Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wasted Days and Wasted Lives

Today was one of those
wasted days where you
have the time to do so many things,
but yet you wind up doing nothing,
laying around in your pajamas,
as grass and weeds which need
cutting and trimming quietly
grow outside,
you go back to bed and
sleep until one in the
you eat your wife’s Reeses Cups
and Kit Kat bars,
then feel guilty and tell yourself
you’ll run to the store later
and buy some more,
but you only leave the house
to take the dog outside,
as you take a double shot
of insulin to try and keep
your blood sugar under 400;
yes, a completely wasted,
unproductive day.

You try to write,
so the day won’t be
a complete loss,
perhaps provide a little
redemption for wasting
an entire day,
but it doesn’t help,
you think about things
you haven’t thought about
in a long time,
you think about people and
places which have come
and gone,
about plans and dreams
that never seemed to
work out,
you think about life,
you think about death,
you think about lies
and hypocrisy,
all the bullshit in this life,
all the nonsense and chaos,
you think about monsters,
dark and evil,
who steal the innocence
and faith from young
taking all they have
leaving them to grow up
with nothing left to give,
you think about all the lives
wasted by wars and greed,
all the suffering in the name
of ego and pride,
you think about truth
and know that there is
only One;
and all the wasted days and
wasted lives are the
only proof you’ll ever need.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Common Ground

Once there was a chance
for you and I,
a chance that we could meet
on common ground,
perhaps find a small bit
of mutual understanding,
a place not too much me
and not too much you,
a place somewhere
in the middle,
but now that chance
is long gone,
time has grown short,
you are where you are
and I am where I am,
with too much space
still we had some moments,
playing catch in the backyard,
fishing in Canada;
you were my dad
and I was your little boy.

I sometimes wish it could
have been different,
somehow better,
something more,
but it was good enough,

thank you dad.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Love

I see her in every face,
every smile,
every laugh,
every touch,
every word,
every line,
every song,
every woman;
it is more than
I can resist.

Into my dreams
she comes,
warm and soft,
sensuous and sweet,
washing over me
like cool liquid rain,
wave after delicious wave,
saturating me with desire,
marking me with her scent,
filling me with her fullness;
making me alive
once again.

Melting into her
inner sanctuary,
I smell her fragrance,
I taste her softness,
I feel her passion,
drowning in a love
that is no love,
trapped within the walls
of a house that is
no house.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Very Dangerous Thing

Even now the battle rages,
deep within cavern walls,
victory but a moment away,
lying just beyond
the frozen landscape;
so close,
so far.

Defining moments come
and go,
providing very little
a temporary fog,
a momentary diversion,
a slight pause in the program,
a necessary distraction;
the price has been paid.

I feel the slithering presence,
I know the approaching omnipotence,
it is never far behind,
seeking more,
thirsting for the last drop,
sucking the last breath,
taking all there is to give,
hiding within the night,
running from the light;
giving in with barely a fight.

Destinations change with the season,
faces never what they seem,
understanding no longer an option,
lost inside this never ending dream,
you know the answers,
you know the way,
you know the truth;
and that can be
a very dangerous thing.

Friday, April 6, 2012


What words have I,
that pay honor to a King?
what gift can be given,
worthy of His name?

He who overcame,
He who defeated death forever,
He who reigns eternally,
He who is our master.

Mocked and mistreated,
spit upon and reviled,
beaten and scourged,
led like a lamb to the slaughter,
sacrificed upon a tree
for our iniquities and transgressions,
resurrected from the grave
that through faith in Him
none should perish,
but all might have life.

Through Him are all things possible,
through Him are all things made new,
to Him does all praise belong,
to Him is all glory given,
lift up His name
before all others;
the Holy One of God.


We are all murderers,
we are all criminals,
we are all killers,
we are all thieves,
we are all innocent,
we are all guilty;
we are all dying,
in this place
there is no redemption,
no forgiveness,
no hope;
without You,
there are no answers.

Some realities exist beyond
the distant horizon looming
before our limited eyes,
some truths are bigger
than the capabilities
of our simple minds
to comprehend,
some questions
are better left unasked;
somewhere there is light,
somewhere there is forgiveness,
somewhere there is hope;
somewhere there is You.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I don’t write a lot anymore,
it’s not that I can’t,
it’s just that there isn’t
much left to say,
I have been to the dark edge,
I have seen the other side,
I have known the lies,
I have known the truth,
I have felt the light,
I am ready for the end
I am ready for the night;
I am ready to begin.

I have been blessed in ways
which words can never describe,
there is nothing that I desire,
there is nothing that I want,
everyday is a gift,
every minute a miracle,
every breath a reprieve,
this body continues to struggle,
but it is only temporary,
a slight inconvenience,
a momentary delay,
it will fade like
the evening sun,
all that will be left is love;
all that will be left is You.

You have made this possible,
You have brought me to this place
I could never find by myself,
You continue to stand by my side
when death is all I deserve,
You continue loving me when I
can’t even love myself;
You are my King,
You are my Lord,
You are my Everything.


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