a crashed computer.
Moments piled upon moments,
some good, some bad,
some precious,
some unremarkable,
coming and going
with the blink of an eye,
every moment sacred,
every moment uniquely yours.
I prayed to the Lord
and He gave me peace,
He made me remember
what is truly important,
that it’s not the words I write,
not the respect or glory
they might earn,
not about gaining
the admiration of others,
not about feeding my vanity and ego.
He is what is truly important,
He is my King and Lord,
serving Him is where my true joy lies,
glorifying His name
is all that matters.
There will be more words,
there will be other moments
piled upon moments,
like sheets of ice
during a Lake Michigan
winter storm,
forming vast mounds of forgotten dreams,
full of dramatic melodramas.
They will fade
like the setting evening sun,
but the Lord shall be forever,
His kingdom will shine for all eternity;
He is my backup,
He is my guarantee.
Doctrine (II Timothy 4:3)
My command is this: Love
each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay
own his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no
longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s
business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from
my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and
appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last. Then the Father will
give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other. John 15: 12-17
Entire sanctification or not,
tongues or not,
special discernment,
gifts of the spirit,
self-declared knowledge,
man-made wisdom and
vanities of the heart,
mysterious new doctrines,
emotional roller coaster rides,
puffed up words
that fade with the dust,
one truth,
one Lord,
one kingdom;
in the end
all that will be left
is love.
For now we see with imperfection,
peering through a fog shrouded mist,
unable to find complete clarity or understanding;
one day the fog will roll away,
the doubt will be removed,
we shall see through eyes of perfection;
we shall know perfect truth;
we shall experience perfect love.
Lord I am so unworthy,
I am so inadequate,
go away from me
for I am a sinful man;
tear out my sin-filled eyes,
burn my lips and tongue
with hot burning coals;
let the whole world be silent
before Your magnificent
and holy presence;
let every knee bow,
let every heart confess,
that You and You alone
are Lord and King;
that to You
and You alone
does all glory belong.
Lord let me escape false teachers
who no longer follow sound doctrine,
rabid dogs who know not truth
nor allow others to follow its path,
fading mists speaking vain words
for itching ears to hear,
let me walk in Your light,
let me live in Your love,
let Your will be done
In the End
looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is
written: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone’? Everyone
who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will
be crushed.” Luke 20:17-18
good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can
a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark
When I was 18,
the high school, jock, superstar,
the golden boy
with the golden touch,
class president,
everything to everyone;
it was an image,
I spent most of my adolescent years
I could have married the hometown girl,
bought a house in my parents neighborhood,
spent the next 30 or 40 years
making a comfortable living,
gathering after work at the local bar
with all the other hometown boys,
living off old press clippings
and exaggerated sexual conquests,
collecting interest on Friday night touchdowns
and Saturday morning hangovers;
instead I did everything I could
to kill who and what I was.
I wandered,
I searched,
I smoked,
I drank,
I snorted,
I embarrassed,
I lied,
I deceived;
I failed;
I burned every bridge,
I slept with whores,
I broke man-made laws
and spiritual taboos,
I sinned against man,
I sinned against God,
I did everything possible
to commit personality suicide.
But in the end,
I was still here,
stuck in the same skin,
unable to escape,
unable to change,
unable to be anything
but what I was,
trapped by the truth
living inside.
In the end,
I became exactly
what I was destined to be,
and You were still there
In the end,
You put Your arms around me,
quietly whispering:
“Don’t be afraid, just
believe” (Mark 5:36)
forgiving the suffering,
forgiving the humiliation,
forgiving the beatings,
forgiving the pain,
forgiving the torture,
forgiving the isolation
endured by You;
for the evil committed by me.
In the end,
You forgave the sins
of a world not worthy
to kiss the dust beneath Your feet.
In the end,
You shined Your light before me
and my eyes were blind no more.
In the end,
I will stand before the throne of Your glory
and the joy shall be forever.
Do Not Be Afraid
You are my child,
I have loved you from the moment
you were created in the womb,
I will always love you,
I will always be beside you,
I will see you through every trial,
I will hold your hand
through every test;
I will be with you forever.
I know there are things
that you do not understand,
I know that you are frightened and confused,
I know there are things that do not make sense,
things that are beyond your ability to comprehend,
I know how you were formed,
I know you better than you know yourself,
I know your weakness,
I know your strength,
I know what you can withstand
and what you cannot;
there are some things
in which you must simply
put your trust in Me.
Turn to me
and I will give you comfort,
seek me with all your
and you will find me.
You are my dear, precious child
who I have loved
from the moment of creation,
do not be afraid,
just believe;
for I am with you
I Am Ready Lord
Old friends return,
wooing, soothing,
inviting, cajoling;
standing just outside the door,
hiding among the dark angry shadows,
waiting for the show to begin,
patiently biding their time;
all night diners,
endless cups of coffee,
lonely highway lines,
empty roads leading nowhere;
how far is the bottom?
where do the lies end?
where does truth begin?
Emotional roller coaster rides,
painful days and nights,
forgotten dreams,
silent memories;
who cares?
All I ever wanted was for someone
to recognize the pain,
someone to understand the depth,
someone to salute the effort,
but no one ever does;
no one but You.
Don’t let me fall Lord,
hold me above the killing zone,
keep me safe from the slaughter below.
I hear Your precious voice;
I am ready Lord,
I am ready;
all I want is to belong to You,
all I need is You;
I am ready Lord,
I am ready.
All Things
I am
not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever
the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to
have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every
situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.. I
can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians
I am strong,
through You
I am alive,
through You
I am a son
of the living God;
I can do all things.
In times of joy,
in times of sorrow,
You are there,
opening my eyes,
guiding my paths,
within You
I have all that I need,
within You
I shall not want,
within You
I am more than I am.
You teach me
to be patient,
You show me
how to be better,
You renew my strength
when there is no strength
to be found.
Holy Father
fill me with the fire
of Your magnificent spirit,
remove anything not of You,
recreate me in Your glorious
make me a son
in which You may take pride;
bring me home to You.
The touch returns,
the cold black night closes in,
dogs return to their vomit,
sows freshly cleaned
wallow in the mire once again,
am I really so far,
will I ever escape
from these prison walls
surrounding me now?
And yes now I see,
now I know
just how far it goes,
just how costly it becomes,
what fools we are;
trapped within snares
of our own doing.
I see my life play out,
I remember all the wrong decisions,
I relive all the wasted opportunities,
I count up all the lost minutes;
and I am so tired.
The darkness waits
once more,
thick and black,
silently enveloping my soul;
does no one see?
does no one know?
does no one care?
Everything fades,
everything passes by
like shadows in the night,
everything changes
with the morning dawn,
Save me O Lord,
let me rest in Your powerful arms,
let me find sanctuary
within Your sacred walls;
bring me home to You.
Without You
I am so undeserving,
I am so unworthy;
puffed up pride
seeking its own glory,
self-centered ideas and thoughts
full of vanity and iniquity,
lips dripping with venomous hate
spewing words of anger and hurt;
without You
there is no hope,
without You
I am so lost and alone;
when will it end Lord?
See my wretched life,
remember how I was formed,
help me live
with the frustration,
give me strength
to overcome the hopelessness,
lead me through this
valley of darkness and desperation,
free me from this prison of flesh;
hold me in Your arms
The pain in my body
becomes more
than I can bear,
the weariness to much
to overcome,
as I try to rise up
once more;
and I cannot live
if I live without You,
I cannot make it one more day
without You;
my life is nothing
without You.
So Shall I
It gets harder everyday,
sometimes it feels as though
my bones are on fire,
half the time
I’m not sure if the pain is
physical, mental or spiritual;
or maybe a combination
of all three.
I know it’s the diabetes,
it’s getting serious now,
no more fooling around,
no more slight inconvenience,
it has become the monster
all the experts said it would,
a crazed killer
without conscious,
a psychopathic beast
who knows neither mercy
or compassion,
devouring everything
in its path.
Sometimes I just want
to get a bottle of whiskey,
take a few percocettes
with some Billy Gibbons guitar
playing on the headphones,
make the pain melt away,
drift off into the fog,
never come back,
sometimes I just want to
make it stop,
physically, mentally
and spiritually;
so easy,
so final.
But that would be the easy way,
the path of least resistance,
the broad gate,
the road that leads to destruction;
He is worth more than that.
In the evening darkness
I search for His light,
in the morning silence
I listen for His voice,
He is there by my side,
giving me strength
when there is none,
picking me up
when I am down,
He will not let me fail,
He will not let me give up,
He has defeated this world,
and through Him;
so shall I.
And will not God bring about
justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep
putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.
However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? Luke
all my life I have known darkness,
I have flirted with it,
I have danced with it,
I have felt its intoxicating touch,
I have watched it destroy
innocent, naive fools,
I have seen it claim victims
without mercy or remorse.
yes I know darkness,
I have seen its cruelty,
I have known its calculating coldness,
I have hid in the shadows
as it silently passed by,
I have stood at the edge
of its endless abyss
staring into the eternal blackness,
I have been an unwitting
and unsuspecting witness to its
terrible and irreversible effects,
I have survived when so many others
did not.
Yes I have known darkness,
I have seen its writhing, invisible tentacles
slowly spreading across society,
quietly planting seeds of doubt,
secretly robbing the world of faith,
steadily dousing the light,
surely and confidently
waiting for the end.
Soon the darkness shall be no more,
evil shall no longer exist,
the world shall be free,
the light will shine once again,
every tear shall be wiped away,
He who testifies to these things
says “Yes I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Revelations
To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great
revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to
torment me. Three times I pleaded with
the Lord to take it away from me. But he
said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
weakness.” Therefore I will boast all
the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on
me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I
delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Corinthians 12:7-10
It’s not easy
accepting that you are
permanently damaged,
a cripple,
less than normal;
less than a man.
That you’ll never run again,
never move freely again,
never be fast and agile again,
never be without pain,
never be without suffering;
never be without hardship.
Yes it’s not easy
but you adjust,
you get by,
you take more pills
for the pain,
you learn to move slower,
you accept the inevitable,
you patiently wait for the
all the time knowing,
it’s only flesh and blood,
only bone and nerve endings,
only a temporary illusion;
here today,
gone tomorrow.
You think about old girlfriends,
you think about memories
from the past,
you remember 55 yard touchdown runs
and inside the park homeruns,
you remember doing things
others can only dream about,
and you come to the realization
that all-in-all, it’s been a pretty
fair deal,
nothing to cry over,
nothing to be bitter about,
just another speed bump
along the way,
one more trial,
one more test;
one more obstacle
to overcome.
You remember the words
of the apostle Paul,
you remember that he too
toiled and suffered,
you remember that there are things
much bigger in this life,
much more important
than the bodies in which
we are housed;
that power is made perfect
in weakness.
Thank you Jesus,
for Your magnificent
mercy and grace,
thank You for my life,
thank You for making me
a son of the living God,
thank You for the peace and joy
You have placed within my heart,
thank You for the suffering and sacrifice
endured by You for me,
thank You for being my Lord,
thank You for being my King;
thank You for being my Everything.
Look Down On Me Lord
Look down on me Lord,
see the weakness,
witness the weariness,
understand the pain,
hear the depression,
feel the frustration;
see this burning desire
to belong to You.
So many answers,
so little truth,
remove this sadness
living inside,
make perfect
the imperfection,
take away the lust
and temptation,
fill me with Your peace;
heal the damage done.
O my Lord,
everything fades but You,
all are false but You,
You and You alone
are life and truth,
You and You alone
are the holy King of the universe,
let Your love and light
guide my crooked path,
let me walk in the shadow
of Your wondrous
mercy and grace,
lead me to living waters
that never cease,
deliver me from the evil
lurking just outside,
overwhelm me with Your
marvelous love,
teach me how to become
a son of the living God;
praise Your holy name forever!
In the night
I remember places
where I have been,
I remember forgotten things,
small things,
things which only
You know,
and I feel Your wondrous touch,
Your magnificent mercy and grace.
All my life
You have led me
to this moment,
and now I am ready,
now I can comprehend,
now I am Yours completely,
now I will belong to You
Do not let me be a well
without water,
do not let me be a dark angry cloud
within the approaching tempest,
do not let me walk down paths
leading to death,
do not let me be pious
for piety sake.
Let me be a living spring
from which all may drink,
like a mighty raging river
let Your unconditional love
flow from within,
as a brightly blazing beacon
set upon a hill for all to see,
let Your marvelous light shine forth,
fill me with the splendor
of Your precious spirit,
allow me to be a messenger
of Your glory and truth.
praise Your holy and beautiful name,
my King, my God, my Savior
my Everything.
In the Morning
In the morning,
I remember a simpler time,
a sweeter life,
warm Florida
with air so pure
you could taste the promise
in every breath,
but none of it compares
with You.
Who can speak of Your
wondrous glory and light?
what words can describe
the magnitude of
Your mercy and grace?
what sounds may be uttered
that reflect the majesty
of Your perfect love?
Rain Your spirit down on me,
open my mind and eyes,
illuminate my soul,
let me find the words
which glorify
Your holy name.
Lead me
when I am blind,
remind me
when I forget,
show me
that without You
I am lost,
without You
I can do nothing at all.
Restore the joy,
remove the darkness,
heal the damage,
open my eyes,
fill me with Your love,
let me shine
with Your light;
bring me home
to You.
Everything I Need
Walking in the darkness
the pain grows stronger,
becoming more
than I think my body can bear,
with every breath, with every step,
You teach me the value of mercy,
You show me the price of suffering.
You are the potter,
I am just the clay,
even though I have nothing,
with You I have everything I need.
This body fades,
time turns everything into rust,
being with You is all that matters,
walking with You all that I desire,
glorifying Your name my only purpose,
serving You my only mission.
You are the potter,
I am just the clay,
even though I have nothing,
with You I have everything I need.
Lord I am so close,
look down on me now,
see the humility of my heart,
know the sorrow contained within,
remove the darkness,
save me from the sadness,
fill me with Your love,
lift me into Your arms;
every hour,
every minute,
every second,
everything I have,
belongs to You.
You are the potter,
I am just the clay,
even though I have nothing,
with You I have everything I need.
A Dark Day
Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he
that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that
stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;
That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth
wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish;
Today was a dark day
rainy and cloudy,
windy and cold,
gloomy and sinister;
all day long.
I felt like I wanted
to do something,
but I didn’t know what,
sometimes it feels
as though this is the
story of my life;
dark days and
not knowing what
to do.
I saw a specialist yesterday
about my herniated disk,
he suggested trying a nerve block
to relieve the pain,
he doesn’t know if it will work,
but it beats the alternatives,
so I’m going to go with it.
I watched a show about Hitler
on the military channel,
it was about his rise to power
and the extraordinary events
which took place to make it happen,
it almost seemed supernatural,
which is exactly what it was,
monsters like him
only exist because God allows it.
While watching the thought occurred
that his whole purpose for existence
was to put the Jewish people
through a great refining trial
before being allowed
to return to their homeland,
and that perhaps
the whole purpose of America
becoming a nation
almost 200 years earlier,
was to make it possible
for Hitler’s eventual defeat
and pave the way
for God’s chosen people
to return to their promised land,
just like perhaps
the purpose of the Roman Empire
was to provide the method by which
fulfillment of a 700 year old prophecy
of the Messiah dying on a tree
could be fulfilled,
and that the subsequent news
of His resurrection could be spread
throughout the known world of the time,
through the technology of Roman roads
and transportation systems;
Of course, I’m sure
scholars and experts,
those so much wiser than I,
would laugh at such a notion,
but then it wouldn’t be
the first time
God has used seemingly
unrelated and unimaginable plans
to confound the wise and knowledgeable;
would it?
Who would have thought
that a rag tag band of uneducated
fishermen and peasants,
would confound and confuse
the educated and wise men of their day
by witnessing and testifying
to the greatest event
in the history of mankind?
Who could have imagined it?
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has
gone, the new has come. 2
Corinthians 5:17
No longer the same,
no longer a slave
of this flesh driven body,
no longer a victim,
no longer trapped
by fear and death,
something different;
a new creation.
Born of the spirit,
a foreigner
walking in a foreign land,
a child of light
called out from the darkness,
a chosen vessel;
a son of God.
Let me walk
in Your holy righteousness,
teach me how to grow,
fill me with Your endless love,
guide my steps
down the paths
which lead home
to You.
Knowledge of God
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom
and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past
finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his
counsellor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto
him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be
glory for ever. Amen. Romans
Wandering alone,
destroyed by the moment,
overcome by the magnitude,
afraid of the consequences;
eternally gone.
I have fallen short,
I have been less,
I have not been
all that You created
me to be.
I don’t comprehend the reason,
I can’t explain the why,
I only know through You
it will all work out
in the end.
Without suffering and pain
there would be no relief,
without sadness and sorrow
there would be no happiness and joy,
without darkness and evil
there would be no light and righteousness;
and without You
there would be no hope.
Thank you Lord,
rebuke me when I am wrong,
discipline me as a beloved son,
praise Your holy name,
to You belongs the glory
to You shall I belong
You Who Are My King
Without You,
the words no longer
have meaning,
without You,
the world is dark and cold,
without You,
there is no meaning,
without You,
there is no purpose.
You have led me
through the land of shadows
where hope does not exist,
You have brought me up
from the depths and pits
of death and despair,
You have saved me
from the destruction
of my wayward ways.
To You
does everything belong,
in You
will I place my hope and trust,
through You
shall I be redeemed;
You who are my King,
You who are my Lord,
You who I shall serve
You Are All There Is
From this time many of his
disciples turned back and no longer followed him. “You do not want to leave
too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom
shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you
are the Holy One of God.” John
Dark clouds on the horizon,
the storm rapidly approaches,
no escape, no where left to run;
eventually the end
catches us all.
Within Your sanctuary
I seek shelter,
You are my safe haven,
You are my only refuge,
to You alone do I run;
You are all there is.
Time grows short,
soon there will be
nothing left,
I wait for the day,
I long to be
where You are,
there is nothing else,
I cannot escape
even if I wanted to;
You are all there is.
Lord, I am so lost,
I am so blind,
I am so hopeless,
I am so pathetic,
I am so helpless,
without You
I am nothing;
You are all there is.
You teach me truth,
cutting through all
the hypocrisy and hate,
giving the example;
You are all there is.
Bring Me Home to You
Stay with me Father,
hold my head above the fray,
protect me from unseen enemies,
let my eyes see the light
of one more day;
lead me through this darkness,
help me to make a stand,
for I have forsaken Your
wisdom and righteousness,
I have wandered far
from Your protective hand;
bring me home to You Lord,
bring me home to You.
Never let me go,
never let me forget,
that for You all things are possible,
that there is nothing You do not know,
that there is nothing You cannot do;
bring me home to You Lord,
bring me home to You.
When hope has died
and tomorrow seems so far away,
You are there like a mighty beacon of light,
gently leading the way;
bring me home to You Lord,
bring me home to You.
This world deceives even the best,
the deceit and lies bring down
even the strongest,
without You there is no hope,
without You there is nothing;
bring me home to You Lord,
bring me home to You.
Praise You above all others,
praise You with every voice,
praise You with every breath;
praise You forever.
I search for answers and truth
among the shadows and fringes,
I travel through this land
of dying dreams and false hopes,
and no matter where I turn
it always comes back to You;
You are every answer,
You are every truth,
You are all I need.
When nothing seems right,
when the light no longer shines,
when the whole world comes crashing in,
You are there
like a cool springtime breeze,
when no one hears,
when no one cares,
You stand by my side
closer than a brother;
the King who laid down His life
to save a wretched piece of filth
like me.
In this life I have become a joke,
a fool without hope,
a lost ship tossing and turning
upon raging ocean waves,
look inside and see the sincerity,
see the passion,
see the desire,
see the love.
I am ready Lord,
ready to do Your will,
ready to belong to You
ready to come home to You.
Make my life fruitful,
make me a well from which
living waters flow;
make me a son
in whom a father
may take pride.
A Long Road
I think I am ready,
yes, this time
I think I am finally ready,
it has been a long road,
full of humiliation and degradation,
holding back at the hypocrisy,
turning the other cheek to the self-righteous,
listening to the babble of fools,
remaining silent
in the face of man-made knowledge
and wisdom;
it has been a long road.
I hear Your voice,
softly calling
in the middle of the night,
asking if I am ready
to let go,
asking if I am ready
to follow;
and yes,
this time I think
I am finally ready.
Lord, stay with me now,
stay with me forever,
reach out
and touch me
with Your blessed hand,
heal my wounds,
forgive my transgressions,
open my eyes,
fill me with Your light,
guide my paths,
overflow my cup,
restore my soul;
bring me home to You.
All I Really Want
The world as we know it
is ending,
all the fear,
all the worry,
are becoming reality.
My life goes by;
I eat,
I sleep,
I work,
I laugh,
I scream,
I find fault,
I point fingers,
I criticize,
I am right,
I am wrong,
I am filthy rags,
I am nothing;
all I really want
is You.
Look down on me now,
see the hope
growing inside,
see what no one else
can see,
see beyond the façade,
see beneath the veneer,
see that all I really want;
is You.
Reach out Your mighty hand,
pull me from this pit,
save me from the enemy
waiting to conquer and destroy,
remove all the iniquities and impurities,
help me rise above the stench and filth,
let all the world see;
that all I really want
is You.
Just One More Breath
I am tired of living a life
in a world where nothing really matters,
whose only function is self-satisfaction,
where goodness is measured
in terms of self-indulgence and self-glorification,
and success by total net worth;
I am tired of a life
without You.
I think about
how wonderful it will be
when I am where You are at,
no more worry,
no more fear,
no more disappointment,
no more turmoil,
no more struggle,
no more doubt.
I think about
how I long to leave this life behind,
step out of this fleshly prison
and walk into Your waiting arms,
but then I remember
how you lived Your life for me
without ever once thinking of Yourself,
struggling and sacrificing
through the agony and pain,
bearing the isolation and shame,
giving up Your life that I might live,
and I realize that You deserve
every minute of my life,
every thought, every action, every breath,
that You and You alone are my Lord and King,
that You have so much more for me to do,
so many things left unfinished,
so much wasted time to make up for,
so I ask for just one more breath,
that I might serve You,
just one more breath
that Your name might be glorified;
just one more breath
that I might breathe it
for You.
My Cup Runneth Over
In the quiet
of the slowly setting sun,
lie answers hidden so deep,
far from knowing eyes
or understanding minds;
there are stories
no man can tell,
there are places
no man can go.
You looked for the light
but it was only darkness
which you found,
you searched for redemption
yet it was only condemnation
that you deserved.
And yes there are stories
that no man can tell,
and there are places
where no man can go,
but still you held on,
waiting for an uncertain future,
following unsettled clues,
living without validity,
settling for pennies on the dollar,
surrendering to an enemy
already defeated,
making a home in the middle
of celestial wastelands.
I dreamed dreams,
wrestled with demons,
witnessed angels,
ran from the blackness
of the approaching night,
faced the wrath of an undeniable truth,
now I finally belong to You,
what more could I ask for?
what more could I ever need?
My cup runneth over,
surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
for all my days,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
Sitting in a Mall While Growing Old
“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for me will find it. What good will
it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” Matthew
“The man who loves his life will
lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for
eternal life.” John
“For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but
have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn
the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not
condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has
not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light
has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their
deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into
the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the
truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he as done
has been done through God.”
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In
this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
It’s not easy growing old,
but then again
it’s not so bad either,
there’s a calm sort of peace
sitting on a bench
in the middle of the mall,
drinking a cup of coffee,
watching people pass you by,
knowing that it will soon be
all over.
You start to see the egotistical ness
in it all,
for the first time
you begin to understand
the futility;
and it’s just not so bad.
The curtain is pulled back,
the illusion disappears,
the Holy Spirit speaks
and you realize:
nothing of this world matters,
that everything is temporary,
everything is changing,
yet everything remains the same,
that there is a truth much larger
than life or death,
all the selfishness, pride, ego, emotions,
feelings, lust, fear, anger, frustrations, greed,
are just a bunch of
self-absorbed hypocrisy,
coming and going,
growing and dying,
fading with each passing moment
of time.
We fail
because we choose it,
drowning in the madness,
running from the light,
blaming it on destiny,
making friends
with the prince of this world,
wallowing in our self-pity,
crying at the hopelessness,
preferring the darkness;
hiding from the truth.
Without Jesus there is nothing,
He is the vine
and we are the branches,
the beginning and the end,
the Alpha and the Omega,
the great I am,
the Truth, the Light
and the Way,
through Him are all things possible,
and no man cometh to the Father
but through Him;
praise His holy name forever!
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who
loved us.
Jesus looked at them and said,
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew
You, dear children, are from God
and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the
world. I John
I awake in the middle
of the dark and silent night,
helpless and afraid,
surrounded by the still and quiet depths,
overcome by the worries and cares,
reminded of an uncertain tomorrow,
fearful of all that lies beyond my control,
then You softly speak,
filling me with Your love,
overwhelming me with Your grace,
cleansing me of sin,
restoring my soul,
reminding me that I will never be alone;
that with You there is no
no rejection.
I sometimes wonder
just where this road is leading,
and I know no matter what lies ahead
You will see me through,
You will be by my side,
You will provide a way,
through every trial,
through every test,
You are there,
holding me up
when I can no longer stand,
providing strength
when there is nothing left;
through You I am more than a
through You all things are possible,
through You I am greater than the world.
Sometimes it becomes hard
separating friends from foes,
good intentions from bad;
truth from lies.
In a world ruled by flesh,
humility is sometimes replaced by pride,
issues clouded by agendas,
clarity overcome by confusion;
egotism and self-glorification
hidden within the face of love.
You have witnessed it all;
every dark, angry thought,
every sinister, evil plot,
every treacherous betrayal,
every late night denial;
remaining silent at the accusations,
withstanding the pain and lies,
loving when there was no love in return,
giving when there was nothing left to give,
forgiving when you had every right to hate,
walking the path
that no one else could;
sacrificing yourself
for the sake of the whole world.
Lord, I have nothing worthy of You,
I am but filthy rags in Your presence,
fit only for death and destruction,
Your love goes beyond my comprehension,
Your mercy more than I could ever deserve,
help me to forgive those with selfish motives
and hidden agendas,
help me to love those who do not deserve my love;
help me to be like You.
Never Been To Prison
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings,
and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your
head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many
sparrows. Luke 12:6-7
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
Never been to prison,
but I feel like
I’ve been behind bars
since the day I was born,
never seen the desert,
but I think I have been
planning the trip
all my life,
now my life
is almost over,
dried up
like an abandoned well,
a gentle mist,
a fog shrouded vapor,
see it fade,
see it change,
see it rearrange,
movement becomes hard,
pain a way of life,
everything is gone,
everything is different;
everything is new;
we reap what we sow
and I have sown the seeds
of perversion,
wallowed in the ways of lust,
fulfilled the desires of the flesh,
reveled in the excesses,
partook of the debauchery,
delighted in the thrills,
lived for the moment,
searched for forbidden fruit;
I deserve nothing.
All my life
I have lived in worlds of fantasy,
trapped by delusions and
non-existent details,
all my life
I have flirted with madness
and disasters beyond
mere magnitudes of mortality,
I have searched for finality,
witnessed untold destruction,
forever knowing,
continually waiting
for moments that came
and went like liquid glass;
the night belongs to those
who have nothing else.
Sadness is an art
known by only a few,
understood by none,
without beginning or end,
without mercy or compassion,
techniques and classifications
have no hold here,
no amount of money
can buy membership here,
words can save,
words can kill;
turn around
before it is too late;
once more
the darkness closes in,
once more
the abyss lies ahead,
calling, beckoning, caressing;
save me Lord……………!
In the morning
Your voice softly speaks,
telling me not to fear,
reminding me that You see
everything I do,
that not even a sparrow falls
without Your knowledge,
and that I am worth more
than many sparrows,
proving that You are real,
bringing peace
to my troubled mind,
removing the chaos and confusion,
lighting up the darkness;
thank you Lord.
Help me overcome
the spiritual darkness,
help me remember
that the arrogance and hypocrisy
of others will pass,
help me turn the other cheek
when I am attacked,
silence my lips before they utter
foolish words of vanity and evil,
teach me to control this flesh
seeking only self-fulfillment
and self-preservation,
remove anything
that is not of You,
let others see You through me;
let me be a son
of the living God.
Thank you Lord
I cannot make it without You,
I cannot live without You,
I cannot breath without You,
You are my King,
You are my Lord;
You are my EVERYTHING!!!!
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