Wednesday, February 15, 2012

He is There

The time draws near,
the journey almost at an end,
home is just beyond the distant horizon,
lying only a heartbeat away;

and I am ready.

He is there waiting,
ready to make all things new,
removing the darkness,
wiping away every tear.

The pain will pass,
the doubt removed,
suffering will be no more,
night turned into day;

the joy shall be forever.

And He is there waiting,
ready to make all things new,
removing the darkness,
wiping away every tear.

The words fade away,
time passes
like a dream in the night,
prison walls crumble
into the dust,
all things will be as intended;

all things will be made right.

He is there waiting,
ready to make all things new,
removing the darkness,
wiping away every tear.

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